Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. …which employ user click data to influence search rankings. ## Key-Takeaways for SEO ## The …, bad clicks, long clicks) can **influence search rankings**. * Building a **strong, recognizable brand** is … **content originality** scores and **keyword stuffing scores** impact rankings. * **Token limits** exist, emphasizing the importance of… Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Dani … if we do poorly on Google, so goes our Duckduckgo rankings. I think we get a few hundred users a month… Re: Which is the best SEO tool used to track exact ranking? Digital Media by Danish_18 For precise SEO tracking, use **SEMrush**. It offers comprehensive insights, including keyword rankings, backlink analysis, site audits, and competitor tracking, ensuring accurate SEO performance monitoring. Hi everyone, I'm michael senter! Community Center Say Hello! by michael3212 An experienced SEO specialist with a passion for helping businesses thrive in the digital world. With a strong background in search engine optimization, content marketing, and analytics, he has a proven track record of driving organic growth and improving search rankings for various clients across industries. Re: Which social sites is best for SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing by joycedaniels The best social media platforms for SEO are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram. Each platform offers unique opportunities to boost your website's visibility, drive traffic, and improve search engine rankings. Re: Which social sites is best for SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Bunker The social sites best for SEO typically include platforms with high domain authority and user engagement, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These platforms allow for content sharing, backlinking, and visibility, positively impacting search engine rankings when used strategically with relevant keywords and quality content. Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by AndyBeohar … of the change to avoid any negative effects on existing rankings. Overall, if done correctly, the change can be beneficial for… Re: What is Blue hat SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing by AndyBeohar … be seen as manipulative or unethical to quickly achieve higher rankings. These strategies can carry risks of penalties from search engines… Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … of members left when happygeek left. For sure, our Google rankings tanked a lot due to no longer having regular news… Re: What is the Best Marketing Platform For E-commerce Website? Digital Media Digital Marketing by aishamushtaq … on implementing a robust SEO strategy to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. Re: Hi everyone, I'm michael senter! Community Center Say Hello! by pritaeas Welcome. Re: Hi everyone, I'm michael senter! Community Center Say Hello! by Dani Is your name Tanzeel or Michael? Are you in Florida or Pakistan? It seems you need to get your story straight. In other words, just be honest with us :) Rankings Fluctuation Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Yoshazing Hi There I am getting odd rankings for some of my targeted keywords, the one day I would be >100 the next I would be at #5, and so forth. I know that Google have been rolling out multiple algo's recently, but what could be the cause for this happening, is it just fluctuations? I am experiencing this for more than one site. Please explain! Rankings Issues with same IP websites Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by joy12 I have 2 or more websites pointing at the same IP address, does it effects the search engine rankings for each websites ? Is it bad SEO to have multiple domain names on same IP address And will this negatively impact search engine results for each ? Thanks in advance for your valuable replies... Rankings in DaniWeb Community Center Meta DaniWeb by rotten69 Hi everyone, I'm looking for the page that explains the rankings within DaniWeb community and shows how many posts are needed to move you up to the next level and stuff. Cheers! Re: Rankings in DaniWeb Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek There is no FAQ regarding the user rankings, it's meant to be kind of a surprise when you get upgraded to the next level :) That said, I'm sure someone has probably worked out a rough guide as to how many posts get you what attribution and will be along in a bit to share it with us... Rankings are... different Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Assembly Guy … I've not been very active at all, the little rankings (xyz Contributions **(#abc)**) seem to have placed myself, and some… Non-google rankings Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani I have pretty good rankings in google for my keywords. I have a lot of … text. However, I'm still having a problem getting good rankings in Yahoo!, MSN, and Overture. I was always under the… of the engines. What can be done to raise my rankings in the non-google engines? TIA! Fastest Way to get in the top 10 rankings of Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by topgun79 Just read a good article about Fastest Way to get in the top 10 rankings of Google. Found it very interesting... Source:- [URL=""][/URL] Re: Fastest Way to get in the top 10 rankings of Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by tiger86 … is no fast way to fix the top ten Google rankings.[/QUOTE] You are correct snapshot, however combining the techniques in… ones they are learning will help them in search engine rankings. I'm curious how websites will rank in BING since… Re: Link to Rankings Community Center Meta DaniWeb by AndreRet … on opening your own page, then selecting the rankings option and then view the rankings. That is like opening 3 pages before… this, which will eventually result in them not bothered about rankings anyway. Now, if I understood the previous posts well enough… Re: Link to Rankings Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ~s.o.s~ … on opening your own page, then selecting the rankings option and then view the rankings. That is like opening 3 pages before… this, which will eventually result in them not bothered about rankings anyway.[/quote] This brings up the question: how much is… Re: Non-google rankings Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani I guess I just always figured that if you try for the google rankings, the others will just naturally follow. But now I'm stuck and willing to invest in non-google SEO - I just don't know what I'm doing wrong or where to start. Re: Fastest Way to get in the top 10 rankings of Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Flower Very informative article this will really helpful in getting top rankings in search engine result pages. Re: Fastest Way to get in the top 10 rankings of Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by snapshot Good article but there is a reality in the online world and among professional webmasters that there is no fast way to fix the top ten Google rankings. Does adding country name in meta tags helps in search engine rankings? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by jiten702 Hi all... We all know about the importance of meta tags in search engine rankings....just wanted to know that adding country name in meta tags really help in search engine rankings? Is it necessary or optional? Link to Rankings Community Center Meta DaniWeb by AndreRet Is it possible to get a direct link to the rankings page? If not, is it possible to add a direct link, say next to your logged in status etc. Every user now has to go to his personal page and access the rankings page from there.:) Re: Lost my Google Rankings! Please help Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by neverland34 There might be several reasons for your sudden drop in rankings: 1. You have a new website. New sites tend …about a month (there's no common time span though) rankings drop. Is your website new? 2. It sometimes happens …keywords. First look for longer keyword suggestions. Then check your rankings for each of these keywords as well as let the… This had consequence get lost all my rankings to search engines Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by lse123 I have a web site(and a url) but by error fwd this url permanently to another url, but now bring it back...normal operation... I had and google sitemap.xml linked. This had consequence get lost all my rankings to search engines... **What to do to recover my rankings in no time?** How To get Back my Rankings?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by lara1anjela How To get Back my Rankings?? Hi All, I have been Working with a "US&… any one suggest me any solution, To get back my Rankings in SERP????