Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by ngonix … savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_browser); webview=(WebView)findViewById(; webview.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient()); openURL(); // if statement, sms should… Re: Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by Ewald Horn Ah, findall is used to highlight words in the webview, and it's rather buggy. What you really should do … then access the code and also display it in the webview, all with a single http call. The following code snippet… Android WebView Programming Software Development by trektrak …callback.invoke(origin, true, false); } } WebView mWebView; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)…savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(; mWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(… Re: Google OAuth embedded webview Programming Web Development by AndreRet …when using certain libraries or frameworks that employ an embedded webview to handle the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow. To… flow in your application. Instead of using an embedded webview, you should switch to using a system browser for …authorization URL in the system browser instead of an embedded webview. This way, the user will be redirected to … Android WebView - Login Form Problem Programming Mobile Development by Macko888 … form. My Code is below for the WebView: protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super….onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.layout_maps); gWebView = (WebView) findViewById(; // Enable Javascript WebSettings webSettings… Dark theme does not get apply to webview for react native android app Programming Mobile Development by Vicky_20 …View } from "react-native"; import { WebView } from "react-native-webview"; import { Color, Styles, withTheme } from &… return ( <View style={{ flex: 1 }}> <WebView startInLoadingState source={{ uri: state.params.url }} injectedJavaScript={jsCode}/> &… Google OAuth embedded webview Programming Web Development by Dani …know that we detected the use of an embedded webview in requests to Google's OAuth 2.0 … What do you need to know? > > Embedded webview libraries are highly customizable, which can expose Google's login… > > Examples of affected embedded webview libraries include android.webkit.WebView on Android and WKWebView on iOS or macOS… Re: Google OAuth embedded webview Programming Web Development by Dani … authorization flow in your application. Instead of using an embedded webview, you should switch to using a system browser for the…: That's the thing. I have never used an embedded webview, and I *am* only using a system browser for the… someone who is using our API is using an embedded webview, which, now that I think about it, seems likely… Re: Android webview reloading from the loaded page Programming Mobile Development by Ewald Horn …[Click Here]( to change the behaviour. Use this code…: webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { return false; }… Audio and Video calling is not working in android webview Programming Mobile Development by Saboor880 ….in" I am using webview for this site, all the …code of Oncreate() method of my webview activity. @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle…setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient(){ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(… Re: Android WebView - Login Form Problem Programming Mobile Development by Macko888 … error. public class MyAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient { @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { if(Uri.parse(url).getHost().endsWith("… android webview admob splashscreen laandroid webview admob splashscreen Programming Mobile Development by shalini crazy I've made a simple webview app . I have tried a lot but I cant get … is splashscreen java code Re: Audio and Video calling is not working in android webview Programming Mobile Development by rproffitt …. > This is definitely a bug in the Android System WebView. I'm experiencing this issue on a Galaxy S8 with… Android Pie using Android WebView version 73.0.3683.90. I rolled back to version… Re: Audio and Video calling is not working in android webview Programming Mobile Development by Saboor880 rProfitt thanks for reply. I have tested my webview app on Huwaei honor 8 (Android Nougat) and Oppo Phones, but audio and video calling feature doesn't working . Can you tell me how to downgrade or change the version of webview? I can try this thing ,May it can solve my problem. Question about webview - url as string? Programming Software Development by nameisskrillex … Mac OSX Objective C (Cocoa) Hello I currently have a webview inside a panel which I have set as a sheet… the beginning anyway, so is there away that if the webview url is not equal to "… Use of undeclared type 'WebView' Programming Software Development by pars99 Everytime I link a `webview` into my OS X project, it always brings up `Use of undeclared type 'WebView'`. How am I supposed to fix this? I've tried linking the WebKit framework and things like that, but they never worked. Open File Chooser With Camera Option In Webview File Option Programming Web Development by androidexampl In this example opening url in webview and showing progress Dialog for page. Show file chooser option on clicking file option for web form . Open new link from webview to external ............................ Read More Using a form without webview that connects to the internet Programming Mobile Development by deucalion0 … seconds, then go back to the android screens, not the webview. I want to do this kind of back and forth… android ICS webview is not redrawing Programming Web Development by Nomorewine …" /> </div> All that works fine in webview in Gingerbread and Jelly Bean. But in Ice cream sandwich… Android webview reloading from the loaded page Programming Mobile Development by 9tontruck I have a webview on my android application and I loaded a URL on … Android webview not supported to download tag Programming Mobile Development by lakmalglp I created webview app using Android studio..I created that app for download wallpapers. but when loard web site through the web view download button dosent can I alow download button to work Webview in android Programming Mobile Development by Saboor880 Hi I am developing an app for a specific facebook page. The problem is that when i load URL in mywebview.loadURL( The page opens successfully but the page always reload when the oreintation changes. This problem only occurs for the above type Urls(i-e when I give the link of specific facebook page). But … Re: Webview in android Programming Mobile Development by rproffitt This will take a lot more code. Here's what you would have to do. Get the page into a local file so the fetch is local rather than from the Internet. This way there is no downside to the rotate. Frankly for the amount of work you have to put into this, you have to ask if it's worth the effort. Re: Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo You may consider using [JSOUP]( library for parsing html. Better then doing "by hand" Re: Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by ngonix Well I have decided to write my web page content in JSON format like so: nameofpage.php: { "condition":"YES", "phone":"0772334556", "msg":"Testing" } Now what i want to do is use JSON Parser to get JSON from the url and store each JSON item in a variable, then use … Re: Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo You can use either Android provided JSON capabilities (little cruel and long winded) or you can use any of number of open source libraries like [Gson](, [Jackson]( that let you easily parse json to specific class Re: Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html><body>"); sb.append(readTextFile()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html><body>"); sb.append(readTextFile()); sb.append("</body></html>"); myWebView.loadData(sb.ToString(), "text/html", "UTF-8… Re: Get certain text from site loaded in android webview Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo you may misunderstand question Re: Android WebView Programming Software Development by ejosiah you might want to move this thread to mobile development Re: Google OAuth embedded webview Programming Web Development by Dani Oh, also, I went ahead and [tested for compatibility]( with ?disallow_webview=true and it still worked. Should I just ignore the email?