Re: Read, Edit and Write to File Programming Software Development by Ram_034 With this code we able to modify the first line of text. For example i have text file with 5 text lines and i want to modify first 5 chars of first word then how handle this Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 ….name}") file_contents = file_tar_bz2.extractfile(file_info).read() elif file_info.isdir(): # Read the contents..."Is …scripts/", line 69, in <module> file_contents = file_tar_bz2.extractfile(file_info).read() AttributeError: 'NoneType' object… How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 …-03-20.tar.bz2', mode='r:bz2') as file_tar_bz2: # Read the contents of the compressed Netbox media backup file file_contents… File "/opt/scripts/", line 57, in <module> file_contents = AttributeError: 'TarFile' object has no attribute… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem I don't understand why you need to extract all the files from the compressed `tar.bz2` just to upload to a backup. Also, line 69 is now meaningless having just posted only a snippet of the code. Before the error, what was the last `` message? Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem ….open('foo.tar.gz','rb') >>> bytes = >>> print(len(bytes)) 10240 >>>…('foo.tar.bz2',mode='rb') >>> rawbytes = >>> print(len(rawbytes)) 181 In other words… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … needing to wait for data over the network. My work line might be a bit different since I work on the… actual bencemarks I did on SSD vs M2 SSD was read: 447MB/s vs 5.9GB/s write: 460MB/s vs… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by toneewa …, and [bootrec](… a DVD on 4x or 8x and it would only read on 1X because of the 200k+ files and folders. Good… Re: What are the key components of an effective email marketing campaign? Digital Media Digital Marketing by myresellerhome … campaigns require several key features. A crisp and simple subject line is vital because it's the first thing recipients see… email should be clean and visually appealing with easy-to-read fonts and mobile responsiveness. Focusing on these important components can… Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Read line by line from 2 text files and compare both and generate a report!! Programming Software Development by all blacks Read line by line from data2.txt, compare with data1.txt lines, if match , … line 1 This is line 2 This is line 3 This is line 4 This is line 5 data2.txt This is line 5 This is line… 1 Result.txt should be: --------------------- This is line 2… Read line to string, get first char Programming Software Development by SgtMe … I am using istream to open the file and read the lines, but I need a way of testing… outfile ifstream outfile;; //read line char line[35]; outfile.getline(line, 35);[/CODE] Now I just need to get… the read line into a string, and check the first letter. … read line by line of file and store to array C Programming Software Development by guidely Hi, How to read line by line of text file and store to array C data.txt example [CODE] 1234 25500 24000 1 1345 23523 21209 5 9865 12389 600 98 .... [/CODE] and sorted in order by last column I try everything and it not working Thank Re: read line by line of file and store to array C Programming Software Development by D33wakar [QUOTE=guidely;1664174]Hi, How to read line by line of text file and store to array C data.txt … Read Line from serial port buffer Programming Software Development by Ahmed Waheed [COLOR=Black]:) please,want help: how can i read line "Message ended with <CR><LF> " from serial port buffer using ReadFile() API function . I was do that and worked good ,but when enter into large for loop it returned NULLs. so i want to know where is the problem?!! :rolleyes: thanks !;) [/COLOR] Re: Read line by line from 2 text files and compare both and generate a report!! Programming Software Development by ivailosp …> data1; if (ifs1.is_open()){ string line; while(getline(ifs1, line)){ data1.push_back(line); } } else{ cout << ….txt"); if (ifs2.is_open()){ string line; while(getline(ifs2, line)){ for(size_t i = 0; i <…; data1.size(); ++i){ if (line == data1[i]) data1.erase(data1.begin()+i); } } } … How read line by line a .txt document Programming Software Development by jasonperez … problem is to create the code to open and read this. My code is.... [code=cplusplus] #include… I need to implement the process to read line by line the filename with fscanf or fread and …robotID, char *labelString); /**<default constructor, opens file to read from */ virtual ~CgpsfromFile(); /**<default destructor, closes file… Help-Read line from the text file Programming Software Development by rainny Hi, does anyone know how to read the specified line from a text file? And by create a program, we can load what is write inside the text file and read line by line to show at the program. Does anyone have idea on it? Thanks and regards Rainny Re: Help-Read line from the text file Programming Software Development by Taniotoshi … can load what is write inside the text file and read line by line to show at the program.[/QUOTE] Do I understand… should focus on the constructor, add and get methods... So: - read file using Scanner - Store contents in ArrayList - print ArrayList [B… error in while read line Programming Software Development by changeworld4u …....... field3.....field4..... BKP0000032284140217000019CCTP1220 ............... BKP0000032384140217000019CA ..................... each line has 5 fields Now using shell script i am… grep "^BKP" >file2.txt While read line do awk '{if((substr($1,12,2)==84) … Bug with read line Programming Software Development by Dark2Bright … script like this [CODE]#!/bin/sh while read line do echo $line >> out.txt done < test.txt[/CODE… Re: read line by line of file and store to array C Programming Software Development by guidely I can do only read first element and store to array the…"); /* open a text file for reading */ while(fgets(line, sizeof line, file)!=NULL) { /* keep looping until NULL pointer... */ …;Lines of numbers.txt file are: %s", line); numbers[i]=atoi(line); /* convert string to double float*/ i++; }… Re: read line by line of file and store to array C Programming Software Development by D33wakar … not even using it: [QUOTE=guidely][CODE]numbers[i]=atoi(line); /* convert string to double float*/[/CODE][/QUOTE]But that's… Re: read line of text from file into array Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …i try to edit to make changes to read the line of text from a file i get …message: I need to be able to read in a line and spilt the words into an array so… whole program? I don't see where [ICODE]line[/ICODE] is declared. You have two [ICODE]getline… correct, which it is not, overwrites [ICODE]line[/ICODE], which I imagine is supposed to be … Re: Read from and write on Text files Programming Software Development by nezachem …), execute the command "$line" -lt 200 -- $line is a contents of the line you've just read, not a sequence number. Taking…;, I suspect that your file consists of numbers, one per line, all of them less than 100 (this is the only… lines: for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do read line; done # read and echo next 100 lines: for ((i=0; i<… read line of text from file into array Programming Software Development by AdRock … but when i try to edit to make changes to read the line of text from a file i get an error…;' to 'char[]'[/QUOTE] I need to be able to read in a line and spilt the words into an array so i…; cout << "System >> Enter file to read: \n"; cout << "User >> "… Read a line from a txt file Programming Software Development by chico2009 …an alarm lineA = fin.readline[lpa].strip() # Read line indicated by pointer a and delete CR TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method…is complete lineA = fin.readline[lpa].strip() # Read line indicated by pointer a and delete CR lineB =… fin.readline[lpb] # Read line indicated by pointer b newString = "%s\… Re: Read a line from a txt file Programming Software Development by jice … format shown below returns a character and not the complete line [code=python] lpa=1 text_file = open("English101.txt&… What I am trying to achieve is that a complete line of text is returned, from a text file that has… next line. You can't read the nth line of a file that way. You have to read line by line TILL the nth line or read the… Re: Read Word By Word Programming Web Development by OS_dev … php.I want to read a word by word from a file.When I use fgets it read line by line.When i use… fread then it read full contents from a file.File_get_contents…. I am sticking with fgets because I can read a file line by line without storing the entire text file in memory initially… Read FILE with unknown number of columns and lines with ID Programming Software Development by sadsdw read a file with unknown number of columns and lines. Basically, I have an ID per line …LL ... I don't known how to read line by line, getting column by column after ID (RR…that I can count The idea is read the first line, do the calculation based on the…columns and after that, go to the next line Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot! … Re: read line from file Programming Software Development by mitrmkar … space that is in the begin of line i want remove it before read the line and store it in the strings[/QUOTE… clearer ? [code] std::string line; // read a whole line ... while(getline(infile, line)) { // the variable [B]line[/B] contains the whole line at this point // insert…