Ncurses and C++ Programming Computer Science by Ashildr77 …nothing. I’m new to this all, especially ncurses. How can I use ncurses “getyx” command and put those coordinates into a… devs, software people….most haven’t even heard of the ncurses library. I’m trying to practice with C++ and make…try it without color? Are there some good tutorials on ncurses? Any other examples or resources I should look at for… ncurses issues Programming Software Development by nmcentire … that I have an assignment that requires use of the ncurses library. I have a partial program that I have to…> #include <curses.h> #include <ncurses> #include <ncurses.h> etc. with varying degrees of success. The… on my computer, can couldn't find curses.h or ncurses.h, so I went out looking for it, and got… Re: Ncurses memory leak problem Programming Software Development by hohoho89 …NOTICE! The exit_client contains delwin() and endwin()) /*ncurses window*/ WINDOW *inputWin; WINDOW *outputWin; void …signal(SIGINT, exit_client); int ret; char machine[BUFFERSIZE]; /*ncurses mode*/ initscr(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); cbreak();… Re: Ncurses memory leak problem Programming Software Development by L7Sqr There is another [ncurses] FAQ that explains the reasoning behind this: [url=]leak FAQ[/url] Re: Ncurses memory leak problem Programming Software Development by hohoho89 Well, there should be like "gcc -g -00 - o client client.c && valgrind --disable-leaks ./client" something like that right? [QUOTE=L7Sqr;1500539]There is another [ncurses] FAQ that explains the reasoning behind this: [url=]leak FAQ[/url][/QUOTE] Ncurses and related functions Programming Software Development by Gaiety [CODE] #include<ncurses.h> int main() { WINDOW *win ; initscr(); win = newwin(10,…("END"); return 0; } [/CODE] I just started learning Ncurses and have some questions: i understand that [ICODE]initscr()[/ICODE… Re: Ncurses and related functions Programming Software Development by Gaiety [QUOTE=Gaiety;1100150][CODE] #include<ncurses.h> int main() { WINDOW *win ; initscr(); win = newwin(10,…("END"); return 0; } [/CODE] I just started learning Ncurses and have some questions: i understand that [ICODE]initscr()[/ICODE… Ncurses memory leak problem Programming Software Development by hohoho89 … respectful because this is the first time I've used ncurses. But here's my story. I'm making a application… using the ncurses. and I just realized one thing. Whenever I used initscr… Re: Ncurses and related functions Programming Software Development by WaltP What input functions are available with ncurses? Re: Ncurses and related functions Programming Software Development by Gaiety [QUOTE=WaltP;1107844]What input functions are available with ncurses?[/QUOTE] Ohh ...! i did not check the man pages. i actually got the required functions. scanw, wscanw, and others . still facing problems, anyways i will post it here soon. Re: Ncurses memory leak problem Programming Software Development by L7Sqr …] does valgrind say the leak is? Your code, within the ncurses library? Do you just get a certain amount of increase… Re: Ncurses memory leak problem Programming Software Development by L7Sqr … want to see these reports.[/quote] This is probably all ncurses-related. You can get the full report if you do… Ncurses and pong Programming Software Development by sasucker … us, as well as a quick good search for "ncurses integer" and have yet to find a function in… Ncurses and Windows Programming Software Development by Gaiety … me. i am using the following program. [CODE] #include<ncurses.h> int main() { char ch; int x , y; WINDOW… ncurses menu problem Programming Software Development by Dewey1040 I'm trying to create a menu using ncurses, I found some useful code and help online, but the … ncurses menu navigation Programming Software Development by sarah.mathieson.7 I am trying to use the ncurses menu library to create a menu. I found some wonderful … Re: ncurses Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … with the subject of your thread?? You didn't mention ncurses at all. Re: Missing <ncurses.h>!!!! Programming Software Development by necrolin … if I'm not much help. I've never used ncurses so I'm just googling so that I can learn… myself. For Ubuntu, I believe that you'd need the ncurses development libraries as well. Use synaptic and run a search… PLEASE tell me is there a library like ncurses in C++ Programming Software Development by nadith_cs is there a library to manipulate the output or like ncurses in linux, in visual c++ in windows? or else tell me a way to move the cursor according to the coordinates x & ncurses in linux. Missing <ncurses.h>!!!! Programming Software Development by panagos …="Red"][B][U]i have to use <ncurses.h>[/U][/B][/COLOR] for a project and it… program with something like this:[/U][/B] [CODE]#include <ncurses.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int X… 2D bool array, ncurses Programming Software Development by samurai1200 … (boolean). [CODE] bool grid[24][80];[/CODE] Then, using the ncurses API, I grab a key press: [CODE]key = getch();[/CODE…!!! The debugger won't attach because of some funny stuff ncurses is doing. But if after I initialize grid[][], i do… Displaying sudoku grid ith ncurses Programming Software Development by Jake Black Hello I have wrote a c program to solve sudokus, and i would like to know if i can draw the grid and fill it using ncurses library. i just would like to know how to control the lines and borders of boxes in ncurses thank you very much Re: using use_env from <ncurses.h> Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon No -- that code is MS-Windows specific. ncurses for MS-Windows only works with console programs, not GUI programs. If you want a gui program that is portable to both *nix and windows then don't use ncurses but use something like wxWidgets (there are others too) Re: Missing <ncurses.h>!!!! Programming Software Development by necrolin Google is your friend. Apparently ncurses is available in Mingw as a user contributed library/package … how to use ncurses on a linux based complier Programming Software Development by web_master … them is gotoxy() and i have found that there is ncurses() instead on linux. but i dont know the syntax. if… Re: how to use ncurses on a linux based complier Programming Software Development by Salem Don't cross-post [url][/url] Try searching "ncurses tutorial" Re: how to use ncurses on a linux based complier Programming Software Development by Ahmed_I …, I've searched for a function similar to gotoxy() in ncurses . I think i found this function: 1- [CODE]mvaddch(row… using use_env from <ncurses.h> Programming Software Development by sid78669 …? Also, does anybody know what is the Windows version of ncurses for it does not work with windows? Re: using use_env from <ncurses.h> Programming Software Development by sid78669 thanks! it helped alot on windows. but is it the same for ncurses on unix? where i can download this header file ncurses.h for windows? Programming Software Development by adcodingmaster hi all. from where i can download this header file ncurses.h for windows? thnx in advance