parameter passing using stacks Programming Software Development by jeevsmyd I am a 2nd year Computer Science and Engineering student from India .. My Computer Organization sir gave this statement while teaching implementing parameter passing using stacks mov Ro,20(SP) To me it looks to be incorrect ! How can you move an item to any location other than the top of the stack? Program wont work (Need help with parameter passing) Programming Software Development by acdougla17 … and I am kind of lost when it comes to parameter passing. So my program needs to read a text file 1… IDE Change / parameter passing Programming Software Development by wheats1 …. Now my problem is that the two compiler use different parameter passing routines. Now I would have to change a lot of… Parameter passing to php. can anyone help me debugging the code Programming Web Development by tarunkhatri … employee_id to a page. My code is working fine and passing parameter to page but the problem is rather then the current… parameter , It is passing the previous parameter which was selected in previous submit. Below is… Re: Parameter passing to php. can anyone help me debugging the code Programming Web Development by poojamakhija … employee_id to a page. My code is working fine and passing parameter to page but the problem is rather then the current… parameter , It is passing the previous parameter which was selected in previous submit. Below is… Re: Parameter passing to php. can anyone help me debugging the code Programming Web Development by dr jekl Since you want to pass the proc_employee_id, you are already passing it when you submit the form. All of the items … Re: Parameter passing to php. can anyone help me debugging the code Programming Web Development by tarunkhatri Is there any solution for it? BY which i can use the current value to be used as parameter parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee … asp in our company... here i got one prob that passing the parameter thru onclick.. i tried a lot but nothing materialize… the form iprev.. here my prob is when i save parameter into a session variable its showing "type mismatch"… parameter passing in jsp page Programming Web Development by daravindm i have adoubt about passing a parameter in JSP page.. could u help anyone please.. i have … Parameter Passing with Link Buttons Programming Web Development by anitha joe … in 1st aspx page..the integer variable year is the parameter that I want to pass..Now how do I receive… this parameter in the 2nd page. Can I access that with the… Re: parameter passing using stacks Programming Software Development by gusano79 SP is just a pointer to somewhere in memory; nothing enforces stack discipline. If there's more code in the example than the one line you provided here, the rest of it might prove enlightening. Could you post anything else that came with the MOV instruction? Re: ModalPopupExtender and parameter passing Programming Web Development by LastMitch >ModalPopupExtender and parameter passing I don't see any javascript in your code? I mean I think you want a javascript to update the <%# Eval("P_TRANSACTIONID") %> ? I'm not sure Re: Passing variable in methods Programming Software Development by arunkumars your question doesnt seem clear, do u have any errors, if so, post them. otherwise the above code should work properly, the parameter passing to methods are proper. strange problem in parameter passing Programming Software Development by aliyesami … script and use it. I am passing part of the variable name OOCEA as parameter but i am not able to use… _beginthreadex parameter passing... Race condition? Programming Software Development by DarthMustard … multiple connections. To implement this, I have been using _beginthreadex, passing references to sockets to the child thread. For example: [code… at least the first line (where the value of the parameter is read) before the value of [icode]sClient[/icode] is… Reference and Pointer Parameter Passing Confusion Programming Software Development by freedomflyer …]. For all I know, it is doing the right job passing it off to [B]InserRecursive[/B], but the compiler is… Array parameter passing Programming Software Development by jem00 Hey guys, I'm trying to send an array as a parameter and it is not working.... I have set it to passed by reference in my sub. Visual Basic says: "Compile error: Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected" How may i solve this problem? Yours words of wisdom are greatly appreciated. Thanks. Re: Parameter passing to php. can anyone help me debugging the code Programming Web Development by Will Gresham Your problem will be this line: [code] <form action='manager_employee_select.php?proc_employee_id=<?php echo $_POST['proc_employee_id']; ?>' method="POST">[/code] This will put the proc_employee_id from the previous form as in the URL for this forms action. Re: Parameter passing to php. can anyone help me debugging the code Programming Web Development by tarunkhatri Thanks , I found a way out.jekl your answer did helped me thank you very much. Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy your onClick commands should be equal to: onClick="uploadpicture('img1')"> Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee no am getting the value of imgno inside the function... after that i cannot assign it to a session variable.. if its not possible is thr any other ways to pass the parameters.....(other than url querystring) Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy Then your session variable is not setting correctly. You should have no problem retrieving and setting that imgno. The problem happens when you set the name of the session variable. Do you have to have a unique string on it as each session is only used by one computer? Try removing the strSUnique OR try resetting the value of strSUnique inside your… Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee but its showing session is not a keyword when i put it inside the sub or function which is inside the vbscript. but outside the vbscript its working.. and another thing after removing vbscript tag when i click the button it should call the function but its showing object expected which is that function... think i am totally confused............ Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee [code]<input type="button" value="Upload" name="B1" onclick='<% Session("imagecap" & strSUnique) = "1"%>;submit()'><br><br> <input type="button" value="Upload" name="B2" onclick='<% Session("imagecap" & strSUnique) = &… Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy the reason why your last code isn't working like you thought is because you are calling the <% %> when the server runs the code. Therefore, you are essentially setting session("imagecap...) 5 times, with firs 1, then 2, then 3, and ending in 5. This is why it will always be 5. Sorry I missed this before, but vbscript does not set values … Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy oh and if the this.form.sessionvalue.value= does not work for you, use: document.forms.formname.sessionvalue.value= Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee hei this is some good logic but not working.. here my hidden field doesnot accept the value i think.. i forgot to say another thing .. my form tag is.. [code]<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="admin_iupl.asp" method="post" name="iprev"> [/code] i will give u the complete form and the next… Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee another one thing....another form is here in this same page.. i forgot to tell this.. sorryyyyyyyyyyyy Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy did you try changing "this.form..." to "document.iprev.sessionvalue.value=" or "document.forms.iprev.sessionvalue.value="? Get back to me, I'll help you figure this one out tonight. Re: parameter passing thru on click for different buttons Programming Web Development by anto_nee hei now the hidden value is ok its retrieving correct values from 0 to 4.. its by using the this.for... only... now the prob with request.form in the next page whn i go thru searches i think i have to use the binary read but this binary read i dont know how to use [code]n = Request.TotalBytes data = Request.BinaryRead(n) For i = 1 to n …