trackbar control Programming Software Development by zifina i have a trackbar bound to a text can i change value of the trackbar to its maximum value if text box value exceed the max limit for there any setting in properties of trackbar? its very urgent..please help..thanks in advance. Re: trackbar control Programming Software Development by skatamatic [CODE]if value > trackbar.maximum then trackbar.value = trackbar.maximum[/CODE] It's pseudocode, but should do the trick. Re: Trackbar in MenuStrip Programming Software Development by codeorder … System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim myTrackBar As New TrackBar '// Declare New TrackBar. myTrackBar.Minimum = 12 : myTrackBar.Maximum = 25 '// Customize. …As System.EventArgs) ' Handles TrackBar1.Scroll Dim trk As TrackBar = CType(sender, TrackBar) Me.Text = trk.Value.ToString '// For testing. End… Trackbar in MenuStrip Programming Software Development by RenanLazarotto Hey people! It's me, AGAIN! =) I'm not sure if I already saw a trackbar inside a menu strip, but there is a way to add it? Or even a numeric dropdown? Thanks =) Need help to make trackbar.Value to form1.Opacity Programming Software Development by Dajak …ive maked an Form whith a trackbar and a Buttton, its supposed that the trackbar should be the opacity value. The… trackbar is changed to rigth to left, It…it just wont work, (TB1 is the name of the trackbar!) the code is: [ICODE]Public Class Form3 Private Sub … Modify trackbar for buffering progress Programming Software Development by Hmail … later). So obviously I need something like a trackbar (slider) control to let the user jump to…video. I do this now with just a trackbar. As soon as the user moves the slider,…"]This[/URL] is my player, the trackbar below the video is what I'm talking about…make something like that. Can I inherit the trackbar and modify it? Do I need to create… Referencing the winmm.dll for trackbar control Programming Software Development by jamesonh20 …winmm.dll. I am trying to link a trackbar to the dll to find the file length…have the code now that only starts the trackbar when the play button starts. Any help …private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Converts trackbar value to label string trackerbar = Convert.ToString(scrollTimer.Interval… Re: Modify trackbar for buffering progress Programming Software Development by skatamatic …/questions/1451483/c-how-to-combine-trackbar-with-progressbar"]progress bar combined with a trackbar[/URL] would do. The amount of… Re: Referencing the winmm.dll for trackbar control Programming Software Development by jamesonh20 … play time, and seek to a label next to my trackbar on my GUI interface. Jameson' Re: Referencing the winmm.dll for trackbar control Programming Software Development by jamesonh20 ….Value < trackBar1.Maximum) { label2.Text = trackBar1.Value.ToString(); string trackBar = Convert.ToString(scrollTimer.Interval); trackBar1.Value += 1; trackBar1.Value = (int… Re: Changing trackbar value on Mousehover (autoscroll on hover) Programming Software Development by Momerath … on. Given that, I created a simple form with a trackbar, a label and a timer. Below is the code I… to use the mouse position and trackbar position to figure out which end of the trackbar the mouse is over and scroll… Re: Changing trackbar value on Mousehover (autoscroll on hover) Programming Software Development by techsurge … on. Given that, I created a simple form with a trackbar, a label and a timer. Below is the code I… to use the mouse position and trackbar position to figure out which end of the trackbar the mouse is over and scroll… set transparency of a bitmap in vb using trackbar Programming Software Development by kazekagerandy i need to set the transparency of a bitmap using a trackbar. how can i do this? if i change the value of the trackbar, the image's transparency will change. codes will be greatly appreciated. thanks! How to use double value in trackbar? Programming Software Development by Andy90 I have created an application which requires double value processing, I want to add trackbar so that user can select any double value he wants. But I m unable to set min and max value as double for trackbar. Help me. Re: Changing trackbar value on Mousehover (autoscroll on hover) Programming Software Development by techsurge [QUOTE=abelLazm;1479679]have you check [URL=""]this site[/URL][/QUOTE] i went through your link but they provide explanations for standard trackbar i wish to raise default events programatically Re: How to use double value in trackbar? Programming Software Development by thines01 What variable types does a trackbar take? Using Trackbar - Progressbar Help Please. Programming Software Development by ThomsonGB … that would simply show the progress bar mve when the Trackbar is moved. I just need to see the code to… Changing trackbar value on Mousehover (autoscroll on hover) Programming Software Development by techsurge … and straightforward I am trying to just change value of trackbar on mousehover but am not able to I am able… Re: Changing trackbar value on Mousehover (autoscroll on hover) Programming Software Development by abelLazm have you check [URL=""]this site[/URL] Re: Changing trackbar value on Mousehover (autoscroll on hover) Programming Software Development by Momerath If I did all the work for you, you'd have to pay me :) As I suggested, use the mouse position (get it in the timer tick event) and figure out which end of the trackbar the mouse is pointing at. You can use that to determine if you should add or subtract. Re: trackbar control Programming Software Development by zifina actually i need to know if there is any setting in slider achieve this :) Re: trackbar control Programming Software Development by skatamatic No. But it is very easy to achieve by doing what I already told you to do. Re: trackbar control Programming Software Development by zifina ya..thank you :) Re: Trackbar in MenuStrip Programming Software Development by RenanLazarotto Again and again you made it work! And easy! Thanks so much. Btw, by Numeric Dropdown, I mean this (I've mentioned it wrong, sorry.) Re: zooming an image in a picturebox using trackbar Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception … draw a zoomed image in a picture box with a trackbar. :) [code] Public Class Form1 Private TheImageOpened As Bitmap Private TheImageRectThatCanBeManipulated… Re: Need help to make trackbar.Value to form1.Opacity Programming Software Development by Jx_Man [code=vb]Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll Form1.ActiveForm.Opacity = TrackBar1.Value / TrackBar1.Maximum End Sub[/code] Re: Need help to make trackbar.Value to form1.Opacity Programming Software Development by Dajak First of all thanks for the code, but there was one error... it was quite easy to fix: youmuse remove the Form1[B][U].ActiveForm[/U][/B].Opacity = TrackBar1.Value / TrackBar1.Maximum Re: Need help to make trackbar.Value to form1.Opacity Programming Software Development by Jx_Man ok. so this thread was solved or not? Re: Need help to make trackbar.Value to form1.Opacity Programming Software Development by Dajak Solved, thanks JX_Man Re: Need help to make trackbar.Value to form1.Opacity Programming Software Development by Jx_Man You're Welcome friend... Don't forget to mark this thread Solved :)