129 Topics

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Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi there, I'm trying to write a metronome for my brother (who is a drummer). He tried a few that was downloadable but want's to have a custom one according to his specs... Now i only have 1-2 months of C# programming experience (1 month for the following each aswell: …

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Member Avatar for denni2727

I'm developing an application which uses a Timer so that the JButtons that the application has, blink each half a second, And the problem is that it works properly until I make some JButtons fire events. When this happens the timer speeds up, but its delay is the same. I …

Member Avatar for mcatest

I want to set timer to count down from 40 mins, then messageBox("Time is up"). How do I do this? Thank you. <FAKE SIGNATURE>

Member Avatar for aka_amboy
Member Avatar for wingers1290

Hi, I have a list box that on form load displays file names inside a directory using this code [code] DirectoryInfo di2 = new DirectoryInfo(path); foreach (FileInfo fi2 in di2.GetFiles()) { listBox1.Items.Add(fi2.Name); } [/code] Which works fine, however i have another function on my form which adds files to the …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for karpal

I am planning to keep timer in the form to start from 1 and increment every second. This timer shiuld stop when the other events are triggered in the form (like clicking a button etc). your help is much appreciated.

Member Avatar for Romil797
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hello everyone! I know how to use a Timer class: [CODE=C#]static void Main(string[] args) { System.Timers.Timer MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(MyTimer_Elapsed); MyTimer.Interval = 2000; MyTimer.Enabled = true; //etc. } static void MyTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { //do something every 2 seconds }[/CODE] What I like to do …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Start a new Forms application. Drop a Panel and a Timer control on it. Set up a Timer_Tick, Form_Load and a Panel_Paint eventhandler and fill in the code. Run the app and watch the string rotate.

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for frankycool

Please I want to build a program in scripting that will start a timer from 60 seconds and decrement every second.There should be an input where the user should be able to enter the secret password to dis-activate the timer-bomb.If the user fails to enter the correct password 3 times …

Member Avatar for frankycool
Member Avatar for ITfav

Basically what I want is to have the timer be reset back to 3 sec once the [COLOR="red"][B]Reset button[/B][/COLOR] is clicked. Preferably, I want the code to be in the same sub as the timer, though any better ideas are most welcomed. I've already put in comments where i want …

Member Avatar for TomW

The End.