Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by OmniX … a button labelled "Browse..". I would like to redesign the "Browse.." button and I was told this… of css - which im prefering). So any ideas how to redesign the "Browse.." button? Note: The file is a… Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by OmniX … a button labelled "Browse..". I would like to redesign the "Browse.." button and I was told this… of css - which im prefering). So any ideas how to redesign the "Browse.." button? Note: The file is a… Is redesign of website will going to effect SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by shilpakoteyar Hi all Please clarify my doubt My website is going to redesign completely, will it effect SEO which I almost completed my work? Now my keywords are in second page..Will it going to decrease again if it made redesign? Re: Is redesign of website will going to effect SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by rtrethewey There is always a chance that a redesign will affect your rankings. But if the content and semantic … Re: Is redesign of website will going to effect SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by rtrethewey There is always a chance that a redesign will affect your rankings. But if the content and semantic … Re: Is redesign of website will going to effect SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by advent_geek Nope redesign won't make change in SERP. if you try to change URl for the inner pages and Posts then try to redirect that into new one by 301 redirect. if you changed the content with new one better check that uniqueness. Kind Regards Re: Is redesign of website will going to effect SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by xtremeux If the design of a website is changed, but the URL structure is same, it will not affect your SEO. A website redesign in itself, is not really going to have a huge impact on your SEO. want to redesign our site............. Digital Media UI / UX Design by johnwoolf … to our site more than 2000. We want to do redesign our site for making it more attractive and getting good… Site Redesign evaluation please Digital Media UI / UX Design by DanMcLinden … that will improve the look and feel of the site. Redesign: [url][/url] Old Site (not all… "Leftover" issues from the redesign Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Ezzaral Some issues from the redesign were discussed and have now fallen well off the radar … Site redesign looks good...until tested in IE7. Help! Digital Media UI / UX Design by devin.lawks I've worked on a site redesign for my boss, and, as the title says, it looks … Corporate site redesign issue Digital Media UI / UX Design by Pavel Burminsky … website ([URL=""][/URL]) redesign and now it is very important for me to receive… How do I get my files indexed by the search engines after a redesign where Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by kategirdlelock How do I get my files indexed by the search engines after a redesign where file names have changed? Re: Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by johnsquibb The only way I know of is to use a workaround...This website has the best solution I've come across...Just follow the steps, and be sure to download the scripts he has written at the bottom of the page. [url][/url] Re: Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by OmniX I know this is a problem that very vew people have figured out a way around, but the one you mentioned above dosent allow you to view the file you have uploaded (Eg. D:\Programs\hi.jpg). Im just trying to figure out using some CSS and minor Javascript can maybe come up with something? Thanks for the heads up in the right direction though. Re: Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by johnsquibb a little bit of googling and I came across this one on quirksmode...this seems to be about the same approach as the previous, but with a textbox to show the chosen file...both of these solutions are merely browser 'workarounds', and since they use opacity, cross-browser compatibility can be difficult to achieve! Let me know if you come across … Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by Fungus1487 in short you cannot. not to the extent some people like to change their form buttons. best bet is to create another button with an onclick event to press the input type="file" which should be hidden. Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by OmniX So your saying: 1. Create a type="file" attribute hidden 2. Create a type="submit" 3. Place the submit over the file or something like that? If thats your idea I might give it a try when I have some freetime. The logic sounds realistic so well see how it goes. Thanks. Regards, X Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by Fungus1487 yep. that is the easiest way ive found to style in these situatuions Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by mowen85 This solution (only tested in IE) allows you to replicate type="input" components and apply separate styles to the text box and "Browse..." button. [CODE]<form action="#" onsubmit="hiddenFileUpload.disabled = true"> <input type="file" id="hiddenFileUpload" style="… Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by OmniX Intresting, I havent tested this but if it works sounds nice. Not something I really would want to do but If I need to change the style of my browser I prolly would do that. I was looking for a cheap fix something very smilar to CSS to change appearance, etc. Thanks for the input, Regards X Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by mowen85 I assume you mean browse button instead of "browser". This does enable you to change the appearance of the "Browse..." button using CSS. The code was just an implementation of what I think had already been suggested by Fungus1487: 1) add an input of type="file" and make it hidden. 2) add a visible input of type… Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by ulrik04 IE8 is going to support input type="file" styling (it does in the beta). Maybe the others browers will do so too soon. Re: Redesign an input type="file" Programming Web Development by OmniX Nice mowen85 I sorta get what you meant now and I will try get around to it when I have freetime. Thanks, Regards X Re: Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by tiagoepifanio I have found an easy way to achieve this: [url][/url] Re: Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by cpcos Yep... nice thing... but these guys are hiding the real thing with javascript... You don't need any javascript attached to you page for that thing to work :)). here a quick example: in the header a small stylesheet: [CODE] <style> label.LabelHolder input.file{ position: relative; height: 100%; width: auto; opacity: 0; -moz-opacity:… Re: Redesign input type="file" Digital Media UI / UX Design by jstnjns I've built this jQuery plugin to make it much easier to style the file inputs: [URL=""][/URL] It's based on the methods above, but much simpler to implement. Hope that helps! Re: Site redesign Digital Media UI / UX Design by searchacar … or something? I'm at a loss.[/QUOTE] Did you redesign the site or you change the contents on it as… Re: Site redesign Digital Media UI / UX Design by Elenn [QUOTE=searchacar;515729]Did you redesign the site or you change the contents on it as … Redesign of web programming Digital Media UI / UX Design by Rafael Web languages — HTML, CSS and JavaSscript are the best choice for kids and for amateur programmers, because they are very simple, and with them you can create many interesting things: sites, mobile and desktop applications, web servers and robotics — what else an amateur programmer needs for happiness? **Visual programming! ** Visual …