Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tesuji …to-day MySQL there is an other approach for programming UDF, which is based on C programming and dynamically loaded …[/url] explains much about those UDFs. http://www.…index.php[/url] has a great collection of already programmed UDF. There you can find a function str_ucfirst (makes uppercase … Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Thanks for replying both... Respected tesuji tesuji, could you please guide me how to write a sample UDF, like Uppercase first letter in C, and then how to configure that UDF using in MySQL. NOTE: I know that the Ucase function exist in MySQL, but as an example for me to learn writing UDF... Thanks Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tesuji Hi tanha, till this day you have been asking for UDF sample. Now you post stored procedure. I HOPE you have …not mistaken UDF for stored procedure. As for UDFs, I have sent you… a heavy job there as compared to standard SQL 1999 UDF's where it s absolutely simple. You have got such… UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Hi. I want to know how it is possible to write your own function "UDF" in MySQL? and how use that UDF in MySQL? Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tesuji hi, MySQL does not support user defined functions (UDF) in the sense of standard SQL, which, for example, allow … goods where price < avgg(*) [/code] In MySQL kind of UDF can be defined as a plain C program. Such C… Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tesuji …][/url] to get an impression of the hard work… for it (as opposed to the convenient way when programming UDF by using SQL1999 standards). krs, tesu Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha … tried much, but still I am lost how to write UDF for MySQL, I don't like to write complex function…... Therefore kindly request you, if possible post here a sample UDF written in C, and then the steps how to use… Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha … wanted ... and I tried much to know writing a sample UDF in C/C++ and then implement it in MySQL, but… the error ... NOTE: if again, possible to help me writing UDF in C/C++ , that would be very kind of u… Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha hi again, any idea how to make UDF in MySQL ??? Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tesuji Here is an UDF example which runs on SQL Anywhere 9: [code=sql] CREATE … Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha … just guide through that [QUOTE=tesuji;604449]Here is an UDF example which runs on SQL Anywhere 9: [code=sql] CREATE… Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Hi, Hi, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone, to be honest I studied much, but still I dont know how to create UDF in MySQL, so there should be some one did this for him/her self, plz any idea ??? Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Just I need a simple UDF in MySQL something like uppercase firstletter ... Re: UDF - Function both exists and doesn't exist Programming Databases by smantscheff … ([url][/url]). Maybe you activated this switch during debugging… incorporate the UDF functionality into the Sp Programming Databases by vuyiswamb …to incorporate the functionality that is being provided by the udf and make it part of the code. the first part… creates a solid table that is being used in the UDF [code] truncate table temp INSERT INTO temp SELECT MTN.…)[/code] now the problem is here, the Concat is the UDF. defined like this [code] create FUNCTION [dbo].[Concat] (@Name varchar… Using table Variables Create outside a UDF inside a UDF Programming Databases by vuyiswamb …sp is fine and working Perfectly and i have a UDF defined like this [CODE] ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Concat]…S)-1) RETURN @S END[/CODE] now the UDF is used in the Bolded part of the Sp i…know i cant use a #temp table in a UDF , i want to access a temp table created…the Sp i want to use it in the UDF. i can use table Variables, but is there… Re: incorporate the UDF functionality into the Sp Programming Databases by samaru …'t you do this (take the logic from the concat UDF and put it above the UPDATE statement?: [code] DECLARE @s… Re: Using table Variables Create outside a UDF inside a UDF Programming Databases by vuyiswamb … going to be easy. but due to the fact that UDF does not like the #temp. Your Solution that you suggested… Re: Using table Variables Create outside a UDF inside a UDF Programming Databases by sknake … the insert, and only reference those load records in your UDF/SP. You would change your existing logic to include a… calling a SQL UDF? Programming Web Development by BinFrog … table. I have tried everything. I created a very simple UDF and tried to get PHP to display the results, and…, but it fails. However, like I did with a simple UDF, I created a simple SProc which ran just fine. So… Problem with OPENXML in UDF Programming Databases by Makarand_Keer … write UserDefined function in sql 2k (for reusability purpose), however UDF is not allowing me play with OPENXML :( Could anybody tell… Scope of UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Hello everyone, I am creating UDF using CREATE FUNCTION statement. The question is how can I make them globally accessible to all the databases, rather than specific database? Regards, Re: Scope of UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by smantscheff Grant access to the UDF to all involved parties and call it with the database name as a dot-terminated prefix, like in [CODE] call testDB.myUDF(); [/CODE] How to execute dynamic string formula in SQL UDF function Programming Databases by visweswaran28 Hi, I have a string formula and I wanted to execute it in sql server 2008 UDF function. Please suggest to proceed. P.S. I have tried with exec () - error occurred. Re: How to execute dynamic string formula in SQL UDF function Programming Databases by Stuugie Can you post the UDF you have so far? Re: How to execute dynamic string formula in SQL UDF function Programming Databases by anupamduttabd You can use select satement instead of exec() Select *, dbo.UDF from Table actual differences btw Stored proc and UDF ? Programming Databases by HunainHafeez actual differecne between SQL Server's STORE PROCEDURES and USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS ? i looked up these in google but couldn't satisfy me. Differences ? better to use ? and why does UDF can only implement SELECT statements not else , y ? Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by peter_budo Something like this? [url][/url] Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Thanks again, I will go through the link you posted, and if still could not get the idea, then will post again... Thanks Re: UDF in MySQL Programming Databases by tanha Thanks again for the replying and nice saying...