7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for berimor

Hi guys, can anybody help, plase. Is there an instrument to manage .edb file (as far as i know Oracle's Enterprise DB but under free licence)?

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for cpopham

Okay, I have been working with MySql for quite a while on Windows and can generally do what I need. I use Navicat to do a lot of the work because it is a lot faster than working it from a prompt. Anyway, I got permission to set up a …

Member Avatar for jeepj27

This is going to sound crazy - but is there any way to to a search for a phrase of text within my SQL database? (I am obviously not very knowledgeable) except on how to get there! :) Thanks for the help!

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for balu

i have one table,which maintain daily transactions for each minitute,but i would like to know per day for each 15 minutes interval how many rows are entering into that table

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for qazs

Hi, How can I delete from multiple tables? I'm using this query and its not working: "DELETE FROM table1,table2 WHERE $localTime > table1.Time OR $localTime > table2.Time"; What I hope to achieve is deleting rows from table1 and table2 where their Time Field is less than $localTime. Thanks very much.

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for jenkins_t

Have any of you used Dadabik as a end user app for MySQL? I am currently using PHPBB and MySQL for a forum. I have another db in MySQL that I want users to be able to search the db, add records, etc. (non profit, db would be used as …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for iversr

I am completely new to phpMyAdmin and relatively new to MySQL, so this may be a dumb question. Please forgive me if it is. I have MySQL running successfully, no problems that I am aware of. I have IIS running on the same server with PHP installed and am successfully …

Member Avatar for iversr
Member Avatar for cpopham

I am a student and am developing my knowledge of MySQL and am practicing using it as a backend for some of my apps. I can run MySql on my laptop (Windows XP Pro) and use my apps referring to the local host. We have a wireless network in our …

Member Avatar for detboydave
Member Avatar for OmriA

Hey, I am having a really stupid yet annoying problem. I have a simple database stracture (I'll give an example below) and I want to do a query that will loop through it's elements trying to display the list amount of times each element (trying to make it the most …

Member Avatar for Chagh
Member Avatar for mhnewmedia

I have a form that should write to MyDQL Database but isn't I have been looking at it for hours and it is driving me crazy. [CODE]$sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES '$id','$Name','$DoB_Day','$DoB_Month','$DoB_Year','$Address_1','$Address2','$Town','$Postcode','$Telephone','$Mobile','$Email','$6th_Form','$6th_Form_Year','$6th_Form_Institution','$6th_Form_Course_Title','$College','$College_Year','$College_Name','$College_Course','$E2E','$E2E_Provider','$Apprenticeship','$Apprenticeship_Level','$App_Employer_Name','$App_Work_Area','$Employment','$Employment_Basis','$Emp_Employer_Name','$Emp_Job_Title','$Emp_Training','$University','$University_Name','$Uni_Course_Title','$Gap_Year','$Unemployed','$Other')";[/CODE] I have used this method before and it worked fine but it just isn't playing nicely today. …

Member Avatar for PatrickE
Member Avatar for rsaicrag

I am doing an SQL statement that tries to get the [B]percentage[/B]..but i dont know how to do it in MySQL here is the sample of my code: SELECT count( * ) , rating, percentage.... FROM `acne_prod_rating` WHERE prod_id =5 GROUP BY rating the output should be like this: count(*) …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Secret Agent

I have a link per customer for mrtg graph and remote reboot access. I need to be able to integrate the login to be password protected, connected to ModernBill database where the client can use their MB login info to access the mrtg / remote reboot page as well. How …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for dsgnews

Please, please, help me out in rewriting my sub-query to some kind of JOIN for earlier MySQL version: The query should retrive any availble rooms from the database MY ATTEMPTED SUB-QUERY: Select * From Room R Where R.room_no NOT IN( Select B.room_no From R.room_no = B.room_no And R.room_type = ‘single’ …

Member Avatar for demo
Member Avatar for bmcgahan

MySQL Experts, I have a UBBThreads forum that uses MySQL for the database. Recently a user's posts were accidentally deleted. We have a backup of the database but unfortunately it's quite old. We urgently need someone who is versed in MySQL operations and preferably is also familiar with UBBThreads to …

Member Avatar for dsgnews

Hey folks, I need your help. I stuck with my Database project. I have five tables on the database: These are Room, Guest, Booking, Employee and Admin Room (room_ no, room_ type, price) Guest (guest_ no, Fname, Sname, address,…) Booking (room_no, guest_no, Fname, Sname, arrival_date, departure_date, emp_no, user_name, password) Employee …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for WRobertson

I've been impressed by MySQL's ability to run as a database on a server with clients connecting using a client-server or web based architecture. I'm now wondering if a version of MySQL can be cost effectively licenced to run with application software (which might traditionally have used a Jet database) …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi, please anyone help me with this.I have a database 'hbm' which contain a table called hitted having 2 columns(id,hit). I inserted a record with id=1. Now i need to query this database. define("hit_TBL","hitted"); "select hit from" . hit_TBL. " where id=1 and LIMIT=1"; throws error. request members to help …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for enh1105

I'm having trouble figuring out how to query multiple tables. (Note: I've greatly simplified the tables for clarity purposes) I have 2 tables: Invites and Purchases The invites table has the following fields: email & invitee The purchases table has the following fields: useremail & product Invites tables +------------------+----------------------+ | …

Member Avatar for pcschrottie
Member Avatar for Atomica

I am working on a site for a school project and all I have access to is php and html. I would like to be able to run some MySQL - but I am unable to find a place that will remotly host it for me. Does any one know …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for buck_nakie

Hi all, I am learning to write with PHP and am stuck and need some wise souls help. In a nutshell I need to be able to take grab a DB coulmn status and then count how many times it gets updated and output that number to a file and …

Member Avatar for curiousdan
Member Avatar for mediaphyte
Member Avatar for mick19681999

could someone provide me with the sql for the following code: Dim i As Integer Dim countvar As Integer If Number_of_Panels.Text > 1 And Number_of_Panels.Text < 27 Then For i = 1 To Number_of_Panels.Text countvar = (countvar + 1) Project_Number.SetFocus MsgBox Project_Number.Text & countvar Number_of_Panels.SetFocus Next i Else End If …

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for pgroover

Okay, not new to MySQL, or PHP, but I'm really lost on this one. I have a query (simple one really) that is supposed to return the requested values from a database. I've tested the query with MySQL direct and it works fine, but when used via the web interface, …

Member Avatar for pgroover
Member Avatar for sweet_jam_in

I am using mysql 4.0 server. But in the database I can not use special characters (i.e. latin characters, root sign etc.) or can not use superscript or subscript. In the front end I am using VB. When I am copying the text from Ms word and pasting it the …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for mick19681999

hi folks, i am creating a database in access 97. I have designed 5 different forms which are all linked to the same table. the forms share some of the same fields but not all, except for the admin form which sees them all. my forms are made up of …

Member Avatar for endusto

how would you check if a value exists in a database? i want to use this for ip blocking so it will check if your ip is on the list and if so, it will not let you access a specfic page.

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Morgoth

i'm having a problem with my SQL query. i'm trying to create another column with values based on the values of the other columns and call it sTitle. Every time i try to execute my SQL statement it brings back this error: Illegal mix of collations for operation 'concat' Error …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Ajaxxx

I have the following code: [php]$rebate_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_REBATES . " where product_id = " . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']); $rebate_information = tep_db_fetch_array($rebate_query);[/php] This should return only 1 row of data I have this code - " [php]$rebate = $rebate_information['rebate_amount'];[/php] " for extracting the rebate amount. For the life …

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for Luckasoft

Dear friends! We are asking your opinion on alpha-version of our MySQL Client Some people ask what is the point of yet another My SQL client (there are dozens of them). We see our niche as low cost solution-a set of several tools with everything a web-master might need. It …

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for spyder

Helo everyone, I have installed a php directory script similar to this at: [[url]http://www.dentalarticles.com/directory/add_url.php?c=303][/url] and I wonder if someone could possible tell me how to add 3 additional fields to the submission form. Is this something that could be done by someone with almost zero programming knowledge? !!! Thanks all.

Member Avatar for paradox814

The End.