Null reference exception Programming Software Development by xanawa … sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvMessages.CurrentRow == null) { return; } try { int select = dgvMessages.CurrentRow.Index; //NULL REFERENCE EXCEPTION DateTime dateTimeMessage = Convert.ToDateTime(dgvMessages.Rows[select… Null reference exception mvc 4 Programming Web Development by iamchamith There is a null reference exception occurred in MVC 4 application as below [click here to view exception]( but values are came to the variable. there for no point to happen null reference exception. why is that. good luck :) VB.NET - Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by STP_Captain_Slo … this time i am getting the following error: Null Reference Exception was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I… Re: VB.NET - Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by STP_Captain_Slo … i will use, but i am still getting: Null Reference Exception was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I… JaggedArray Null Reference Exception Programming Software Development by ariez88 …) { JaggedArray[jaggedVar][i] = new PossibleValues[i]; } } jaggedVar++; But this gives null reference exception at JaggedArray[jaggedVar][i] = new PossibleValues[i]; I searched it… over the internet and came to know that JaggedArray remains null hence values cannot be assigned this way.How to resolve… Re: VB.NET - Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by rathideva ….Red .Top = r.Next(PictureBox1.Top, PictureBox1.Bottom - 10) //error null reference exception was handeled// .Left = r.Next(PictureBox1.Left, PictureBox1.Right - 10… Re: Null reference exception mvc 4 Programming Web Development by hericles … doesn't have a value for the name property. The null pointer exception really only means one thing: the value it refers… to is null. Step through the loop in the debugger, wait for… Null Reference and Active X exceptions Programming Software Development by Drowzee …=true; } [/code] The final line, axLEAD1, is what causes the exception. axLEAD1 is declared in the frmMain class like so: [code…] private AxLEADLib.AxLEAD axLEAD1=new AxLEADLib.AxLEAD(); [/code] Removes the Null reference exception, but I then get an 'InvalidActiveXStateException' occuring in the axinterop… null reference error Programming Software Development by moone009 …' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. does anyone know why I am… null reference exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by annesil …(inc).Item(0)-error msg appeared here sayin null reference evception was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object… Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Try, [code] dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString() ; [/code] Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca This is the even of some control. This will fire a always file on the form load, becuas the dataGridView always selects the [0,0] based sell - this is upper, left cell. And when it does, the event fires up. What you can do, to prevent executing the code on a form load (or when ever you do NOT want it to be fired), you can set a flab; boolean flag. … Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by xanawa i am sorry i made a mistake i am not calling it in the form_load.. but still it is not working. Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca try this code: [CODE]int index = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;[/CODE] Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by xanawa [QUOTE=Mitja Bonca;1546062]try this code: [CODE]int index = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;[/CODE][/QUOTE] didnt work either.. is it maybe because i am filling the data in the grid view frm the code on form load? Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca I dont nkow. Its got to be something, becase the code I just gave you works here. Can you show me the code you use to populated dgv? Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by xanawa yes ofcourse [CODE]private void FillDataGridView() { ManagerNotification mgrNotification = new ManagerNotification(); List<Notification> listOfNotifications = mgrNotification.GetAllNotificationByUserID(staffID); foreach (Notification n in listOfNotifications) {… Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca Hmmm, some strnage code. How do you get the row index number. The problem for sure is lying in tis code. Try using this one: [CODE] private void FillDataGridView() { ManagerNotification mgrNotification = new ManagerNotification(); List<Notification> listOfNotifications = mgrNotification.… Re: Null reference exception Programming Software Development by xanawa didnt work -.- Re: Null Reference and Active X exceptions Programming Software Development by Drowzee Actually, it wasn't. Now, if I delete the project folder and extract the full project again, the same Null reference (or active X) exception occurs when I don't make any changes to the files. Re: VB.NET - Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by codeorder … it to error with: [ICODE][COLOR="Red"]Object reference not set to an instance of an object.[/COLOR][/ICODE… Exception Handling Programming Software Development by zachattack05 …combobox, what would be the best way to handle the null reference exception thrown when the form loads or the filter changes and…just have a simple if statement to basically ignore the exception if either of those values is true. But I'… I keep thinking that if a method is throwing an exception and you just "filter" the exceptions like I… Re: Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by Bchandaria provide an exception handler before the condition Re: Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by Momerath … (in line 15), indexes 1, 2, and 3 are all null, thus there is no courseName.Name and the error. Use… Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by infinitus …"); writer.WriteElementString("courseName", coursename.Name); //<---- Object reference not set to an instance of an object writer.WriteEndElement… Re: Null Reference and Active X exceptions Programming Software Development by Drowzee … unable to avoid it because I am correctly addressing the Null System Reference issue? Re: null reference exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by annesil im using microsoft access 2007 for my database and microsoft visual studio 2008...i already upgraded the visual studio with SP1..plssssssss helpppp! Re: null reference exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by Netcode you can enter these lines of code in areas where you have such errors. you have to convert the rows in a datatable to type 'string before' you can place them in textboxes. [CODE] For Each myDataRow As DataRow In objdatatable.Rows TextBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(myDataRow("item1")) TextBox2.Text = … Re: VB.NET - Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by codeorder Could be that the CheckBox.Tag is empty. [CODE]If Not Chk.Tag Is Nothing Then txtTest.Text = CType(pnlChk.Controls(Chk.Tag.ToString), TextBox).Text[/CODE] Or you could use this and skip using the .Tag of a CheckBox entirely. [CODE] '// use "txt" and the # at the end of each CheckBox's Name to locate control.… Re: VB.NET - Null Reference Exception was unhandled Programming Software Development by STP_Captain_Slo I can't beleive it, i've worked out why it wasn't working. Basically i didn't think it would make a difference but i failed to add that my Chk boxes are in one Panel and my Textboxs are in a different Panel, so obviously it cannot "See" the Textboxes. So my new question is, Is there away round this or should i just remove the …