Re: unsigned long % operation Programming Software Development by Salem ….h> int main(void) { unsigned int nBolum = 0; unsigned long nKalan = 0L; unsigned long ulA = 2607503366UL; unsigned long ulB = 16777215UL; printf("ulA…); printf("ulB=%lu\n", ulB); nBolum = (unsigned int) ulA / ulB; nKalan = (unsigned long) (ulA % ulB); printf("nBolum = %u\n… Re: unsigned long division operation Programming Software Development by asilter … to : */ /* unsigned int nBolum = 0; */ unsigned long nKalan = 0L; unsigned long ulA = 0L; unsigned long ulB = 0L;…("ulB=%u\n",ulB); nBolum = (unsigned long) ulA/ulB; /* I have changed this line… to : */ /* nBolum = (unsigned int) ulA/ulB;*/ nKalan = (unsigned long) ulA%ulB; printf("nBolum = … Re: unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Iam3R …Blocks [code] int main() { if ( -1 < ( unsigned char ) 1 ) printf("true 1\n"); if (… -1 < ( unsigned short ) 1 ) printf("true 2\n"); if (…the following results[/QUOTE] I understood it clearly now. [CODE] unsigned char ch = 1; if ( -1 < ch )… Re: unsigned character pointer to Hex values Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula …#include <ctype.h> unsigned char *foo(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src) { static const unsigned char nibble[] = { '0','…; 0xF ]; } *dst = '\0'; return start; } unsigned char *bar(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src) { unsigned char *start = dst; while ( *src ) { if … Re: unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Iam3R …Banfa;1212496]why would -1 be converted to unsigned int when [icode](unsigned char) 1[/icode] can just be converted to… int which has more width than unsigned char and is already the type of -1?…CODE] if ( -1 < ( unsigned char ) 1 ) if ( -1 < ( unsigned short ) 1 ) if ( -1 < ( unsigned int ) 1 ) if ( -1 … unsigned long division operation Programming Software Development by asilter [code] unsigned long nBolum = 0L; unsigned long nKalan = 0L; unsigned long ulA = 0L; unsigned long ulB = 0L; ... printf("ulA=%u\n",ulA); …printf("ulB=%u\n",ulB); nBolum = (unsigned long) ulA/ulB; nKalan = (unsigned long) ulA%ulB; printf("nBolum = %u\n… unsigned long % operation Programming Software Development by asilter [code] unsigned int nBolum = 0; unsigned long nKalan = 0L; unsigned long ulA = 0L; unsigned long ulB = 0L; ... printf("ulA=%u\n",ulA); …printf("ulB=%u\n",ulB); nBolum = (unsigned int) ulA/ulB; nKalan = (unsigned long) (ulA%ulB); printf("nBolum = %u\n… unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Iam3R … code is generating out put as " -1 < ( unsigned char ) 1 ". i read in many books saying when… we do operation with singed and unsigned value always the resultant will be data type that has… more width . i understand that -1 when compared with unsigned should be coverted to unsigened int and yeild a big… Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by indigo.8 …I'm having a little problem with unsigned char and reading a file of integers …s suppose to dynamically create an array of unsigned char that is the correct size to read…problem is reading in the file into an unsigned char array. I've been told to do…ios::beg);//returns to front of file. pArray = new unsigned char [size]; for(i=0;i<size;i… unsigned int in xcode Programming Software Development by vincenzorm117 … const char * argv[]) { signed int minSignedInt={-2147483648},maxSignedInt={2147483647}; unsigned int minUnsignedInt={0},maxUnsignedInt={4294967296}; printf( "sizeof( bool ) … integer) value = %d\n",maxUnsignedInt); printf("Min. Unsigned int (or integer) value = %d\n\n",minUnsignedInt);… Re: unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Banfa why would -1 be converted to unsigned int when [icode](unsigned char) 1[/icode] can just be converted to int which has more width than unsigned char and is already the type of -1? Did you mean to compare -1 and 1U? Re: unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …Blocks [code] int main() { if ( -1 < ( unsigned char ) 1 ) printf("true 1\n"); if (… -1 < ( unsigned short ) 1 ) printf("true 2\n"); if (… -1 < ( unsigned int ) 1 ) printf("true 3\n"); if (… Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … in the file will take up one character in the unsigned character array. So the number 123 till require 4 bytes… between them). Since you have to read them into an unsigned character array you can have to treat them as normal… end of file, tellg() to get file size, allocate the unsigned char array that size + 1, then call read() to read… Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by indigo.8 …file in bytes. size = fileSize +1; pArray = new unsigned char *[size];<char *> (pArray…),(size)*sizeof(unsigned char));//reads the whole file into pArray[/CODE] If …? Sorry having problems getting my head around the unsigned char idea. Do I even have to use … Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by indigo.8 … star causes: [CODE]Error 1 error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'unsigned char *' to 'unsigned char **' [/CODE] The Array is defined as: [CODE…]unsigned char **pArray[/CODE] I got it to output using. [CODE]… casting long int to unsigned int Programming Software Development by asilter …bytes in the system i'm programming. i printed sizeof(unsigned int) and it said 4. [code] int main(…int argc, char * argv[]) { unsigned int a = 0; long int b = 2607503366; /* the b …data type must strictly be a long int */ a = (unsigned int) b; printf("%d\n",a); return … unsigned char into array of bits Programming Software Development by TheWhite …naturally) that contains 8 flag bits. Example: [CODE] unsigned char flag1:1, flag2:1, flag3:1, flag4:1… [/CODE] I would like to take this unsigned char and convert it into a bit array where…represents a flag. Pretty much like representing that unsigned char in its true binary form. Similar … Re: unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Banfa Sorry I am wrong about line 4, the compiler tries the available promotions then because the lhs is still unsigned it converts the rhs to unsigned and the comparison is performed on signed ints. The expression in line 4 is false where as all the other expressions are true. Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 First, pArray should be declared as unsigned char* (no double stars). Allocate for pArray with new unsigned char[size]. If you are reading… Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by indigo.8 … functions that I was given were written as so: [CODE]unsigned char ** C1dArray::get1dArray() { return pArray; } void C1dArray::set1dArray…(unsigned char **uc_img) { **pArray = **uc_img; }[/CODE] If I declare it with … Re: unsigned long division operation Programming Software Development by WaltP You can't possibly get 155.419 from an [I]unsigned long[/I], there is no decimal point from integers. You need [I]float[/I] or [I]double[/I]. And dividing two integers always gives an integer, even if you load it into a floating point number. For example: [code=c] double dval; dval = 25/2; [/code] 12.000 is loaded into dval, not 12.5. Re: unsigned long division operation Programming Software Development by asilter …]You can't possibly get 155.419 from an [I]unsigned long[/I], there is no decimal point from integers. You… Re: unsigned char into array of bits Programming Software Development by TheWhite … best way to extract each bit from an 8-bit unsigned char. My goggling attempts for "bit masking in c… example of how I would extract a bit from an unsigned character using bit masking? If I understand correctly, simply masking… a few bits and changing them would just change the unsigned character to a different char. How would I extract each… Re: unsigned and signed mix operation Programming Software Development by Banfa In lines 2 and 3 "1" can be promoted to int in line 4 "1" can be converted to int in line 5 "1" is already an int In all cases the compiler compares the values using the int type, -1 is not converted to unsigned. Actually I just checked the standard I will get back to you about line 4. Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>pArray = new unsigned char *[size]; Remove the star. You want to allocate an … Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon how is pArray declared? I thought it was [icode]unsigned char* pArray;[/icode] >> Is this bad practise? No, but if you had null-terminated the string then cout << would have worked too. splitting that string up into its individual itegers will require stingstream class and vector Re: Unsigned char and an Array. Programming Software Development by indigo.8 It's declared as unsigned char **pArray; I was given the member functions and had to write the definitions. It was the only way the array fit into it. Would it be possible to split with another array now that I know the size of the file? Re: unsigned char into array of bits Programming Software Development by yellowSnow …lt;stdio.h> int main(void) { struct bits { unsigned char b8 :1, b7 :1, b6 :1, b5 …:1, b1 :1; }; union uchar { struct bits chbits; unsigned char ch; } mychar; printf("Enter a character: "… Re: unsigned int in xcode Programming Software Development by Narue The %d specifier prints a signed int. If you want to print an unsigned value, use %u. Also, you'd be better off using INT_MIN, INT_MAX, and UINT_MAX from limits.h. That'll protect you from the off-by-one trap that you fell into with 4294967296. Re: unsigned int in xcode Programming Software Development by vincenzorm117 … prints a signed int. If you want to print an unsigned value, use %u. Also, you'd be better off using…