SUbcategory Programming Web Development by knrakesh Hello friends Iam unabing to add subcategory and iam trying to add in the same table in which the categories are there can anyone please help me in adding subcategories and categories in a same table please Thank u KNR Re: SUbcategory Programming Web Development by knrakesh …(); return false; } if(a.c_name.value=='') { alert ("Please Select SubCategory"); a.c_name.focus(); return false; } if (a.cimage.value… Re: SUbcategory Programming Web Development by death_oclock … it is a top-level catergory, to distinguish from a subcategory. subcategory problem Programming Web Development by knrakesh hello friends iam having a problem if we want to add a category and subcategory in single page and in a single database in database can we able to please help me in adding category and subcategory in a single page please thank you KNR Re: subcategory problem Programming Web Development by Shanti C you can't add category and subcategory at one page, because while adding the subcategory , we have to insert category id as its parent_id, so we don't insert category, we don't know under which category ,we are going to insert sub category But we can use only on table to both... And also your thread can be solved by triggers.. . Re: SUbcategory Programming Web Development by compdoc please post your code, so we can see what you are doing Re: SUbcategory Programming Web Development by knrakesh and 1 more thing sir i want the category and subcategories have to be saved in the same table please sir Re: SUbcategory Programming Web Development by compdoc ok I'll have to take a look at this later, but it's possible that you might be able to fix this by making a few small changes to your script. for example I suggest that you use <?php for all of your opening tags for php. one more thing is that some of your code is not wrapped in the php tags correctly. if you load this page into a sever will … Display category and subcategory Programming by hrushi9 …. Apparel, Technology, Travel ) 2. Second link display subcategory with parent (e.g. shirts (parent - Apparel) …) **How to display category and its subcategory if any link is clicked.** e.g. if…- **Apparel - shirts** if second link, i.e. subcategory, is clicked i.e. shirts => display - **Apparel… indented subcategory recursive loop Programming Web Development by carie Hello, I'm working on a recursive loop subcategory system. The code below is ALMOST where I need it. … last thing I'd like to do is indent each subcategory based on levels deep, rather than just separate by commas… Re: indented subcategory recursive loop Programming Web Development by edwinhermann …=carie;993650]Hello, I'm working on a recursive loop subcategory system. The code below is ALMOST where I need it… last thing I'd like to do is indent each subcategory based on levels deep, rather than just separate by commas… Want to display the subcategory as while the records of category on selecting the Cat Programming Web Development by khadrani_arif …;", "SubCat", ""); // Collect all element of subcategory for various cat_id <? //let us collect all cat_id and… then collect all subcategory for each cat_id $q2=mysql_query("select distinct(catid) from… Re: Display category and subcategory Programming by hrushi9 … is clicked, display following output on **product.php,-** **Apparel ** * shirts (subcategory is added for only Apparel category. category id 2-Technology… Woocommerce Filters, Category, Subcategory. Programming Web Development by useruno1 … configure this: **Category:** Sunglasses | Sunglasses 1 | Sunglasses 2 **Subcategory** (Just 1 Filtre) Boys | Girls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Subcategory** Boys | Girls **Filters:** Color | Model | Brand | Etc… Re: Woocommerce Filters, Category, Subcategory. Programming Web Development by useruno1 [Category] [Subcategory] I would like to display filters for products only in [Subcategory]. Can you tell me if this file outputs a subcategory page? Programming by ChrisJ This php has subcategory code on line 149 and 215 can you tell me if this file outputs a subcategory page? Re: Woocommerce Filters, Category, Subcategory. Programming Web Development by useruno1 [Category] [Subcategory] Ajax category , subcategory and sub sub categor Programming Web Development by tiekwebstar …/dbc.php"); $id = $_GET['ID']; $query = "SELECT * FROM subcategory WHERE cat_id=$id"; $getd = mysql_query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_array… getting problem in fire query select category and subcategory Programming Web Development by neha05 … click on Business ..the page ll open which contain the subcategory of bussiness only(im calling that page in iframe by… category and subcategory in oracle Programming Databases by ganges what is the SQL command (Query) to create category and subcategory in oracle thanks for your time. Categories subcategory. PHP Programming Web Development by marin cristina hello as I could have and I Categories subcategory. PHP For example: Categories - Action / Horror / Comedy series - to be … how to fetch subcategory under categor n blockcategories plugin prestashop? Programming Web Development by fireburner29 how to fetch subcategory in blockcategories menu plugin prestashop? Python return dictionary from subcategory Programming by timjohns Hello, I'm a newby to Python and I want to write a function which imports a CSV file and returns a dictionary for each subcategory of a column: other: 6, teacher: 3, services: 2, health: 1 Any advice? Thanks! ![Schermafbeelding_2021-01-07_om_22_21_47.png]( Re: adding subcategory Programming Web Development by knrakesh … single page and i want to add category and add subcategory with a single table (if suppose i put the category… parentid=0 and for subcategory parentid =1 ) please tell the code i have written the… Re: adding subcategory Programming Web Development by praveen_dusari hi rakesh, for subcategory u first create table with prid,parentid name,title..etc …" <? if (isset($_GET['pid'])){?>value="<?=$subcategory?>" <? }?>>[/code] thats it simple Re: adding subcategory Programming Web Development by knrakesh Thanks praveen i qm having the category table in that table only i want to insert subcategory i dont want to create seperate table for subcategory i got with seperate table but actually i am looking for the total categories and subcategories in a single table Re: How can I add "collapse" to subcategory titles? Programming Web Development by emsanator … the `data-bs-toggle="collapse"` tag in the subcategory titles -> "category_name_women_clothing", "category_name_women_bag", and "… can I add `data-bs-toggle="collapse"` to subcategory titles? Re: showing category and subcategory in codeignitor Programming Web Development by cereal … = array(); foreach($query->result() as $row) { $result[] = $row->subcategory; } json_encode($result); } ?> to access the data just point the… Re: Display category and subcategory Programming by rproffitt You forgot a lot when you made this post. For example, not one question was found. So it's anyone's guess what your question or need is here. If you were in a hurry and hoping for someone to write your code for you, you didn't write or ask for that either. Before you reply, be sure to read… Re: indented subcategory recursive loop Programming Web Development by carie Thank you Edwin! You are a saint :)