Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by toneewa While I haven't used DJGPP for a couple decades, I decided to install the ffmpeg library and do a test program another way. For me, the declarations worked changing: #include "os_support.h" #include "avformat.h" #include "internal.h" #if CONFIG_NETWORK #include "network.h" #… Re: stderr reset to a file Programming Software Development by gerard4143 Try googling freopen() here's a small example of redirecting stderr to a file named output. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char**argv) { freopen("output", "w", stderr); fputs("send this to stderr\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } [/CODE] stderr reset to a file Programming Software Development by johndoe444 Hi, Is there a way to set stderr such that it does not print on screen rather on file. I have spawned a couple of threads and they are dumping all the error messages on the screen like a maniac and giving me a headache. Some help would be highly appreciated. Thanks. Re: stderr reset to a file Programming Software Development by WaltP Not normally, although you can pipe stderr to a file by using [B]2[/B] in front of the pipe character: [iCODE]prog 2>err.file[/iCODE] stderr redirect Programming Software Development by vs.vaidyanathan when i do a stderr redirect to stdout, does the shell open the stdout file? … set -x -> putting log into a file other than stderr Programming Software Development by megladon … write to a file instead of it writing to stderr ?? I do not want to have to do … loses the ability to write to its stderr since all stderr messages generated by set -x and ones… that I explicity write to stderr goes to the logfile which I do not want…and still be able to write messages to the stderr of this shell script. Is there any way… Log return code, stdout and stderr from an application Programming Software Development by Prahaai … I would need an advice about sys.stdout and sys.stderr. I use Python 2.6, on Windows XP SP3,…-m0=LZMA -ms=on -mmt=on -mx9', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) ret = p.communicate() [/code] I must…Python. I don't know much about sys.stdout, sys.stderr, print >>, or buffers. Any help is apreciated.… Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by Narue …? [code] fprintf(stdout,"hello-out"); fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr,"hello-err"); [/code] stdout is buffered by default… while stderr is not. The three ways to flush a buffered stream… segmentation fault on fprintf to stderr after modulo Programming Software Development by edbarker … bit of code: [code=c] if((MOLNUMBER%10000)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"."); } [/code] What could possibly go wrong? Well when… printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by rahul8590 … main() { while(1) { fprintf(stdout,"hello-out"); fprintf(stderr,"hello-err"); sleep(1); } return 0; } [/CODE] why… Re: set -x -> putting log into a file other than stderr Programming Software Development by eggi Hey There, I don't know if this is trivial - I couldn't find anything that specifically addressed it, but the easiest way I can think of would be to do a double run: bash -x script 2>&1|grep "^+" >>debugfile bash script 2 >>stderrfile and just sdiff them if you need to. Otherwise, to my knowledge, set -x, or … Re: Log return code, stdout and stderr from an application Programming Software Development by Gribouillis A similar problem has already been posted in this forum. For a multiplatform solution, I suggest that you try to use the class Popen in [url=]this activestate recipe[/url]. It contains a very sophisticated solution. See if it applies to your problem. Re: segmentation fault on fprintf to stderr after modulo Programming Software Development by gerard4143 How is MOLNUMBER defined? Re: segmentation fault on fprintf to stderr after modulo Programming Software Development by edbarker [QUOTE=gerard4143;1305061]How is MOLNUMBER defined?[/QUOTE] it is an integer (int MOLNUMBER;), which as a variable i use globally i put it in capitals (probably not good practice) I don't #define it as a constant. It is set after reading the molecule's entry number from the file. Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by manojwali Try to use fflush() function. May be that will solve your problem. -Manoj Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by rahul8590 no it doesnt .. Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by manojwali use flushall() instead of that. Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by Narue flushall isn't guaranteed to be available as it's a non-standard extension. Besides, you can achieve the same effect as flushall (assuming it does what one might expect) with fflush(NULL). Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by manojwali [QUOTE=Narue;1323793]flushall isn't guaranteed to be available as it's a non-standard extension. Besides, you can achieve the same effect as flushall (assuming it does what one might expect) with fflush(NULL).[/QUOTE] Actually, it is and but I have experienced myself, somewhat inconsistent behaviour of C++ compilers where they give inaccurate… Re: printing stderr ouput ... Programming Software Development by Narue [B]>Actually, it is[/B] Prove it. I can prove otherwise by showing the lack of a definition for flushall in the C standard, so you're already in a hole. [B]>and but I have experienced myself, somewhat inconsistent behaviour of C++ compilers where they >give inaccurate result on first compilation mostly one rebuilding in file … Failed to load 64 bit library: Can't load library: Programming Software Development by reuben_1 …439] 2014-07-27 14:49:55 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [B#439…439] 2014-07-27 14:49:55 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [B#…439] 2014-07-27 14:49:55 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [B#… Jni Programming Software Development by sarju …*/ if((fdata = (float *) malloc(num_pix*sizeof(float))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : wsq_encode_1 : malloc : fdata\n"); return(-10); } /* …); if(huff_buf == (unsigned char *)NULL) { free(qdata); free(wsq_data); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : wsq_encode_1 : malloc : huff_buf\n"); return(-13); } /******************/… python help urgent! Programming Software Development by … yaxismax= 10**math.ceil(math.log10(max)) # sys.stderr.write(str(yaxismax)) valuesgap = 0 scalesygap = 0 scaletip… 1 #################################################### pixelsperunit = (GRAPHTOP-GRAPHBOTTOM)/yaxismax sys.stderr.write(str(pixelsperunit)) sys.stderr.write(str("\n")) numbersofvaluelists = len… Segmentation Fault Programming Software Development by osiron … cannot allocate temp */ if(temp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); return 0; }…rec->score <= 100) { break; } } fprintf(stderr, "Invalid score.\n"); } return 1; } void… error: expected â)â before â;â token Programming Software Development by reginaj …InpFile,*argv); 134 # ifdef debug 135 fprintf(stderr, 136 "InpFile = %s\n,…,*argv); 151 # ifdef debug 152 fprintf(stderr, 153 "OutFile = %s\n,… Need help with c++ network client. Programming Software Development by MasterHacker110 …(struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Client: connect() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); WSACleanup();…Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); if (retval == SOCKET_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Client: send() failed: error %d.\n", WSAGetLastError());… Using multiple pipes Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE …(child_id) { FILE *outfile; int counter; int status; pid_t whodied; fprintf (stderr, "I'm the parent.\n"); if (close (mypipe… 0) { perror ("close read end"); exit (errno); } fprintf (stderr, "Successfully closed read end of pipe.\n"); outfile… Trying to get property on a non object error Programming Web Development by twistercool … if ($database -> getErrorNum()) { echo $database -> stderr(); return false; } } $startdate = JText::_('RS1_INPUT_SCRN_DATE_PROMPT'); …(); if ($database -> getErrorNum()) { echo $database -> stderr(); return false; } if ($err == ""){ /* … Translate C/C++ Code to python Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo … // Check result if(err != BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL) { beCloseStream(hbeStream); fprintf(stderr,"beEncodeChunk() failed (%lu)", err); return -1; } …// Check result if(err != BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL) { beCloseStream(hbeStream); fprintf(stderr,"beExitStream failed (%lu)", err); return -1; } … Double-linked list in contiguous memory. Programming Software Development by tehloki … = listClear(tst)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"listClear error\n"); exit(-1); } …if (!(rel = listSetCurrent(tst,el))) { fprintf(stderr,"listSetCurrent error\n"); exit(-1); …