Tcl: Extract variables from checkbuttons into Tcl List Programming Software Development by WhatFurrer …on a device. Since I am very new to Tcl, I found an example program that has the basics… I am working from: [CODE]#!/usr/bin/wish # ckbutton.tcl # Demonstrate the checkbutton command # Perform the specified action on… page for "checkbutton". Would someone with Tcl experience please review the above script and make suggestions … TCL scripting language Programming Software Development by aditya027 Hi, How good is the TCL scripting language? Is it a hot trend in market? What are the jobs prospectus after learning this language? Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by Narue TCL is a fun language...not as fun as Perl though. ;) Try [url=]this site[/url]. Re: Using Python to execute a tcl command Programming Software Development by vegaseat … GUI toolkit Tkinter is based on TCL and contains a TCL interpreter ... # it is simple to run tcl scripts via Tkinter # tested with…; -command {destroy .} pack .button """ # call the Tkinter tcl interpreter'eval', tcl_script) root.mainloop() Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by Stack Overflow …[*][url=]Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk[/url] [*][url=http://hegel.ittc.ku….edu/topics/tcltk/]Tcl/Tk Information[/url] [*][url=…Tcl_Tk/Tcl_Tk_Tutorial.html]Tcl/Tk Tutorial[/url] [*][url=]TCL Electronic Reference[/… Communication Between C++, TCL Programming Software Development by sameer.mastek Hi I would like to know how could we communicate between VC++ and TCL. I've tried it using SWIG. that was call for C++ function by TCL. Can a C++ give a call to TCL module. What is the ICE? Is it related to C++ and TCL communication somehow? Re: Communication Between C++, TCL Programming Software Development by Grunt [quote=sameer.mastek;255316] What is the ICE? Is it related to C++ and TCL communication somehow?[/quote] ICE is a Tcl compiler. The compiler translates Tcl code into C code, which can then be compiled together with a special Tcl library to produce a single executable. calling a python script from terminal (and eventually tcl/tk) Programming Software Development by tehbrozor Hello, I am trying to write a GUI front (with tcl/tk) for a python module. Unfortunately the module takes parameters … into interactive mode (I'm running Debian) I can get tcl to run a test module with no parameters: [code] exec… happy for now) And as a side note to any tcl/tk fans: the module will be generating a plot, any… Need help upgrading TCL 8.3 to 8.4 Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by BigBlueBall I have a Linux webserver with TCL 8.3 installed, and I need to upgrade to TCL 8.4 in order to install Eggdrop. I have installation instructions for TCL 8.4, but do I need to uninstall 8.3 first? I have shell access to the server, and a very rudimentary knowledge of Linux. Any advice you can offer is appreciated. Re: Can this code be converted to TCL from C++ .. Programming Software Development by Duoas I think this will do what you want: [code=Tcl] proc main {ip port} { set connection_to_server [socket $ip $port] puts $… 6789 [/code] If you need your tcl script to be directly executable from the command line I… info from one of [URL=""]Tcl/Tk 8.5 manual pages[/URL] [URL… awk in tcl Programming Software Development by amrita111 Hello..I am learning awk and tcl languages..I want to ask how can we integrate awk code in tcl file??? can we do this or we have to open call awk file from tcl???Reply soon. Using Python to execute a tcl command Programming Software Development by Tortura Hi, I want to execute a tcl command with a python method. I don't really know how this works. This is my tcl command: <object> config -<parameter> Now I want a python method, that should look like this: def config(config_obj, parameter): #code which executes the tcl command Do you know how this works? Re: Communication Between C++, TCL Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ If you want a third party library for interfacing between C++ and TCL then maybe you should look here [URL][/URL] As for your second part of the question you havent as such mentionend what exactly is ICE otherwise i would have definately said something. Hope it helped, bye. Re: Using Python to execute a tcl command Programming Software Development by Tortura Thanks for your help. I read something about Tkinter and know that I have to import this for using tcl commands. Your code shows me how Tkinter works, thats pretty nice, but can you help me with my problem to call the tcl command, I wrote in the first post? Thanks Re: call to TCL script from C++ code Programming Software Development by sameer.mastek … the various ways of communcation between the TCL and C++. 1) Direct call to tcl script from C++ code, 2) Using SWIG… to make changes in C++ code only and not the tcl script code. Also, as the project is in requirement gathering… Re: Using Python to execute a tcl command Programming Software Development by TrustyTony How about Tkinter.tcl? ns2 (tcl problem) Hardware and Software Networking by rohit b k Hi, i was writing a simple tcl script.. and i wrote these lines toorient the links between …-op $n1 $n3 orient right-down" (file "try2.tcl" line 34) please help me... thanks.. Re: call to TCL script from C++ code Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … are hoping to find some experienced programmers which work in TCL then you are very wrong. Not many people here in… you need specific help why not try out some exclusive TCL forums. Here is some help for you: [URL]http://www… Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by vegaseat Suddenly I am interested in the tcl scripting language. Does anybody know a good website to learn the rudimentaries. call to TCL script from C++ code Programming Software Development by sameer.mastek I want to call a TCL script from a C++ code. Can anyone give me the suggestion to achieve so! Re: call to TCL script from C++ code Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon I don't know, but your research might start [URL=""]here[/URL]. Calling TCL scripts from C# Programming Software Development by mini_3110 Hi, I want to call TCL scripts from a C# project for some functions. How can I do that? Re: Calling TCL scripts from C# Programming Software Development by Hamrick Can you use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start? I'm not really sure how tcl programs are run because they're interpreted, but I'm guessing it works like perl programs and the interpreter is automatically started when you try to execute the script. Re: Calling TCL scripts from C# Programming Software Development by Hamrick [code=C#] using System.Diagnostics; namespace Hamrick { static class Program { static void Main() { Process.Start( "" ); } } } [/code] I guess you'd just change the .pl to .tcl and be good. Can this code be converted to TCL from C++ .. Programming Software Development by H a R o O n …++ client(Network Programming) code, I need to translate it to TCL, if anybody can help me, I shall be thankfull ... [code… Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by eng.jojja well does anybody know which better tcl or perl.. i mean which most commonly used..i wanna learn one of them..but dunno which one i should choose.. Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by cfajohnson I wouldn't use either tcl or perl; I use the shell. Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by kevinkatia Does anyone know what a better Tcl or Perl .. So what is the most commonly used .. I would like to learn from them .. I do not know what I had to choose .. Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by cfajohnson If the shell is not enough for you, learn Python. Tcl doesn't have the capabilities of a real programming language, and Perl is a write-only language: its scripts are either bloated or incomprehensible. Re: Learn TCL in 21 days or less Programming Software Development by gwmorris I'd be happy if I could even get TCL to work. I thought I had installed it, and I thought NetBeans had installed it too, but I just keep getting an error about some missing .so (library) file that's not even on the hard drive. Makes no sense to me..