Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … space given the problem constraints. Clearly, the intent of this post is to impress upon the reader both the depth of…: 1. shell shock 2. battle fatigue 3. operational exhaustion 4. post traumatic stress disorder The third example is from years back… Re: Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I can write much better than I speak. I tend to get flustered and lose my words easily when speaking, primarily due to increased brain fog. Writing comes much more naturally to me, as I was often sick as a child, and therefore primarily self-taught from textbooks. By my early teens (mid-1990s), I was running an online AOL community for homeschooled… Re: Ways to promote a Blog post? Digital Media Digital Marketing by emmasmithes Build a network on Linkedin and other type of similar websites then share your link there with a catchy caption that grabs the users attention. This will surely get you the readers for your blog. Hi everyone, I'm fowokov687l Community Center Say Hello! by fowokov687l I hope we'll get along Re: Hi everyone, I'm fowokov687l Community Center Say Hello! by Reverend Jim Welcome to Daniweb. What brought you here, and what do you hope to find? Hi everyone, I'm dyom Community Center Say Hello! by dyom Hello world. I am happy to finally get my chance to greet y'all. Hi everyone, I'm vectorclipping Community Center Say Hello! by vectorclipping hello Re: Hi everyone, I'm vectorclipping Community Center Say Hello! by Reverend Jim Hello, and welcome to Daniweb. Re: Hi everyone, I'm dyom Community Center Say Hello! by Dani Hello and welcome!!! Re: Hi everyone, I'm vectorclipping Community Center Say Hello! by Dani Hello and thank you for joining. What brings you to DaniWeb? :) Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by jkon … in the top 5 result there should be a Reddit post. Even if it is rather irrelevant with my search and… Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Dani …* forums. We lost all of our traffic and membership and post activity quickly followed. Nowadays, Google *loves* forums. However, our traffic… Why some people copy / paste LLM answers to a question as their own ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon I don't get it. It is different answering a thread to quote an answer that you got from an LLM and it is completely different to post it as your own. I don't understand why people do that ? Don't they understand that it is obvious what they did ? And at the end of the day , what are they trying to achieve with that ? Re: Why some people copy / paste LLM answers to a question as their own ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Sorry, I was typing out my previous post while on my phone and exercising on the stationary bike, … What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by jkon … our clients eShops apps , maybe I will write a separate post about that experience). But of course there many things that… Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri … on Daniweb many years ago but never bothered to seriously post until now. Only when the "social networks" of… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani …-start-with-when-building-an-application#post2253342) * [Here's a post of mine highlighting my reasons for sticking with PHP all… How to optimize portfolio website Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by AYMANE_1 Hello everyone, my first post (of many to come) here, so i have created my own portfolio website using Laravel, and i was wondering what are the best practices to make it search engine friendly and rank up, am a graphic designer and my portfolio has my works on it, any ideas? Re: How can I log in? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Peter_136 … using it? Obviously I had to create another account to post this enquiry. Avast keeps throwing up notices and I finally…, but someone had used my account on another site to post pictures of I don't know what. I have had… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani …(), logout(), edit_profile(), etc. In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty…, and obviously one wouldn't create a micro-framework with Post and Forum classes built-in. However, you proposed that weblogs… Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by alan.davies … old friends still active here. Then I came across this post. It upset me a bit. Daniweb was the sun in… Re: What is Schema Markup Code? Programming Web Development by Dani … or downvotes each answer received, the member who wrote each post, etc. All the rest of your questions can be answered… Re: How can I log in? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … you had another account and just created this one to post this question. Do you know the username of that account… Re: How do I delete duplicate photos on my Mac for free? Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Similar to your post in the hard drive thread, a generic recommendation is useless … Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani > In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty … Re: Hi everyone, I'm Karen and I'm a newbie who is learning java 😊 Community Center Say Hello! by Dani Hello and welcome! You can check out our Java section at https://www.daniweb.com/tags/java Feel free to browse existing questions or post a question of your own. Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim How does Daniweb fare in search engines like Duckduckgo and Bing? Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Dani Bing tends to not target a very technical audience, and/or people are not asking technical questions on Bing that would land them on DaniWeb. That's always been the case. Duckduckgo simply doesn't have a large enough share of the market to make any impact. I think, last I understood, they had a 2% share of the overall search market? Also, … Re: Why some people copy / paste LLM answers to a question as their own ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Google, and the SEO industry at large, has always been an advocate of increasing your reputation as an expert in your industry by posting in forums demonstrating your knowledge, and linking to your site in your forum signature or member profile. Google uses this information to determine if these websites being linked to are actually written by … Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Admin907 t's understandable to be frustrated by Reddit posts dominating Google search results, especially if you dislike the platform's format and community style. Google prioritizes Reddit because it values user-generated content, but this can make search results feel repetitive and less relevant. Ideally, Google should diversify its top results to provide…