minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri … of handling. But with a solid routing structure and a template system where you can quickly prototype multiple partial content pages… based on a parent or base template is often very useful when starting a new app project… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani …-some-best-practices-for-optimizing-code-performance-in-php) * [My template engine that I wrote for Codeigniter (hint: it's similar… library)]( Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pritaeas Why would I choose this over a package like [Slim]( Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri @pritaeas Most modern PHP frameworks like Slim make heavy use of OOP which introduces cruft and bloat. As you can see in that example itself, just for printing a simple Hello string, they ended up creating one Factory class and two other classes for request and response. While OOP certainly has its uses, not all use cases need this level of … Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani When I first created the platform that powers DaniWeb, I did so only after many years on phpBB, and learning that framework inside and out, and making lots of phpBB mods, and then many years on vBulletin, and learning *that* framework inside and out, and making lots of vBulletin plug-ins. Despite DaniWeb being my first web development app that I've… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani > In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty much all functionality can be accomplished with methods that act upon any combination of those four things. I just want to also add that I rolled my own ORM such that each instance of any of these classes maps directly to a row in a… Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … We will also define `history_retriever_chain`, which takes the chat template we defined earlier and returns the matched document. The following… script defines our first template and chain. ``` prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([ MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="… Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hugging Face Models in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … you to generate responses, as shown in the script below. ``` template = """You are a an expert baking chef…. {Question}""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template) chain = prompt | hf question = "How to bake a pizza… What would you like to see in a business directory? Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad Hello webmasters, I am currently building a template that I am going to sell on different websites like … ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Audun … that I can put in a website? Some sort of template code that you can shimmy into HTML ? Thanks Re: What would you like to see in a business directory? Programming Web Development by Dani I hate to tell you this, but Google *hates* web directories and none rank anymore. Gone are the days of Yahoo!, Dmoz, etc. I don't want you to waste a lot of time because I personally don't feel you'll be able to sell a lot of these. There are some paid models that still exist today, such as The Yellow Pages, Yelp, and Angi. I would browse sites… Re: What would you like to see in a business directory? Programming Web Development by antwanlee There are already about a trillion sites that do exactly that. If you want that do make money from users, build a site that signs them up for all other business directories for a one time fee. If you want to make money from marketing, you will have to get a high domain authority (DA) score for your site so that users are encouraged to sign up… Re: ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I have an apps folder on D: where I keep all my portable/homegrown software. Let's say I want to create a virtual enviromnent in `D:\apps\MyVirtual`. To do this I open a command shell and do D:\>cd apps D:\apps>python -m venv MyVirtual If I install any packages in this session, they will be installed in the virtual python. … Re: ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I have developed a number of GUI applications in python. I found that the wxpython package was far better than tkinter. wxpython is based on wxwidgets which is essentially windows controls. Because wxwidgets are compiled for each major system, controls rendered by wxpython look like the native controls for whatever system is hosting. Re: template object as function parameter Programming Software Development by Narue >template<class Tpl, unsigned int iSize> >void AddData(CClient& c, CArray<Tpl,MAX_SIZE>& ar) Change MAX_SIZE to iSize. Since you didn't have iSize anywhere in the parameter list or as an explicit list in the instantiation, your compiler couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be. Re: Template Function Question Programming Software Development by mrnutty … so : [code] //for general types template<typename T> T ask(const std::string& …; cin >> answer; return answer; } //specialize for string type template<> std::string ask(const std::string& question… Re: template vs inheritance Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon template and inerentence at two completly different animals. You would use one instead of the other at any time. I'm not great on templates but I think templates can experience inherentence just as normal classes can. Re: Template question Programming Software Development by siddhant3s Template parameter are instantiated pre-runtime. So when your program is … Re: template specialization Programming Software Development by sandy#123 template <class KeyType> Comparable<KeyType> * AvlNode<… Re: template parameters as base class - incomprehensible stroustrup Programming Software Development by Moschops template <typename DATA> struct node{ node <DATA> * left; node <DATA> * right; DATA data; }; That makes no sense. A node needs to point to another node, not to a DATA. template Programming Software Development by jigglymig … #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> class Point { private: T…T get_y(); Point plus(Point); void print(); }; template<typename T> Point<T>::Point…temp.set_y(get_y() + operand2.get_y()); return temp; } template<typename T> void Point<T>::print… Re: template Programming Software Development by deceptikon [CODE]template<typename T> Point<T> Point<T>::plus(Point<T> operand2) { Point temp; temp.set_x(get_x() + operand2.get_x()); temp.set_y(get_y() + operand2.get_y()); return temp; }[/CODE] Re: Template Help Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …;]this[/URL]. Basically, you can't really split template code in the traditional hpp/cpp files. This is… keyword to avoid certain linkage errors if the same template is instantiated in different translation units. Another option, which… instantiation in the cpp file, as such: [CODE] template class BinaryTree<int>; [/CODE] But this means… Re: template Digital Media UI / UX Design by MidiMagic What kind of template? A template for use in designing web pages belongs on your computer where you design the pages. A template in css belongs wherever your pages expect it to be on the server. Any other kind of template belongs where that kind of template is needed. Template Help Programming Software Development by sdr001 …The error occurs when I try to call a template function. For example: tree.insertNode(inp);. I… type âmain()::binaryTree ()()â . I have defined my template and called the constructor in my program: [CODE]…define BINARYTREE_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class BinaryTree { public: struct … Template Help Programming Software Development by pedz … to work:lol: [CODE] #define NOT_WORKING #include <iostream> template <typename C, int cnt> struct Definer { static const…) { if (index == (cnt - 1)) return d; return f.lookup(index); } }; template <typename C> struct Definer <C, 0>… Re: Template Help Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ [code] template <[COLOR=Red]typename C[/COLOR], int cnt> struct …) { if (index == (cnt - 1)) return d; return f.lookup(index); } }; template <[COLOR=Red]typename[/COLOR] C> struct Definer <… Template Programming Web Development by bubai … FCkeditor. When i dispaly it front end then the template is brake. I am showing the templale in this way &… Template Digital Media UI / UX Design by Roebuc … for the site. I was hoping to find a good template that is either cheap or better yet free. This is… agriculture related business, any ideas where I could find a template for this? Nothing fancy, doesn't need any animations, but… Re: Template Digital Media UI / UX Design by vishalgarg … for the site. I was hoping to find a good template that is either cheap or better yet free. This is… agriculture related business, any ideas where I could find a template for this? Nothing fancy, doesn't need any animations, but…