Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by CTEshopping …the file. #1 [php]<?php /* $Id: header.php,v 1.42 2003/…if ( (file_exists(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php')) &amp;&amp; (is_writeable(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])…lt;/TBODY></TABLE><?php } ?>[/php] #2 [php]add('header', WARNING_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_EXISTS, 'warning'); … Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by SnowDog …function: #1 [php]<?php /* $Id: header.php,v 1.42 …, 'warning'); } } // check if the configure.php file is writeable if (WARN_CONFIG_WRITEABLE == 'true') { …( (file_exists(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php')) &amp;&amp; (is_writeable(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME… PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by CTEshopping …home/cteshopp/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/header.php on line 17 ORIGINAL PHP [php]<td valign="middle">…; </td>[/php] OSCOMMERCE RECOMMENDED CHANGE TO PHP [PHP] <td vAlign=center><?php echo '<a href…. '</a>'; ?></td>[/PHP] CURRENT PHP PROMPTING ERROR [PHP] <TR class=header> <TD … Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by Puckdropper Please wrap code in [ code ] tags. (No spaces.) When done, simply turn off the code tag with a slash. [ /code ] This is part of the operational theory for HTML, too, which most PHP scripts output. Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by SnowDog Why didn't you just save your GIF with the name 'oscommerce.gif' and overwrite the one on the server, rather then drop yourself into PHP at this level knowing what you do? Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by Puckdropper …add('header', WARNING_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_EXISTS, 'warning'); } } // check if the configure.php file is writeable if (WARN_CONFIG_WRITEABLE == 'true') { if ( (…file_exists(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php')) &amp;&amp; (is_writeable(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/… Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by CTEshopping … tool. Since my last post I downloaded EngSite Editor for PHP and used their debugging tool. Thanks to Snowdog and the… to try to help someone who is brand new to php. I have learned a lot in a week. #1 lesson… Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by CTEshopping I am now getting this parse error in the EnginSite Editor: [COLOR=#000000]PHP Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PHPtest2.php on line 11. Which is the following line:[/COLOR] [html]<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>[/html] Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by Puckdropper (Psychic Debugging begins) Is your [inlinecode]<?php[/inlinecode] tag closed with ?> before that line? (Psychic Debugging ends) PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by tiger86 Hi; I have been studying PHP and I'm coding it. I ran into an odd problem but I'm sure it is a newbie error. Whenever I run my php script on xampp I get parsing error line 103. I go to my code and the closing html tag is at line 103. I have found a few misbalanced braces and fixed them but still no dice. Any help would be really appreciated!! Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by kvprajapati First problem at a line no 1st. Remove [COLOR="Red"]{[/COLOR]. [CODE=PHP] <?php { [/CODE] Another is : Function should be [COLOR="red"]isset(...)[/COLOR] [CODE=PHP] if(issett($mia) && in_array('firstname',$mia)) [/CODE] Re: PHP and Javascript Programming Web Development by R0bb0b … the web browser. So this means that the possibility of php parsing the javascript and running it is out of the realm… you need a work around. How about this, in your php script, if the google maps data is non existent, redirect… with the google maps javascript, then redirect back to the php script with the data either in the url or in… Retrieving MySQL data stored with special characters fails using PHP Programming Web Development by Ant_426 … MySQL and MySQL workbench so it has to be a PHP parsing issue. My code: $serialnumber = 123456; $sql = "SELECT rmAlarms.instruct…); //echo $technical;?><br><?php echo $instruct;?><br><?php } I have tried using: $technical = htmlentities… Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by Puckdropper What helps sometimes is color highlighting. Proper use of code tags on the Daniweb boards gives you basic color highlighting as well as preserving indention to make code easier to read. Where is line 17 in your source? Re: PHP parsing error, unexpected '<' Programming Web Development by CTEshopping Puckdropper. Thank's for responding, but this is way beyond my abilities. I am frustrated to the point of tears. I am going to try another avenue. I would be happy just to have the old file back the way it was. I am going to try the OSC bulletin boards. Thanks again. Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by diafol Can you show the code? Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by tiger86 The code no longer needs to be displayed. The problem was fixed thanks to the help of adatapost. Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by tiger86 Thank you! I will do that right away. Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by tiger86 Thank you so much for the help! I removed the bracket and noticed I put to Ts for isset on line 77 which was messing everything up! Thanks again. Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by diafol Is it me or is the timeline a bit weird? Now = 1. Tiger 11 hours ago problem without code 2. Me 10 hours ago asking for code 3. Tiger 9 hours ago saying he code pulled as AP made fix. 4. AP 9 hours ago with fix (etc). Is it my system or does everybody see this timeline? Was PM involved or am I losing the plot? Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by almostbob tiger & ardav have discovered ftl travel, this has placed them outside of the relativistic universe and allows them to post retroactively in advance, in 1981, they are going to make a fortune for their later, younger selves purchasing MicroSoft stock Re: PHP parsing error with html tag... does this mean I have misbalanced braces? Programming Web Development by diafol [QUOTE=almostbob;890989]tiger & ardav have discovered ftl travel, this has placed them outside of the relativistic universe and allows them to post retroactively in advance, in 1981, they are going to make a fortune for their later, younger selves purchasing MicroSoft stock[/QUOTE] Ho ho. Nice one AB! Re: PHP Webform Programming Web Development by whiteyoh PHP is parsing <b> and <br> as plain text. You need to echo the tags for them to be parsed as php. this is an example ive grabbed from one of my scripts [code] echo '<p>Author details updated.</p>'; [/code] Re: php email management Programming Web Development by digital-ether …ago: [url][/url] I also … [url][/url] Getting the email messages has two…above. This is mailserver and platform specific however. Then parsing the email, which I have linked in my post. Re: Please help us to beta-test PHP editor Programming Web Development by ReDuX …fine, although I havent tested its more fancy features like php parsing and FTP upload gadget. I will try those later … from the addition of FTP features and using local php for parsing), I would suggest incorporating the common features found in…editor for a week or so and test out the php parsing and FTP features. Please do contact me if you … Parsing Specific XML/RSS Posts Programming Web Development by DarkWolffe …Pantheon Arts Unlimited[/URL]. I'm still fairly new to PHP and MySQL, so I find myself often jumping to …alright on the [URL=""]News page[/URL]. I want to use $_GET … "TxtTag"); // Open connection to RSS XML file for parsing. $fp = fopen($RSSfile,"r") or die("Cannot… PHP to parse at | and at ^ Programming Web Development by jondoughty Hello, I am relatively new to PHP and need some help parsing a file. I was able to use explode to parse … now I need to expand it to include parsing at ^ delimiter. [CODE]<?php Include ""; $filepath = "smp1… Parsing the tags to get the contains Programming Web Development by mark103 … working on my PHP to generating the xml output. I use simple_html_dom method to parsing the contains from …my script called get-listing.php. Here is my PHP script: <?php ini_set('max_execution_time',…xmltv">'; ?> Output for get-listing.php: <p id='channels'>ABC FAMILY</… Re: Parsing an atom feed Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@Antonbomb22** >How would i go about parsing an atom feed in php? I know it's **7** years to later. Here is couple of links about it: parsing variables Programming Web Development by ernesto22 …a problem with parsing variables from …taken in. first page admission.php ?php require_once('Connect.php'); echo'<table>'; echo…;'; ?> second page confirm admission.php <?php require_once('Connect.php'); $dated=$_REQUEST['dated']; $valued =…