653 Topics

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Member Avatar for baabjitvk

hi everybody.. I'm implementing an interface in vb6. In that I'm creating dynamic controls like comboboxes, buttons etc. how can i identify a button click that is created dynamically. if the button is clicked, then only i can move to next stage.. i.e. i have to write code for that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nosfa

Hi. I have to do a MVC project and I don't know exactly how to do it. on the clientside I will have an input form the data (at least two codes and up to 8) will be sent to the server (best way?) then the server will access a …

Member Avatar for nosfa
Member Avatar for JustineAubrey

Hi, I'm trying to create cascading comboboxes, and my code isn't working. I've looked at other threads and I don't know why it isn't working properly. The first combo box displays System Names and the second combobox should populate the all Locations of that specific system chosen. When I run …

Member Avatar for Zahraa_1
Member Avatar for Programmer592

Hey guys. So I'm currently building an app and I'm having a bit of trouble. So I have an Excel file and it reads it and opens it fine(I imported microsoft.office.interops.excel but what I want to know is how to loop through column A and pick out the rows that …

Member Avatar for Programmer592
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all I have combox accumated with 3 perameter Grid Connected PV-SYS- Full Feed In Grid Connected PV-SYS with Electrical Appliance -Net Metering Grid Connected PV-SYS with Electrical appliance ,battery system -Net Metering Each combobox value contain images.I used picture box to dispaly images. How to display the image based …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all, Here i have attached form window.I wanted to update form with relative data How to refresh the single form. When New project detail is clicked from loaded with project data , when panel button clicked form loaded with panel data. 1)I tried this method. I created a group …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69

I need some help created a google weather api using vb .net. I found the code online and there are no errors. Problem is that I can't seem to display wether information. Nothing shows up on screen and I am not sure what I did wrong. any ideas? Imports System.Net …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

I am new at vb .net and I want to know how to make website in it? like connect two papes or using header in different file and linking it together etc.. for some reason when I create a page than vb studio automatic adds a form tag and creates …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for BustACode

I, and many others, desired a "switch" keyword in Python. For me it was to a desire to make some of my code more compact and readable, as I often have many user selected options for the code to weed through. So I set off on a journey to figure …

Member Avatar for Mark_37
Member Avatar for paul1145

I would like to assign a CTRL Q shortcut to the Quit submenuitem (filesubitem1) but can't find the right syntax. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. If user_wants_file_menu = True Then Dim fileItem As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem("File") Dim filesubitem1 As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem("Quit") filesubitem1.ShowShortcutKeys = True …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for karodhill

I have a linq statement where i turned letter grades into numbers to calculate a gpa can anyone tell me why no matter what grade i click i get the same gpa of 68 for each one? maybe someone can look over my code and give me an answer or …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for karodhill

need to code a linq statement that codes the grade display button so it allows the user to display either all records or only records matching a specific grade. Also it has to calculate a gpa where a=4 b=3 c=2 d=1 f=0 My main problem is with a linq statement …

Member Avatar for karodhill
Member Avatar for rnyamonga

Hi guys, I need help with some homework... hopefully this is the right forum. So my last project assignment is making a shopping cart and having the user add, remove items therefrom. I am having a problem adjusting the totals after the items get removed from the cart: Using Lists …

Member Avatar for rnyamonga
Member Avatar for Centorpe

I've managed (over a very long time) to write a program in VB using Visual Studio 2008. This program is now published to my website and works well. Probably because people shy away from downloading and running .exe files or due to lack of my understanding of search engines, I …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for xrjf

By means of Mates8, graph coding becomes a bit easier. The web page has four textboxes so the figure gets bounded to the left, right, top and bottom; and a draw button. Additionally, a panel control will contain the image generated by the code after the button is pressed.

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Think that macro viruses written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) are just something that people using the Internet a couple of decades ago had to worry about? Think again. Word macro attacks never went away, they just went into decline. New evidence suggests they could be making something of …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Dudestreet

Hi Team, So I am working on this project where I have 5 comboboxes that loads data from an .accdb file and Displays the result as per selection in a Text Box. I need to add Timers(as many as Required) to capture the Text-Box Data **"10 seconds After"** the fifth …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Dudestreet

Hi Team, I'm stuck with my code and I found out this snippet to save(Export) an Excel file to **D:**. However, I would like to give a User an option to save it according to his/her necessity. Please find the Code Snippet below: Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

I want to connect my access database to my project in vb 6. What are the steps i should follow? Once i'm done with that, i want to know how to drag them and place them on a form (like the way we do it in VB.NET). Thank you

Member Avatar for millyn
Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Have a program I am writing for class using the pseudocode given. I have written it in a flowchart program successfully, but cannot get it to work properly in VB. It is supposed to show the C for Celsius and F for Fahrenheit, and list the matching equivalents below up …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1
Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Program runs without errors, unfortunately it will not calculate the days overdue. Any Suggestions? I have attached the code as a pdf, i have also done this as an IF, THEN, ELSE statement with the exact same results, but it will not let me upload it. Help! Private Sub calculateFees …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jakizak

Ok here is the required feature: To send data gathered from a database inside a UserControl to the main form which houses the UserControl. Hierarchy at present: Mainform --FlowLayoutPanel ----UserControl The UserControls are generated on the fly by a client list in a database. This all works fine. When you …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for Jing_1

Good Evening Everyone, i am currently facing a problem. I want to append data to an excel file but before that i want to check for duplication records in the excel file before appending. For example, an employee want to check in to a company but he can only check …

Member Avatar for Jing_1
Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Having a problem. Wrote program originally as VB Console using Sub procedures, had to change it to Function. It worked as sub procedures, but now as function it won't calculate correctly, I actually have two that are doing the same thing because of the procedure switch! Grr! Any suggestions? Sub …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1
Member Avatar for Riteman

I have created a C# code where I'll input a code to it and it returns me an encrypted entry pass code. Its all working perfectly. Now the question is that, I want to apply this code to every application I create so that only after getting the pass code, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi All Quick question would VB in visual studio 2010 work in visual studio 2013. I know that when I went from 6 to 10, there were changes in the code. Thanks Michael

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to receive the documenttext of a web browser after the user has clicked a javascript button which loads more information on to the page. Instead of getting the new code, it simply gives the original code which was given once the page was loaded. Any help …

Member Avatar for docgrid

Hi, I have created a databse using sql database "TestingSQL" using microsoft management studio 2012 and created a simple vb application as a tryout. It works well in my pc and i would be able to access remotely as well. But the problem is, it is only works with my …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to create a simple application for personal use for Twitter marketing. This is my first time trying to interact with REST APIs through VB and I have been going around and round getting various different errors. Here is my current code and I get a '401 …

Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hi there. I am making an application in VB.Net. In which i am scanning some system folders and on the execution time it gives me the error; E.g, access to the path "C:\any system file" is denied. Is there any code you people have that is edited in to the …

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The End.