Rewrite rule get variable Programming Web Development by bro_1 Rewrite rule get variable problem This example code RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)$ /media.php?hal=$1&id_image=$2 [NC,L] Re: Rewrite rule get variable Programming Web Development by pritaeas > Rewrite rule get variable problem What's the problem? rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 I've been using an .htacccess file to define a rewrite rule for extracting the username from the end of a url …?m=$1 [NC,L] # captures member username no case last rule ErrorDocument 404 Now I have… Rewrite rule possible to do? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by rollingover Hi: I need to build certain rewrite rule, but i dont seem to do it right, so i wonder if even its possible to do it: When i type on my browser /country/city-name/title-of-the-user-ad.1234 I need it to be rewriten to this internally: ad.php?idad=1234 Is this possible, how should it be? Thanks in advance. Re: rewrite rule not working Programming Web Development by jomanlk Yeah, your CSS won't work properly because the rewrite rule changes the path for requested files. If you're using … up your CSS, images and JS. You can either add rewrite rules for all your CSS and media files or you…-admin.css">[/CODE] Or you could write the rewrite rule for your CSS [CODE] RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9-\s]+)(\.css… Re: rewrite rule not working Programming Web Development by royalrai_p Hi, What if I want to apply the rewrite rule to all the css files under the root directory.. I … serve the purpose? Eg, If I need to apply a rewrite rule to redirect my css file to a php file I… Modifying a rewrite rule in nginx for subdomain Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by wickedsunny … did a little rewrite rule a little while ago…com/pic/asdf[/url] this is the rewrite rule i used : [CODE]location /i/…; if ($invalid_referer) { rewrite ^$1 permanent; …rewrite like the one above so if the file is directly accessed by a different referer it will hit the same rewrite rule Re: mod-rewrite rule help Programming Web Development by vlowe another quick rewrite question.. can i add another Rewrite rule which will turn my basic /home.php, /sign-up.php into just /home , /sign-up (dropping the .php) which will not interfere with my current rules? Rewrite/Redirect APACHE Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by manolisvl46 ….12/TWiki/WebHome[/url] what should i change at the rewrite rule on the apache's config? + there are several other links… same problem on the twiki app shall i do a rewrite rule for every one of those? thank you! Re: Rewrite rule get variable Programming Web Development by bro_1 yes it is an example of code themselves can not can you give me an example rewrite rule not working Programming Web Development by forzadraco i have problem with rewrite url in .htaccess [CODE] Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /web/ … Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by jkon Hello showman13, I started to answer but realizing that I have answered that question more times in the past I decided to create a code snippet with the answer to this and to most related questions (it is a more generic answer), so here it is: Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 jkon, thank you for that very thorough answer to the question. I'm printing it out to study and figure out what piece or portion of that is relevent in my particular case. Is there any chance you could point me in the right direction so I can get past this task and come back to do the studying afterwards? If you could I'd appreciate it, … Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by jkon Hello Douglas, First of all let me thank you also because you read the answers , reply to those and you study them (that is the reason for writing those in first place, but sadly few people react the way you do) Every portion of it, with that you will have the afterRootUrl so you can do what ever you want to it. If someone (or a robot) hits … Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 Great, thanks again for your response. Very valuable info to have. My morning project... Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 Not to be redundant, but I have to say that is a great piece of code... Once I read over it completely and understood what it was, it made me wish I would have had it a few years ago... The one thing I haven't figured out how to extract from it, is the sub-domain if there is one. I put the .htaccess on the base domain, and then in each sub… Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by jkon Hello Douglas, It is very difficult to built a generic method to get only the subdomain part because the way gTLDs are constructed. For example in there isn't any subdomain , but in the “eg” is the subdomain part. Its really easy if you know the domain though: $domain = "";… Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 Yep, it was just that simple... `$subdomain = StringUtils::beforeFirst( $httpHost ,"." ,$caseSensitive = false); ` since the httpHost already contains That gave me exactly what I was looking for. I'll bet with a little playing around I can find all sorts of ways to use this. Thanks again Douglas Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 jkon, please check your inbox... thanks Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 jkon, if you are around could you check your inbox for me. thanks Douglas Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 This is an addendum to this thread because I've run into a separate issue while working through this process... What I have is an affiliate link that is made up like this or They both work perfectly fine for the affiliate software as far as knowing who the affiliate… Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by jkon Hello Douglas , (I had daniweb open but I wasn't here) . The browsers never send what part comes after the pound symbol in a URL inside the request they made to the server, this is why there is no chance (in my knowledge) to get that part only server side (with any language). The pound symbol is used for inner / internal links inside the same … Re: rewrite rule to extract affiliate link from url Programming Web Development by showman13 Thanks for your response jkon. I am amazed at how many articles there are online that state specifically that you can do what I was trying to do and yet there are many others that give their version of how to make it work. I tried a few of them and couldn't . Came to realize that I can't and why I can't, because the # and anything after it … url rewrite problem Programming Web Development by rockdays Hi, I hava a problem with url rewrite. I tried many of free rewrite dll, but havent resolved it yet. Problem is related…;url>/home</url> <rewrite>/default.aspx<rewrite> </rule> This works fine. But there is… URL rewrite conflict Programming Web Development by pjh1985 … individually but when i add both together the second rewrite rule no longer works. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond $1 !\.(gif|jpe?…&totalRows_gproducts=$3 [L] I am not great with mod rewrite so any help is much appreciated Problem with Rewrite rules Programming Web Development by Manny7 … on my web add cool url. I've this simple rewrite rule that make from url [B]…[/B] -> [B][/B]) I'm edited rewrite rules follows: [code] RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(adm|img|content)/(.*)$ $1…=$4 [L,QSA] [/code] But i got wrong result :/ The rule isn't works.. I readed a lot tutorials on this… URL Rewrite - Revisited - AGAIN... Programming Web Development by showman13 … now, so didn't realize it existed... I need the rewrite rule to be case insensative... so any combination of the letters…?m=$1 [NC,L] # captures member username no case last rule ErrorDocument 404 Thanks in… friendly url rewrite mod problem Programming Web Development by somwang … friendly url for my page, and the first Rewrite Rule was working well, but the second and other Rules…ForceType application/x-httpd-php Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # This Rule is working) RewriteRule ^broker-news/(.*).*$ content?ConTitle=$1 [L]… # this is the link for first rule <a href="broker-news/<?php echo $… mod rewrite and htaccess rules Programming Web Development by OsaMasw …?v=qvLqn2NEsOE&title=Networkplus_tutorials.html first I've create rewrite rule in .htaccess file `RewriteRule ^v-(.*)-(.*).html$ watch.php?v=$…without CSS :( , what should I do before change for this rule in htaccess ? ![e38cf778282331ccce1902a1ffce4061](/attachments/large/3/e38cf778282331ccce1902a1ffce4061.jpg "… mod-rewrite rule help Programming Web Development by vlowe Hi, Please help me work out this mod-rewrite issue while trying to make my urls SEF. RewriteEngine On …=$2 [NC] This is my current .htacess. The browse category rule is working ok converting - http://localhost/browse.php?cat=people…