Rails Upgrade to 2.3.8 - Help Programming Web Development by Member 785602 … gem (dll in my case). This app worked fine on Rails 1.2.5 but I needed to upgrade for security… "varchar" fields encoded in base64. Base64 works under Rails 2.3.8. Has anybody has a similar problem upgrading… to rails 2.x.x? If not, have you seen this error… Rails Installation problem Programming Web Development by Debadipta I'm facing a problem while installing rails. I tried with the following commands individually but failed…. They are: 1) gem install rails --include-dependencies 2) gem install rails -v=1.8.6 Error messages displayed:… Could not find rails in local or repository Could not find ...... "http… Rails 3.2.2 getting a 404 on stylesheets and js assets after deployment wit Programming Web Development by PrometheanSin …: Ubuntu Server 12.04 nginx unicorn ruby 1.9.3p125 rails 3.2.2 Ad far as I can tell everything… not loaded. it seems to be the same problem as Rails 3.1 404 Error when loading .css files that are… present in public/assets or Rails 404 error for Stylesheet or JavaScript files. While the first… Re: Rails 3.2.2 getting a 404 on stylesheets and js assets after deployment wit Programming Web Development by PrometheanSin …;ipaddress>/public/assets/application-dd445a707b7e96c914afd14bf1f02bbc.css` i get a rails generated `The page you were looking for doesn't exist… rails and java web app hosting and integration Programming Web Development by erogol I try to develop a rails web search engine that aims to use carrot 2 clustering … Rails Active Record Associations Programming Web Development by stevanity Hey guys. Im designing a web app with rails for storing and analysing college students' marks. Ive come up with a database design like this: ![First](/attachments/large/3/First.png "First") Now IM not sure how to set the associations. Can you please help me? And is the design ok? Rails & Ruby Programming Web Development by CashFlowsToo Why is Ruby so special? How does it impact Mobile App Development? I don't quite understand how or why rails and ruby is relevant. I'm very new to understanding how and why Ruby is very relevant in Silicon Valley. Rails Schedule Job between two Dates Programming Web Development by kaleemullah360 I am new to Ruby On Rails. I am facing truble on creating a long running background … Re: rails and heroku problems Programming Web Development by Taywin What gem version are you using? What Rails version are you using? Empty body function in jquery.js - Rails 3.2 with jquery-rails gem Programming Web Development by stevanity … 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'rails', '3.2.8' # Bundle edge Rails instead: # gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git' gem 'will_paginate', '~>…; 3.2.3' gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1' gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails' gem 'less-rails' # See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs… learning ruby on rails Programming Web Development by asaidi …gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.13/lib/rails/script_rails_loader.rb:11: warning: Insecure world writable dir …gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.13/lib/rails/commands.rb:53:in `require' from /var/lib…/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.13/lib/rails/commands.rb:53 from /var/lib/gems/1….8/gems/railties-3.2.13/lib/rails/commands.rb:50:in `tap' from /var/lib… Re: Empty body function in jquery.js - Rails 3.2 with jquery-rails gem Programming Web Development by LastMitch >Empty body function in jquery.js - Rails 3.2 with jquery-rails gem Are you connected the jquery files correctly: You have… => "all" %> and you can add this: Rails.application.config.assets.paths. You can read more about it… tips): http://www.aloop.org/2012/06/03/tips-for-rails-asset-pipeline/ Re: Starting up with Ruby on Rails.. Programming Web Development by humanajm …915286]Hi guys.. I want to learn Ruby on Rails.. Actually I already have a Computer Based Training CD … I downloaded XAMPP (MySQL and Apache for Ruby on Rails).. Guys did I got right requirements for deploying Ruby …="http://allaboutruby.wordpress.com/2006/01/09/installing-rails-on-windows-step-by-step-tutorial/"]http://allaboutruby.… Starting up with Ruby on Rails.. Programming Web Development by Renzokouken_22 …a Computer Based Training CD in Ruby on Rails by Lynda.com.. But I'm having …downloaded XAMPP (MySQL and Apache for Ruby on Rails).. Guys did I got right requirements for deploying… Ruby on Rails on my Computer?.. Actually I'm really… it take for me to learn Ruby on Rails.. I think that would be all.. Thank … url signer and creation of short-urls using Jquery, JSON, Ruby, RAILS Programming Web Development by zack000smith …following features to my existing code (posted below) in Rails using Jquery, JSON, Ruby and HTML. I have a…gt; I was thinking of using the 'aws_cf_signer' gem in rails and code such as : - signer = AwsCfSigner.new('./private-…date via a datepicker (using the Jquery-ui gem for rails). JSON : for Serialization and Deserialization of Ruby objects … Learned Rails! What's Next? Programming Software Development by philosopher779 …an accelerated 9-12 week camp which teaches Ruby and Rails. A traditional computer science degree will teach students algorithms,…C. Another option would be to continue to build Rails apps and get better at it with practise completely ignoring… to developing apps in higher level languages (Ruby with Rails)? Format: I do not want this topic to be… Re: Starting up with Ruby on Rails.. Programming Web Development by Renzokouken_22 [QUOTE=humanajm;915936]dear fellow try this link for installation [URL="http://allaboutruby.wordpress.com/2006/01/09/installing-rails-on-windows-step-by-step-tutorial/"]http://allaboutruby.wordpress.com/2006/01/09/installing-rails-on-windows-step-by-step-tutorial/[/URL][/QUOTE] thank you so much.. hope it can help... =) lighttpd.conf with rails Programming Web Development by pty … could give me a hand with this problem. I have rails/fcgi/lighttpd set up, when I use script/server it… it doesn't quite work. It displays the welcome to rails message but in the "About your application's environment… Re: Multiple db tables in Rails... Programming Web Development by pty [QUOTE=echobase;459586]Hello- As a newbie Rails developer, I realize I should have a solid knowledge… of SQL regardless of the wonderful abstraction Rails provides. That said, I'm trying to build my…actors/documentaries are many to many relationships (has_and_belongs_to_many) in rails. You'll find more info about many to many on… Need help to install rails on Ubuntu Programming Web Development by manisha Hi friends. I am trying to install Ruby on rails on Linux platform.The OS i am using is … the result : [QUOTE]manisha@manisha-desktop:~$ sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies /usr/bin/gem:11:Warning: Gem::manage_gems is…appear to be a repository ERROR: could not find gem rails locally or in a repository [/QUOTE] I tried many … Re: How to work on ruby on rails inphp Programming Web Development by ruby50 [QUOTE=rajiva;486214]any information regarding ruby on rails with php.iam working on oscommerce now.i want …learn ROR[/QUOTE] The best place to get started with rails is by downloading the codebase from [URL="http://www….com[/URL] and picking up a rails book such as AGile Web Development with Rails, I highly recommend this book. The… Re: Starting up with Ruby on Rails.. Programming Web Development by Renzokouken_22 … with the basics. But I've already installed ruby on rails on my pc.. I have been watching RoR tutorials by… ruby 1.91+rails 3.0+radrails 0;7;2 doesnt start the server Programming Web Development by jhonnatas hi guys i need some help,i have installed ruby 1.91+rails 3.0+radrails 0.7.2 bu twhen im using the radrails it cant start the server it keeps like: "starting the server" and it never works! rails path: C:\Ruby192\bin\rails rake path: C:\Ruby192\bin\rake it says it cant load script/server thanks how to populate select box depending upon the selection of the radio button on rails Programming Web Development by imon214 …box depending upon the selection of the radio button on rails anyone knows what will be the possible ajax and… rails script for populating dropdown list values based on selected …radio button on rails 3 example there are two type of platform choices(windows… Ruby, gem, rails Programming Web Development by azareth … been awhile .. it's my first time using ruby(on Rails), and i've downloaded what is needed(i think, based… on my searches), Ruby, Rails and gem, but i'm not sure if they are… have all these to create a project using Ruby on Rails as server and JS for the coding .. hopefully i can… Re: ruby 1.91+rails 3.0+radrails 0;7;2 doesnt start the server Programming Web Development by overlook because there is no script/server in rails 3.0 use rails server instead Re: Ruby, gem, rails Programming Web Development by azareth … i rebooted my machine though i still don't have rails.. if you know a good site of Aptana tutorials on… Re: Ruby and/or Rails Programming Web Development by IndianGuru ….... So can i get some information about Ruby and/or Rails. bu-byee[/quote] You can refer to my Ruby Study….com/[/url] Remember knowing Ruby helps you when you learn Rails (Rails is a framework written in Ruby). Ruby, Rails Job sites - Resource Programming Web Development by IndianGuru Here are some Ruby, Rails Job sites that I have come across.[LIST=1] [*][URL=&…[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://www.railsjob.com/"]Rails Job[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://jobs.37signals.com… Multiple db tables in Rails... Programming Web Development by echobase … a solid knowledge of SQL regardless of the wonderful abstraction Rails provides. That said, I'm trying to build my first…