1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for Fireprufe15

I'm trying to make a program that saves images in a database. I've pulled together some info on the net and wrote up code that I think is supposed to work, but fails in a completely unique way on either side (the saving and the loading). Here's my code, could …

Member Avatar for Hemo2013
Member Avatar for gerhardjl

Hi Group, (delphi 7 refers) I haven't used delphi for some time. I have now a very basic app. Three buttons on form, Start/Stop/Exit objective> When Start is pressed, the app enters a while(tick=true) do begin..someCode;...end; What I now require is that, when Stop is pressed, the appl abort thisstart …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for fernandofranca

Sorry I´m new to PASCAL and I´m using Lazarus to program for Windows CE I dont know why I´m getting the error Error: constructors, destructors and class operators must be methods I have my Unit1 where I´m declaring my form procedures as bellow unit Unit1; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, …

Member Avatar for fernandofranca
Member Avatar for Dani

What is the difference between Pascal and Delphi? I heard they're like the same language?

Member Avatar for seblake
Member Avatar for 恒

I use image component to display a picture for JPG,but it is lost a color.why I never meet this. I can't to upload picture to this forum.

Member Avatar for 恒
Member Avatar for pritaeas

This snippet shows how you can get the headers for an URL, for example to detect a redirect. I had to use the ANSI functions to ensure correctly returned headers. Manual entry for [HttpQueryInfo](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa385373(v=vs.85).aspx). Let me know if you have any questions/remarks.

Member Avatar for vrkiro
Member Avatar for nblackburn

I am string to convert a string to a constant as the `StringChangeEx` function takes the second argument as a const but i have it as a string and am unsure how to get this function working as i am new to pascal. The problem is in the BackupFile function …

Member Avatar for nblackburn
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I have the following code: const AGENT = 'User Agent'; SERVER = 'www.daniweb.com'; RESOURCE = 'api/access_token'; ID = ''; // my client id SECRET = ''; // my client secret CODE = ''; // my returned code, pasted from the browser REDIRECT_URI = ''; // my redirect uri ACCEPT: packed …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nadiah.izzati

program WaterBill; uses winCrt; type customer=record acct_no:longint; code:char; liter:longint; amount:real; end; var arrayC:array[1..50] of customer; index:integer; loop:boolean; continue:char; arr:customer; PROCEDURE read_data(var data:customer); begin writeln('Customer Info: '); writeln('Account number: '); readln(data.acct_no); writeln('Code(H,C,I) : '); readln(data.code); writeln('Unit of liter: '); readln(data.liter); end; function calc_bill(code:char):real; begin if (code='H') then begin if (arr.liter<=15000) then …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nadiah.izzati

my code can't seem to find the maximum price. program Mobile; uses winCrt; type Mobilephone=record brand:integer; model:String; price:real; end; var hp:array[1..100] of Mobilephone; count,m,MobileNum:integer; max:real; PROCEDURE read_data(var newMobile:Mobilephone); begin writeln('Brand:(1:Samsung 2:iPhone 3:Nokia)'); readln(newMobile.brand); writeln('Model:'); readln(newMobile.model); writeln('Price:'); readln(newMobile.price); end; PROCEDURE displayexp(var exp:Mobilephone); begin if(exp.price>max) then begin writeln('THE MOST EXPENSIVE HP:'); writeln('Brand: …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for corl45

ok, every time i start a new project in dev-pascal. i edit the resource file to somthing like this: [CODE]1 ICON "C:/Dev-Pas/Icons/Edit.ico"[/CODE] ive tried manualy doing it, and with the build in GUI. after i compile the resource file itself it works just fine says: "compiled correctly" but when i …

Member Avatar for miracleX
Member Avatar for riki.kavadarci

Hi Does anyone know how to use it? I mean FastMM in Delphi. Or any code to work with memory leaks. Clear memory when application run or stuff like that. My exe (application )growing used memory when work and open forms, click button, read from database etc. thank you

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kalo150

it gives me an error and the code is: var a,b,c:integer; begin write('a=');readln(a); write('b=');readln(b); write('c=');readln(c); if a>b then begin if a>c then writeln('a=',a) else writeln('c=',c); end; else begin if b>c then writeln('b=',b) else writeln('c=',c); end; readln; end.

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Member Avatar for Llama098

Maybe some one can help, to make a programm, who show after some seconds random 30 numbers in massive, then they disappears and you must guess as many numbers as you can.

Member Avatar for riki.kavadarci
Member Avatar for blob84

Hello when I compile this piece of program written in pascal with gpc (GNU pascal for linux) for pascal, I get errors: cradle: In function `_start': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `_start' /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/../../../../lib/crt1.o:(.text+0x0): first defined here cradle: In function `_fini': (.fini+0x0): multiple definition of `_fini' /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/../../../../lib/crti.o:(.fini+0x0): first defined here cradle:(.rodata+0x0): multiple …

Member Avatar for blob84
Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115

Hey guys... I keep getting an error(Error 26: Type Mismatch) in line 19(Until num='';) and I don't know how to fix it... Can you guys please assist me.....Thanks.... program sequence; uses wincrt; var num,count_zero,count_non_zero:integer; Begin count_non_zero:=0; Repeat writeln('Enter a number'); readln(num); IF num=0 then count_zero:=count_zero+1 Else count_non_zero:=count_non_zero+1; writeln('Non Zero Count: …

Member Avatar for kalo150
Member Avatar for Gobroski

This works in C++ Builder: int chcolor; for(int d, d < 5, d++); { String name = "d" + IntToStr(i+1); TLMDSpeedButton* button = dynamic_cast<TLMDSpeedButton*>(this->FindComponent(name)); chcolor = random(6)+1; switch (chcolor) { case 1: button->Color = clRed; break; case 2: button->Color = clSilver; break; case 3: button->Color = clBlue; break; case 4: …

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Member Avatar for axitya

Yes, I know what I'm talking about. which is Creating my own compiler to compile a language say C++,Java,Ruby, Python ..(Any one of them ofcourse -.- ) Actually, if I can just get the source code for an existing one that would be much better. [example] Say there's Turbo C …

Member Avatar for felceyboy
Member Avatar for ecostas

Hi. I need help with defining on which monitor a given form is to be presented. I know I can discover how many monitors a computer has with screen.MonitorCount. But I haven't found yet how to change the settings. For example, I'd like to have a one-form application to run …

Member Avatar for raymhuff
Member Avatar for Ali Musa

I have, what I thought, was a trivial question however I am not quite sure of an answer yet. I'd like a two dimensional array of strings and integers. The first "column" will be string and the second "column" will be integer. later i want the first value of array …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115

Ok, I know you guys don't really just give away the answer to the whole problem like that. But I really can't figure this one out.... The question states: The following represents some sample scores obtained by students in a test: 5,4,7,10,0,6,0,1,9,6,8,999. 999 is the dummy value which terminates the …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for terataki

Hello, I want to make something like windows explorer. So the easy part first. I added these: [CODE] ShellTreeView1: TShellTreeView; ShellListView1: TShellListView; ShellComboBox1: TShellComboBox;[/CODE] I connected them and everything is good. I can see files and I can navigate folders, drivers, e.t.c. I changed the ViewStyle attribute of ShellListView1 to …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115

Hey guys, I'm making a program to count the number of zeros and tens in a list of numbers in the format: 5,10,5,0,4,6,7,3,0,10,2..... Yeah like in that format, how do I make it read the data like that without a set number of values to be entered and count the …

Member Avatar for zurichy
Member Avatar for maglarp

How do I specify a mouseDown eventhandler to dynaically creted Tpanels? My intention is to create a number of panels, like tiles, and move them around on the Form I have created a design time TPanel and copied its OnMouseDown event and saved it as PanelMouseDown. My code: Pan:=TPanel.Create(Form2); Pan.Height:=60; …

Member Avatar for maglarp
Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115

Ok, so I got a program to do in TurboPascal but it's not doing the one of the requirements and I'm not sure how to get it so the question states: Write a program to read in the names of a sequence of products and their price. The program terminates …

Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115
Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115

Hi guys, so yeah, I got some IT homework AGAIN on programs and I repeatedly did trace tables and they all worked, but somehow, when I enter it in turbo pascal, after the 10th number, the digits start to get negative and after the 6th number, its not following the …

Member Avatar for HelpWanted2115
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello Is there some kind of multiplatform library for Delphi (with its SDK) to access webcams while programming? The goal is to take still images but Ive only found ones that are compatible with Windows.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cucolino

Hello One more question. Can't seem to find any info wether it's possible to disable Alt+F4 while MessageDlg pops-up or not. The thing is, that the OnKeyDown event in main form works ok, while set with begin if ((ssAlt in Shift) and (Key = VK_F4)) then Key:=0; end; But that …

Member Avatar for cucolino
Member Avatar for OASys1

Greetings Friends ! How do I do incremental Builds in Delphi...? I have both the Delphi 7 and Delphi XE2... I have never really incrementally built my apps... pardon my ignorance... but i have taken on a project on a piece of software where the manager wants the build done …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ali Musa

I have developed delhpi software sql database invlove now want to convert it into web application hwo plz help me iam new in this .

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The End.