1,817 Topics

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Member Avatar for Shreerang

Hey all, I was wondering if a web page could be opened in Mozilla Firefox using a shell script!..I haven't given it a try as yet...I will also try and if I find a a solution I'll definitely put it up....Till then if someone finds a solution or knows it …

Member Avatar for daye_1
Member Avatar for RikTelner

@echo off set /p Pause=Before >nul set /p Pause=After (@edit Before `>nul` there supposed to be sign, but it's not visible in post.) What does this script do, is print "Before" wait till user presses enter, "Bleeps" and prints "After", after pressing enter application stops. But output is: '' is …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for Miroslav Mizner

Hi everybody! These days I've been solving the task of sending the bunch of files specified by unix filespec convention (all metacharacters allowed) to the remote host using ftp. I'm thinking of such concept/design, where the main bash script executes the following subtasks: (1) Expansion of command line arguments to …

Member Avatar for mizoslav
Member Avatar for AwkRocks

Hi Friends. I am trying to conver the following grep syntax to replace using awk pattern match. Can you please help? tail -F $logFiles | grep " ERROR " | grep -v 'ERROR_SERVER \|Session is null for endpointId\|SYNCED_IN_VIEW_UPDATED'| cut -d" " -f10-14 | awk 'BEGIN..............}' I am seeing some buffering …

Member Avatar for John_Peter

I want to have one .bash_profile works on multiple platform, ubuntu, debian, redhat, cygwin, osx. So how should I organize .bash_profile? It can be multiple files in some subdir Let me brief you: what i want is a way to organize bash_profile across platforms so I can use one set …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi, I have a snippet of batch code that searches through a folder and outputs the results one file per line in html format. Code below: @ECHO OFF &SETLOCAL (FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /b /a-d /s /n "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Pics & Vids"') DO ( FOR /f …

Member Avatar for rojomoke
Member Avatar for Alan_4

Write a shell script that will take a filepath and a string as command line arguments. The script should find lines which contain the given 'string' in the given file. It should create an output file in "/tmp" directory with the name in the pattern as below. "NN_15Nov2013_12Hrs_32Minutes_20Seconds.txt"

Member Avatar for cmk001
Member Avatar for AwkRocks

Input: Feb 15 2014 09:31:00 ERROR {http--} [54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70][478-478-478-478-478] JabberServlet - Provisioning exception while parsing protocol Feb 15 2014 09:31:00 ERROR {http--} [54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70][478-478-478-478-478] JabberServlet - Failed to extract text from response Feb 15 2014 09:31:00 ERROR {http--} [54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70][478-478-478-478-478] JabberServlet - Error while loading make model Feb 15 2014 10:31:00 ERROR {http--} …

Member Avatar for AwkRocks
Member Avatar for divakar.it

Here is my another challenge. When I pass the file name into for loop, I want to get a specific word from the file name and need to pass that as a parameter as well. For eg: When there are 5 files in a folder say Encrypted_abc_1.xml Encrypted_xyz_2.xml Encrypted_hij_3.xml Encrypted_klm_4.xml …

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Member Avatar for srinivas88

Hi, I need to monitor the ip addresses in a server. whenever there is a fluctuation, i need to do some clean up (like restart the server/ reboot the machine) I was able to get a sample cpp program & was able to enhance it to suit my needs. But …

Member Avatar for Madira

I want to find common line in two files and replace the next line of first file with the next line of second file. (sed,awk,perl,bash any solution is welcomed ) Case Ignored. Multiple Occurrence of same line. File 1: hgacdavd sndm,ACNMSDC msgid "Rome" msgstr "" kgcksdcgfkdsb msgid "" hsdvchgsdvc msgstr …

Member Avatar for Madira
Member Avatar for Valkrem

Hi all, I want to write a script to do the following job I have a record like day ID var Month 1 11 x March 2 11 y April 3 11 y March 4 11 y April 5 11 y March 1 22 y April 2 22 x march …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for bobwahler

Win 7 clients, Need to populate alternate IP with current DHCP assignment (I believe everything else will be static). It appears that PowerShell is the only way to get at the alternate IP config variables. We are wrestling with a TechRepublic PS module that could be the modified. I used …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for CPT

First, to explain what I want to do: I have a folder structure like this: BSDS300\images\test\ -which contains JPEG files, and some other files(only .jpg files are of interest) BSDS300\human\color\ -which contains many folders, in which I have .seg files with the same name as the .jpg file Example: BSDS300\images\test\3096.jpg …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for Alan_4

Write the Towers of Hanoi program as a shell script. There are two basic strategies: run the shell script recursively as $0, or write a recursive shell function.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for singularity~

I have no clue to why this isn't working but when I try creating a shell path variable in `/etc/bash.bashrc`. This is my variable `SCHOOL="/home/stephen/Steve's\ Stuff/School"` When I type `$SCHOOL` into the terminal I get `bash: cd: /home/stephen/Steve's\: No such file or directory`

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Bhargav_2

Hi Can anyone help me out in this. Actually, I have rows like **Bold Text Here** 50121 abc.com 28/1/2014-12:00:00 52111 xyz.com 27/1/2014-12:00:00 deusr abc.com 26/1/2014-12:00:00 50121 abc.com 26/1/2014-12:00:00 52111 abc.com 25/1/2014-12:00:00 I removed the duplicates based on first column and got the output as 50121 abc.com 28/1/2014-12:00:00 52111 xyz.com 27/1/2014-12:00:00 …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi all, I am having a play around with batch files but have hit a stumbling block. The file returns the contents of an image folder and outputs the results in html format as such: Thumbnail - Filename (usable link) - Creation Date - Modified Date Please bear in mind …

Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk
Member Avatar for supra

Hello Everybody, I want to do a project on Linux Shell Programming for my final yr.Can any one give me some idea about what kind of projects I should choose (do) which have industrial relevance and certainly helps in campusing. Thaking you, Supra

Member Avatar for peter_14
Member Avatar for zulabc

I am a beginner for shell script, and I want to know how to check the content of file using if condition I have a files content .txt and what I want is if content of file have .txt; then skip else run code fi

Member Avatar for Snadiger
Member Avatar for nano72

i have the following scenario want to run the following script with manadory and optional arguments inside a bash script Manadory options are : filename="" port="" optional arguments type -t [A/B] balances -b bal prices -p ./test filename port -t A -b bal my code i have that won't parse …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for lewashby

echo ${NUM:0:2} The above is just an example of the kind of code I'M using. I need a way to represent the end of the string. Is there a way to start from the right side of a line of text instead of the left? What I'M trying to do …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for timetraveller1992

I'm trying to get the date to work properly. The time is 5 pm (1700 hours) now i.e. evening but it always says morning. Here's my code currenthour="$(date "+ %-H")" echo $currenthour if [ $currenthour -gt '12' ] && [ $currenthour -lt '16' ]; then currenttimeofday="Afternoon" elif [ $currenthour -gt …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for johnson gbenga

i need help Am written a script to solve my manual labor of cloning in my environment i want to use for statement to give me this kind of output Script for i in 0-4 && j in a b c d e do echo " $i $j this is …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for MadJako

Hello, I’m trying to make a powershell script that will copy files to and FTP server, but the destination folder needs to be generated each time the copy starts. In lieu of having a ton of issues trying to copy the source folder onto a remote FTP site using powershell, …

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for Phani_1

Hello I havea simple requirement, But I do not know to execute in ksh. Here is the reqt. I have aseries of jobs that has to run in certain order -First, Run- nuphup Task1.sas & and nohup Task2.sas & parallely(simultaneously) -Second- Wait till Task1.sas and Task2.sas is complete (RC=0) -Third-When …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Zizou_1

Month CBS GFS HR HR Payroll INCV cbs1 gfs1 hr1 hr2 hrm incv1 Baseline <=97 <=125 >=11 >=19 <=25 10 (6mths) 2013-07 97 89 14 28 30 4 2013-08 58 103 18 6 24 18 2013-09 54 110 11 14 25 17 2013-10 108 129 17 8 23 18 2013-11 …

Member Avatar for iwavetostars

Hello! my Avira just detected an infection with PHP/WebShell.A.1. It resides in C:\Users\Default.Default-PC\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\ and it's called "f_004140". I don't run any web-server on my computer whatsoever so I have no idea how I got it in here. Anyways, here's the "source" of the file. http://pastebin.com/cVzAuS0n https://mega.co.nz/#!gIJFiCZL!JuTagzrj8TI8nMkDZHPD-SRwu8UYs6Z_blMjkEl-aDE ^ The link …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for clife

Hi, How will i grep for a string which has '/' in it. I have so many script files some are having #!/bin/bash and some are having #!/bin/sh how can i find the scripts which are having #!/bin/sh. Thanks

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for clife

Hi, I have installed ubuntu 11.10 on my PC and the default shell i got was dash i found it out by ll /bin/sh But i could not run some of the scripts and thought of changing the shell to bash. so i did, cd /bin rm dash unlink dash …

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The End.