135 Topics

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Member Avatar for kurtzky

Hey guys. I have a question. In my program, I'm calling a Process (Internet Explorer) on button click, but I want to customize the size of the IE window being opened to something like 800 x 600 pixels. Do you know how do it? Below is my base code. [CODE]Process …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

Hi My problem is that , The Jframe window does not remember it's position after minimizing ....suppose I minimize at co'ordiates (45,89)..but after maximizing it again open at (37,28)..means at different co-ordinates ..i want that jframe should open at the same position...after maximizing..like remeber it's position.. please help

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hello everybody, I am currently developping a GUI interface game for windows XP. I am currently having difficulty changing the background of a EDIT box created with CreateWindowEx(). It's default background is white (which is the color I want). But the user is not supposed to be able to adjust …

Member Avatar for gashtio
Member Avatar for sophie.c

Hi everyone, I'm running a c++ program using VS 2010. But during a debugging, the output DoS window disappears when a problem happens. How to stop the output window? I know the problem could be solved by using run-cmd-*.exe. But is there a direct method? I mean, by configuring VS …

Member Avatar for sophie.c
Member Avatar for demifuror

Hi guys, At the minute, I'm writing a simple Java application under Lucid Lynx, the latest and greatest Ubuntu release :) Can anyone tell me how to make the windows in my application, match the look and feel of the other windows in the system? I've tried setting the default …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for danale

Hello, I am writing an ASP.NET application using javascript. It uses a modal dialog which has a button. When pressing the button another window is opened. I'd like to perform the action on submit without opening a new window. Here is some code for example: [B]code for first.aspx:[/B] [CODE] <html …

Member Avatar for saulat78
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi, I have created a window service and set some dependencies like on MSMQ, MSSQLSERVER and so. Everything is working nice. but i need to send another dependency for my service. That is on internet connection. My service is responsible for sending emails. As soon my server starts, my service …

Member Avatar for slejeivw

I am trying to store a single random number from 0 to 99 to a variable. This is what I used in my code to do that: [code]time_t t; time(&t); srand((unsigned int)t); int rTSB(rand() % 100);[/code] I am trying to make a single random picture show up when you start …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Velovix

To start off, I am absolutely sure this question has been answered before, but I've searched for it all over the internet to no avail, probably because I don't know the term. I've been working with Eclipse C++ IDE on my Ubuntu machine for awhile, and all of my programs …

Member Avatar for Velovix
Member Avatar for noofin

Hello everyone! I want to create a programme with some number of functions inside it. The programme would run quietly in the background and wait. Each function in the porgramme would have it's own pre-defined HotKey, after pressing one of those on the keyboard the corresponding function would run. All …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I'm trying to get from the screen, the region, or rectangle (the coordinated) of the part that is being painted. For example when I move some window or I have some action on the screen I want to get only that part of the screen image that is being …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Can anyone please tell me how to create a simple window? If possible can you provide an example? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cooldude9509

I'm new here at DaniWeb, and my english suck. Does anybody know how to make a form open [B]itself[/B], just in a new window? I want to make a form, that haves a button in it. when i click the button, it opens up a "copy" of itself (the old …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I've been searching around for quite some time now but haven't found what I've been looking for... I'm trying to stretch a flash object inside my browser but for some reason the more I stretch it, the bigger the boarders get while the actual movie on the inside stays …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hi all, I am currently having a small problem with my Windows XP computer: when I am for example playing Call of Duty 4 or Age of Mythology, the computer minimalizes the window by itself every half hour (or something like that). It doesn't happen with browsers or other applications. …

Member Avatar for Graphix

The End.