string comparison Programming Web Development by baig772 how string comparison is done in php? i wan to copmpare two strings and result i want is the same letters in both strings? any help plz Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 … "<<s1<<" chars in first string\n"; //size_t s2; //s2 = 0; do {…to use my code to do the the string comparison. The code works fine when comparing a1…equal, then go back to char-by-char comparison, otherwise you have your answer. I understand… String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 Hi, I need some help with sorting my string comparison. Bascially what I have to do is this: To have … "<<s1<<" chars in first string\n"; //size_t s2; //s2 = 0; do { ++Str2; //s2++; } while… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by NathanOliver There was a thread that I participated in a few years back and maybe you will get some insight from it. It was a natural string comparison challenge by Narue. As an FYI I wouldn't post anything to that thread since it so old. Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 … relative to one another. You are trying to fix your string comparison function so that it will not only be insensitive to…. Similarly you could use a file to house many test string pairs, but this is not required. Just make sure your… string-comparison methods and the techniques Programming Software Development by enitsirc I'm having difficulty in formulating the code in this problem:Use the string-comparison methods discussed and the techniques for sorting arrays developed to write an application that alphabetizes a list of strings. Allow the user to enter the strings in a text field. Display the results in a text area. I badly need help. Re: string-comparison methods and the techniques Programming Software Development by darkagn Hi enitsirc and welcome to DaniWeb, What are the "string comparison methods discussed" in your class? And the techniques for sorting arrays too... Why String comparison with '==' is said to be illegal,eventhough it works fine? Programming Software Development by ramjeev Why String comparison with '==' is illegal,eventhough it works fine.Kindly explain? Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 … is actually taking in an entire line as a string and then just taking off the first character (in…notice that the two chars at a particular comparison point during our comparison function were both digits and, under those circumstances…a row) into numeric form -- perhaps from the "String Translation It Does A Body Good" lab -- and … Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 … am confused on why the program is not working in comparison like the alphaNum.txt file you showed me. This is… "<<s1<<" chars in first string\n"; //size_t s2; //s2 = 0; do { ++Str2; //s2++; } while… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 …; vs) { ifstream fin(FNAME); if(fin) { string line; while(getline(fin, line)) vs.push_back(line); … "<<s1<<" chars in first string\n"; //size_t s2; //s2 = 0; do {… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W …!isalpha(s[i]) ) return false; } return true; } bool isValid( const string& s ) { if( isAllDigit(s) ) return true; if( isAllAlpha(s… s.find_first_of( "0123456789" ); bool valid = true; if( pos == string::npos ) valid = false; // not likely ... just in case else if… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 … "<<s1<<" chars in first string\n"; //size_t s2; //s2 = 0; do { ++…else x = 0; } return x; } bool isAllDigit(const string& s) { for(int i=s.size()-1; i … Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W … // not used here now with this class String ... //#include <string> // using above class String #include <vector> // NEED STL…pos = s.size(); if( !pos ) { cout << "\nEmpty string. "; return false; } if( isAllDigit(s) ) return true; // passes … Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W …; vs ) { ifstream fin( FNAME ); if( fin ) { string line; while( getline(fin, line) ) vs.push_back( line ); … a_itm, b_itm; istringstream iss_a(a), iss_b(b); char c; string tmp; while( iss_a >> c ) { if( … Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W …file stuff, also, of course.) typedef vector< string > VecStr; char takeInChar( const string& msg ) { cout << msg…// else ... return true; } void loadFromUser( VecStr& vs ) { do { string line; cout << "Enter next line: " <… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W … you are using C++ ... Why not just easily USE C++ string ... Then ... your program to input strings into a vector of… really do have all that you need there, using C++ string and the C++ STL ... Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W … the above example (copied now here below): char takeInChar( const string& msg ) { cout << msg << flush…; string reply; getline( cin, reply ); if( reply.size() ) return reply[0]; // … Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W It seeems you don't have C++ string Try using the class String I linked to, on your other post. Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by Rashmi_1 Where is the class string? I don't see the post. I will try putting it into the program and hopefully it works. Thanks Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W … access to it.) I sent you a link to a string class ... so that we can both work 'on the….net/forum/index.php/topic,46.0.html */ /* Safe string data entry from file ... to replace gets and fgets BUT…,46.0.html */ /* Safe string data entry from file or keyboard ... BUT ... free new memory… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W …. I do not have your non-standard version of C++ string... So how can I help you with it? > But… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W > I do not have your non-standard version of C++ string... > So how can I help you with it? Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W … time ... not any variety, (that I can see), of C++ string. If you do not wish to learn how to code… Re: string-comparison methods and the techniques Programming Software Development by verruckt24 Your question is a little confusing but from what I have gathered here's what you need to do: Take several strings from a user sort them alphabetically and show them, in a text area, in sorted order. If yes, you can use the [icode]compareTo()[/icode] method of the String class for this. It compares two strings lexicographically. Re: String Comparison Programming Software Development by L7Sqr `==` for character array (`char*`, actually) compares the pointers themselves. If the two pointers are not pointing at the exact same memory location the results will be false. If you want to compare the strings themselves (the individual character-by-character comparison) you will want to use something like `strcmp`. Re: String comparison Programming Software Development by darkagn I don't think that's possible. You can check the String against each String in your array (which is what you've said you don't want to do?) but how does it make sense to compare a single string with an array of strings? When do you expect them to be equal? String comparison Programming Software Development by abhi287 … developing an application in which i want to compare a String with string[]. Means i m having array of names which i… String Comparison Programming Software Development by SoreComet Can string be compared with == operator? I know that they can be … Re: String comparison in two files Programming Software Development by MrSpigot Assuming you can get it to compile, your string comparison in: if(line1 == line2) is actually comparing the addresses of line1 and line2, not the array contents. Try using string objects to store the lines, or use an array comparison method such as strcmp().