Why the US Government is Not Building a Economic Forecasting Software? Programming Software Development by JamesTechUSA This might be a great idea if US government goes for software development and it should be related to Economic Forecasting. Such kind of software can help to every country in recession. Re: Recession and Online Communities Digital Media Digital Marketing by MktgRob [QUOTE=InsightsDigital;937368]I do believe that the recession has motivated many users to tap into online communities to … a few years ago. So how do you think the recession has affected online communities and activities?[/QUOTE] I think one… social networks and online communities key to riding out the recession. Recession and Online Communities Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital I do believe that the recession has motivated many users to tap into online communities to network and increase their professional growth. This may be a big reason on why LinkedIn has much more momentum than a few years ago. So how do you think the recession has affected online communities and activities? Re: Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by financialinsura I think most of the recession period is over till date and you are asking this question today? Yes, the jobless people are more today but recession is not that much as it was the day when Lemon Bro Bank was bankrupted. Don't bother and work as much as you can. Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by PaylessSEO Hi, I want to know does this recession period is really going to affect SEO services? Re: Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Nichetraffic [QUOTE=PaylessSEO;1097424]Hi, I want to know does this recession period is really going to affect SEO services?[/QUOTE] I … Re: Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by canadafred … optimizer. It's twisted up pretty good in this industry, recession or not. Look at how many SEOs come here and… Is Tech Sector "Recession Proof"? Community Center by Brian.oco … on doing to protect their portfolios against a possible recession. "With the housing downturn, credit crunch, … The Journal also publishes an index of potential "recession-proof" sectors and companies. On that list, … with Microsoft listed as a "safe" recession-proof stock play. The article also includes the telecom… No Recession After All? Good News for Tech Businesses Community Center by Brian.oco …probably because the media would love to hang a recession around President Bush's neck before he leaves office.… downturn reflected in recent stock market declines. The 2001 recession was short-lived, and despite huge losses in the… savings and loan crisis before being plunged into a recession by the Gulf War. “Similarities between the current … Is Today the Worst Day of the Recession? Community Center by Brian.oco … the leaders in a new bull market.” Back to the recession. With 533,000 jobs lost in the past month, CNBC… see that in the next couple of months.” • "Every recession has its worst day, and this is probably the worst… in one month. But that was the lowpoint during that recession – job losses were nowhere near as bad after that. • “Severe… 5 Reasons Why Linux is Recession Proof Hardware and Software Networking by khess … other operating system? Surprise! It's Linux. It's also recession proof. Can that be true? Yes, and here are the… layoffs to ruin your support model. Linux is truly recession proof. Recession proof your business by taking a good look at Linux… reboots. Write back and let me know how you'll recession proof your business with Linux. Re: Is Today the Worst Day of the Recession? Community Center by rupertmckenzie yes,really today s the bad day for recession.. Re: Is Today the Worst Day of the Recession? Community Center by amandkumar Its time for the IT companies to get into work as the recession is slowly getting down. Re: 5 Reasons Why Linux is Recession Proof Hardware and Software Networking by ndimundoh … article as a statement concerning the the impact of a recession on the Linux-developement. And I think he's having… Re: 5 Reasons Why Linux is Recession Proof Hardware and Software Networking by Rashakil Fol The merits of various operating systems has nothing to do with whether we're in a recession or not. What an entry of nonsense. Fool's Errand: Talking Ourselves Into a Recession Community Center by Brian.oco … . . . good news, right? Not if you’re rooting for a recession, as the mainstream media appears to be. I’m not… break the pom-poms and root, root, root for a recession is hardly new. More or less, the media has been… Bernanke on the Recession, Dell, Salesforce.com Tell Different Stories Community Center by Brian.oco … Bernanke out yesterday to calm the markets by declaring the recession could be over by the last half of 2009. It…, not only are we way on the way out of recession, but that the federal government won’t be getting into… Re: Fool's Errand: Talking Ourselves Into a Recession Community Center by jwenting well, in other countries the political leaders are doing their best to create a recession. The Netherlands will get massive tax increases next year, the announcement of which has already sent consumer confidence plummeting by 16 index points, the largest single monthly drop ever recorded. What has the Recession taught you about running your marketing/advertising? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital We all know that the US is in a financial recession, thus, this will impact on buying behavior and advertising/marketing … Not So Fast on Microsoft, Video Game Stocks "Recession-Proof"? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco …, and Samsung, to name a few, might gain the exalted “recession-proof” stamp of approval from investors. Certainly that’s seems… Did the Recession Affected your Advertising Sales Strategy? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital …[/url] So have you personally have seen effects of the Recession on your advertising spend? Could Windows 7 Lead Us From Recession? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Techwriter10 … major OS release could be the catalyst to end the recession? I'm guessing not many of you have come to… Re: Could Windows 7 Lead Us From Recession? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Alex_ …:7100)! Concerning the fact that it would lead americans from recession: i don't know. Maybe! I don't see why… Re: Could Windows 7 Lead Us From Recession? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cosuna … in the end..... is Windows 7 gonna end the Great Recession. Good intention... [I]but could lead to the road to… Re: Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by InsightsDigital Yes, also many companies are using/subscribing to SEO paid tools in order to make decisions in-house. Re: Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by esteroj Yes, most people want to save money and do all the thing possible by themselves and have discovered that SEO is not as difficult as many people say. Re: Recession period ans SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by canadafred [QUOTE=esteroj;1099607]...SEO is not as difficult as many people say.[/QUOTE]You obviously know little about search engine optimization. It is not easy. Link schemes are easy but SEO requires skill when in competitive environments. Maybe you are confusing the skillsets between linking strategists with those demanded from search engine optimizers.… Re: Can Social Media Save a Business From the Recession? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital … would have never ever created such a presence. Hence, this recession have stirred many business owners to shift their attitude to… Re: Can Social Media Save a Business From the Recession? Digital Media Digital Marketing by MktgRob … would have never ever created such a presence. Hence, this recession have stirred many business owners to shift their attitude to… Re: Is Today the Worst Day of the Recession? Community Center by Rashakil Fol The entertainment channel known as CNBC is the last place you should look for perspectives on the financial situation.