sine Programming Software Development by w2s (The program below should calculate sine of an angle without using c math library.The angle … Sine waves and sound Programming Software Development by Karl1 What is the best way to use Sine waves in C++? Also, I want to, by inputting sine waves, generate a sound and vice versa. Is there a way to do this? Sine series using Taylor Expansion Programming Software Development by paperstars …++, I'm trying to write a program to compute the sine series for taylor expansion. I've written two codes, but… both do not work after a certain point. (The sine series is: sin x = x - (x^3/3!) + (x^5… Sine wave many cycles C Programming by Frank_19 Task is is to ask the user if they want to calculate a sine wave. Should specify how many cycles of sine wave to include in the plot. Sine wave help Programming Software Development by sapan kumar i want to know how to generate a sine wave using sin() function sine wave Programming Software Development by ciencia I need help on making a sine wave I'm trying to do the equation y = Acos(… Sine Series Programming Software Development by hinduengg Please help me find the sine series . My program is: [code] #include<stdio.h> #… Re: Sine Series Programming Software Development by ajay.krish123 i dont think that only part is creating the has one more problem including the above stated: Max Value of Sine function is 1 It is due the the answer is less than zero and you are printing its integer value thats is always zero.... you wrote printf("\n sum is %d",s); instead it would be printf("\n sum is %f",s); Re: sine Programming Software Development by sarehu I wrote a whole bunch of stuff, but really, you just need to get out a pencil and a sheet of paper, and simulate your program by hand. You [i]must[/i] do that, and you must be able to do that. Also, review things like the scoping rules for variables. Here is some writing about the problems with your program: You have problems with your for … Function Generator (Sine) Programming Software Development by ralph.d.abernathy.1 …= acos((long double) -1); // user inputs for sine wave values cout<<"Enter Frequency: [1-…bias; cout<<"Enter % Noise level introduced to sine (percent) [0 - 100%] "; cin>>…quot;); fprintf(fptr, "%s\n", "Sine Pattern"); } for(int i=0; i<=360… Approximating sine wave using bezier curves Programming Software Development by jda Hello all, I'm trying to approximate a sine wave using bezier curves (for rendering speed over …wiki/File:Harmonic_partials_on_strings.svg[/url] [code=C#] // Produces a sine path as flat point array {PT, PT[3], PT[3…jagged waveform that comes close, but does not approximate a sine wave. See: [url]… waveOutWrite is creating complex wave instead of simple sine wave Programming Software Development by donaldw … the scope when I play the buffer shows a general sine wave shape with the frequency I want but it's… complex wave that's bouncing up and down with another sine-looking wave along the first wave. When I specify a… problem? How can I play my buffer with a smooth sine wave? Alternatively, I'm creating a string of binary bits… Cosine and Sine Simplification Programming Software Development by fussballer … if there is a way to "approximate" the sine and cosine of a value (angle is between 0 and….h functions. Is there a simple way to compute the sine and cosine of a value? (I would also like to… is possible for a square root, but for now just sine and cosine) Thanks for your help! Sam Re: Creating a sine wave at a specific frequency and sample rate Programming Software Development by gusano79 … I am working on a function that will generate a sine wave at a given frequency AND sampling rate. Something that…[*]A 1 kHz wave is 1,000 cycles/second [*]The sine function has a cycle length of 2*pi [/LIST] So…; i < 10000; i++) { // i is the sample index // Straight sine function means one cycle every 2*pi samples: // buffer[i… Re: Cosine and Sine Simplification Programming Software Development by WaltP … it as an index into the array to get the sine. Of course you need to figure out how to take… Increase Accuracy of Sine/Sin function Programming Software Development by skondgekar # I have Written a code for sine function but it is not much accurate# I have written …;< power(MyNumber,NumPower); //Comment out below code for testing Sine function //cout << MySin(30,1000); //Comment out below… Re: Creating and playing a sine wave sound (Python) Programming Software Development by ZZucker …create a sound file in AU format playing a sine wave # of a given frequency, duration and… """ creates an AU format sine wave audio file of frequency freq (Hz)… write data for seg in range(8 * dur): # sine wave calculations sin_seg = sin(seg * factor) val = pack… Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by vegaseat … suggestion would be to make a program that runs the sine curve down the vertical axis and get that one to… the Windows API call SetConsoleCursorPosition(). [php]// plot a text based sine curve down the vertical center axis // written in DevCpp v… Re: Generating sine wave Programming Software Development by Jishnu you can use the sine series for calculation upto a certain accuracy and then plot the curve [quote=pretu;380468]HI All How can we generate a sine wave without using the sin() function. Thanks pretu[/quote] plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by aminura Hi.. I have to make a program in c++ for plotting a sine curve..using arrays horizontal direction not vertical .. can I have an alogarithm or just a hint how to go on making ...thanks :) Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by vegaseat … line each, and you have the rudimentary look of a sine function. All in all a good exercise in arrays. Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by aminura … have to make a program in c++ for plotting a sine curve..using arrays horizontal direction not vertical .. can I… Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by aminura Well finally I got the sine curve(though in a vey complicated manner ;) )..I am getting … Generating sine wave Programming Software Development by pretu HI All How can we generate a sine wave without using the sin() function. Thanks pretu Re: Generating sine wave Programming Software Development by twomers I'm assuming you don't want to use the cosine function either :) You could create a table of results and read the values off that instead of using the sine function. Alternatively you could use exponentials and imaginary numbers ... generate sine waves with delphi Programming Software Development by airefrais … saving the resulting wave file. My purpose is to generate sine waves at different Amplitudes at 24 or 32 bits/sample… Re: generate sine waves with delphi Programming Software Development by mediastar airefrais, I think you may try Adobe Audition that can generate 32-bit sine waves and more complicated waves. Creating and playing a sine wave sound (Python) Programming Software Development by vegaseat This code creates a sound file in Sun's simple AU audio format of a sine wave of given frequency, duration and volume. calculating the sine cosine and tangent in C++ Programming Software Development by phpangel hi guyz, i want to write a program that will find the (sine, cosine and tangent) of adding and subtracting two variables using inheritance and polymorphism concepts. anybody plz help? appreciate the answer:) Create a synthetic 'sine wave' wave file Programming Software Development by vegaseat You can use Python modules math, wave, and struct to create and save a synthetic sine wave of given frequency and duration (size) ...