341 Topics

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Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a machine installed MS server 2008 and in that it has MS SQL express , how can i connect othe MS SQL express from another PC in the network what is the toll that i need to have appriciate a lot thanxxxx

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have an sql table called Stock with two fields called StockID and StockCode. I want the user to select the stockcode from a combo which in turn populates the stockid for that item into a lable on my form. I have already populated the stockcode into the combo but …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Frnds, I have an application developed in ASP.Net(C#) and MS SQL, its working fine and fulfilling the requirements. Now the problem is I have a [I]MS Access Database[/I] from where I have to read some data and feed it into ASP.Net form and then save it to [I]MS SQL …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for darkelflemurian

Hi, everyone this is my first post here and let me tell you my problem I have a C# application, i have SQLServer 2005 installed on my computer my database is there and the program works fine the problem I'm facing is that i need to make an installer for …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

Hi all, As you will be able to tell i am very new at VB.net. i have the following code that adds three text fields to my sql table. it works if i input numbers i.e the number 1 in all three feilds but as soon as i in input …

Member Avatar for zifina
Member Avatar for tooqt4u_777

Hi guys, My group is having a software development project for our academics at a university. The software we want to develop is an inventory system which will be installed in a Local Area Network. We have decided to use Visual Studio C# (2005 or higher) as the front-end while …

Member Avatar for dValue
Member Avatar for sbhavan

Hi All, In my development of an online application, I have to generage the serial no for the available number from the serial number table in sql server. Multiple users will hit the table to generate the serial numbers. So the serial number should not be repeated. I have to …

Member Avatar for bruceoz

Hi folks I need some help! I have two tables the first contains account information, and the second contains flags that records in the account table may have. These are joined by the account?id. One account record may have several flags from the flag table. ie the following select select …

Member Avatar for bruceoz
Member Avatar for romilnagrani

[ATTACH]17851[/ATTACH] Hi, Format my PC and installed SQL Server 2008. Setup hangs as shown in attached image. Installing on Win 7 64 bit OS. To install SQL Server SP1 is left to do due to this. FYI, the top text reads: Running post-Windows Installer configuration timing actions the bottom text …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... i've created one ssrs report it works good im my system.. i.e http://localhost/reportserver$sqlexpress but how should i execute in different system... if i enter the system name then it is showing page cannot be displayed.. i.e http://sys1/reportserver$sqlexspress (page cannot be found) please help me..

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... as u all know about ssrs reports... now i'm using the crystal reports and i want to go through ssrs reports can anyone answer the following question. 1)what is the need of ssrs... 2)and why we should use ssrs.., 3)what are the advantages 4)what are the disadvantages 5)how it …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... to all the following code is to deploy the reports programatically... i've one problem .. by using the filestream it takes more time to load the reports.. hence burden on server.. is there any option or any solution to make less burden on server.... one more thing the records …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... to all i've created ssrs reports local following is my code.. public void source(string tbname,string Rptname) { ReportViewer1.Visible = true; string myQuery = "select * from " + tbname; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(myQuery, myConnection); myCommand.Connection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(myCommand); DataSet dt = …

Member Avatar for duke_swh

I have a table in SQL Server with the following structure: DateRated, Parameter, Rating, UserID Sample Data DateRated Parameter Rating UserID 10/01/2010 Flexibility Good User101 10/01/2010 Efficiency Average User101 10/01/2010 Value For Money Below Average User101 I want to create a query that will make it like this: DateRated Flexibility …

Member Avatar for duke_swh
Member Avatar for Chris.Leah

Hi guys, I am using Visual Studio 2008 and have connected a database correctly as I have done a login that works fine, although when I try to insert information submitted in the text boxes a different table, it doesn't enter after I end program to check it still has …

Member Avatar for maj3091
Member Avatar for jerseydrex06

I need help in deciding which DBMS is best suited to fit my system, would it be MySQL or SQL Server Express. The system is a TPS,it stores and manages job applicants data (name, address, gender, educational level, skills, etc). Since I am only a student and this is just …

Member Avatar for ciint
Member Avatar for el_vala

I know, is a very basic question, but I am in the process of re-learning sql stored procedures, and this is what happended: I was practicing with some simple delete / insert routines, when encountered with this: if I ONLY insert records: 1. dog 2. cat 3. t-rex 4. llama …

Member Avatar for el_vala
Member Avatar for heavens_cloud

Question: I just recently had a cut over for a web application using a SQL DB that was previously using xp_sendmail to dispatch messages to the users. In accordance with the cut over, xp_sendmail is no longer usable in Server 2005 and should be replaced with sp_send_dbmail. Previously, the emails …

Member Avatar for Michael27

I'm trying to create login form in C#. I store username and password in SqlServer 2008 express using the stored procedure [CODE]ALTER procedure [dbo].[InsertNewUser] ( @UserName varchar(30), @Password varchar(30) ) as If exists(Select 'True' from Users where UserName = @UserName) begin --This means that the user name is taken select …

Member Avatar for arunkumars
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, for a database project (music festivals) several search options are to be included. While some search fields will be filled from a dropdown list (like "countries"), other will have a fuzzy option (like "song titles"). For this I want to use the full-text search (you may remember the words …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for gispe

Hi all, i started programming with .NET (i have express edition) and wanted to make a conection to an SQL Server.. the problem is that i cant conect :( previously i had .net 2005 - i started having the issue there - i unistalled it, n installed visual studio 2008. …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hello Everyone, I have 2 checkboxes in a form and onclick of these. Once the checkbox is checked, only the fields that are relevant to the checkbox are displayed, with default values in it and to fetch the default values i need to trigger php code. So i can't perform …

Member Avatar for help_lucky
Member Avatar for miweiser

I'm just going to post my pages here if someone will take a look and let me know where to go from here...sorry, I could have attached files if you would prefer. I am not sure what needs to be in my VB page if anything more is required nor …

Member Avatar for miweiser
Member Avatar for raymondhsu09

Hi everyone, This is the error i am getting when i try to do SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(). My application runs on multiple threads and constantly opens, executes and close connection. This error i am getting after running the application for some time. Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results …

Member Avatar for raymondhsu09
Member Avatar for cool_jatish

hi........ can anyone tell me the connection strings to connect JAVA JAPPLET to sql server 2005 database and also the execution of SQL statement in java thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ErikV

Hay, I had a question about a login system that i want to create. I have SQL express 2005 with value's ( business name, passwords e.d. ). This system we use to fill in what we did at the company, and how much time we spend on it. This system …

Member Avatar for ErikV
Member Avatar for dwayned

Hi guys , I am creating a timekeeping application to keep track of users. In my database I have a table which stores the time a user starts their break and finishes their break. I want to return the total time that the user is on break in minutes to …

Member Avatar for dwayned
Member Avatar for Buddhika75

I want to raise an event in C# when any one user make an insert or an update to a certain table in SQL server via my C# program. As there are multiple users using the execution file in various locations, I can not do it using the C# cord …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Everyone, I have developed an application for website using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005. Recently I have uploaded it to server, but after uploading its showing the following error message - [B] Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.[/B] [B]Description:[/B] …

Member Avatar for Sinha's
Member Avatar for padtes

I have a T-SQL function (transact SQL is SQL server 2005 programming language, with many limitations compared to say C# or Java). It currently works but has severe limitations. Its input is string (formula) that has ternary operators used in it. The function converts it into CASE statement and returns …


The End.