130 Topics

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Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16861[/ATTACH]Manufacturers of mobile devices are gearing up to fight possible legislation that would require phones, tablets and many other wireless products be built with an FM receiver. Half a dozen tech industry associations (CTIA-The Wireless Association®, the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®, the Information Technology Industry Council, the Rural Cellular Association, …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16750[/ATTACH]Many new iPad addicts out there have certainly had the idea: It would be so great if there were an easy way to mount that thin tablet on your car's dash to use all those apps on the go. Now, one California start-up has announced it's making the dream come …

Member Avatar for pc hater

I have 2 laptops which I use wireless through a Net gear router. My desktop is on cable which the NG router is connected to. I have Internet problems with my desktop. My NG router causes me to loose my Internet to my desktop. I will loose the Internet completely …

Member Avatar for Temmu
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=right]16573[/ATTACH]Just as it seemed one Google Street View debacle in a foreign country came to a resolution today, another was just beginning thousands of miles away. The problems first began for Google in Germany in May, when the company's Street View vehicles collected private data that was sent across unencrypted …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for buster2209

Is it possible to view wireless networks using c3? I have tried '[URL="http://managedwifi.codeplex.com/"]Managed with WIFI[/URL]' but have had no luck. Anyone else done this before?

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Member Avatar for b10hzrd

Intel is known for being…well, Intel. They have been making processors and the like for as long as anyone cares to remember and while they may be the current reigning champ in the desktop PC processors wars, the same cannot be said about the oh-so-popular “gadget” market. Intel is a …

Member Avatar for randomkid73

Hello, I am trying to get a Wireless-N PCI card for an old server box I have to get it running again. At this point, it is not feasible for me to connect it via ethernet to my modem. The box will be running in an upstairs guest bed room. …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16103[/ATTACH]The past few years, there hasn't been much great news for the airlines to report in those periodical newsletters they send out to their frequent fliers -- unless you count fees for everything, fewer flights and higher fares as good news. But lately, an awful lot of airlines have been …

Member Avatar for PrepaidGuy
Member Avatar for weasel7711

I am trying to update the driver on an old laptop. I checked the device manager and all the information that I can siphon out of it is the following: Cisco Systems PCI Wireless LAN Adapter Driver date: 4/2/2002 Driver version: I have checked cisco's website but I dont …

Member Avatar for weasel7711
Member Avatar for Leads99IT

I have a laptop that is no longer connecting to the internet. It is finding the wireless router and says it is connected but disabled, and no matter how I try to enable it is won't connect. I then ran a hard line to it and that is not showing …

Member Avatar for Leads99IT
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=LEFT]15719[/ATTACH]The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has [URL="http://www.bluetooth.com/English/Products/Pages/Low_Energy.aspx?var=homepageHERO=Bluetoothv4.0"]completed[/URL] work on the new Bluetooth 4.0 specification and is officially ready to begin qualifying new devices for use with the technology. The most notable improvement is the support for devices with low-power consumption. This means Bluetooth can now be implemented in a …

Member Avatar for roottybrian

Hi guys, I got a problem here. There's this wireless network hanging around my home area. It is unsecured and unencrypted. Is there a way I can connect to the network. The network type is an access point.

Member Avatar for d4n13l0930

hi so i set up my linksys wrt54g2 router to my desktop and the internet modem, and through all that the internet works fine on the desktop. and the router itself has a network "mikonek" with a passkey and all, but when i connect my laptop to the network, it …

Member Avatar for cc11rocks
Member Avatar for Sizzlefish

Hey guys, this is my first post here as I have been struggling with a problem with my internet for about two weeks now. I'll try to describe the problem in as many details as possible. I have a HP laptop with Windows Vista. Recently I moved to a new …

Member Avatar for jvt4
Member Avatar for daryll1

Hi, as a bit of background, My Uni have lately implemented a CGI script so you have to log in to be able to use the wireless. This would be OK but they are terrible programmers and instead of timing out after a period of inactivity it will time out …

Member Avatar for gvkk

I have a desktop i am trying to get it connected with wireless adapter. iam able to configure wireless connection settings. once it connects it keeps dropping the wireless connection and connects back in few mins , this happens for ever. i have other laptops that are connected to internet …

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Member Avatar for krishnampkkm

Can a wireless node still buffer packets when it's receiver is turned off? Hii .. As per my knowledge ... Normally the AP will buffer if the stations are in power save mode, by checking the mib details stored in AP. So if the receiver is turned off, the AP …

Member Avatar for blackadder

I have recently purchased a Belkin wireless router/modem and setup a network at home for a couple of iPhones, my PS3 and my laptop to run on. All devices, except for the laptop, are accessing the network wirelessly without problem. The laptop however always loses the wireless connection after a …

Member Avatar for narese13

I have this pr0blem i've been trying t0 s0lve f0r weeks, my lapt0p has 3 user acc0unts (say, a,b, and c), 1 0f these acc0unts (a) can c0nnect with0ut any pr0blem t0 0ur wireless r0uter, but the pr0blem is, when i switch t0 0ther user acc0unts (b and c), there …

Member Avatar for pennylane

Good evening you all, Today and after having several problems with Vista I finally was able to downgrade to XP. I was able to find the drivers wich was a really hard task although right now the problem is, as said, that I am not able to connect to the …

Member Avatar for pennylane
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The UK has finally ratified the 802.11n standard for WiFi at last. Although we've had '802.11n-ready' kit on the market for a fair while, it hasn't been official as yet. I can only hope people in stores will be able to explain what people are buying. I say this because …

Member Avatar for rupertmckenzie
Member Avatar for inciner8or

I can connect to the internet using my wireless USB2.0 adaptor, and it's DEFINATELY connected. The computer confirms data is being transferred. But when I open Internet explorer, firefox or opera browsers, i get a message saying "you appear to be connected to the internet but you should try reconnecting" …

Member Avatar for Duleee
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers ([URL="http://www.ieee.org"]IEEE[/URL]) has started work on WiFi the next generation. While that news in itself might not exactly rock your socks off, the small matter of a big speed increase might. Word is that WiFi TNG could be fast, very fast indeed. Anyone fancy …

Member Avatar for Chris Potter
Member Avatar for smarty_t2

Is there a device that is connected through a pc and sends sms to cell phones in a particular range...My teacher has asked me to make a project on it and i cant find such device....Can someone help me with this problem....I want to know the details of any such …

Member Avatar for winiwa09
Member Avatar for Thinka

Hi All, Usually able to deal with PC monsters but this one has me all but beat. It's a Dell Inspiron 1525 for a colleague with 32bit Vista on it, SP1 only (SP2 wouldn't install but after a lot of online searching and trying various fixes, I decided it's the …

Member Avatar for Adamsappleone
Member Avatar for newsguy

Ever wondered why your WiFi doesn't work as well as you expected, especially if you live in a highly populated part of town? The obvious, and oft-repeated, answer is that all those WiFi networks trying to work in the same vicinity just end up causing network edge congestion and that …

Member Avatar for slfisher

A government is rolling out a wireless network, starting with 18 cities, using WiMAX technology that supports mobile networking, for $30 a month. The real news is where it is: Libya. WiMAX, based on similar technology to cell phone networks, offers wider coverage than is possible using wifi. Like wifi, …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It’s Tuesday and all eyes on Wall Street are on Yahoo, where new CEO Carol Bartz is expected to lower expectations for Yahoo going forward as the tech behemoth issues its Q4 earnings results. We’re in the midst of the tech earnings season right now and there have been surprises …

Member Avatar for slfisher

San Francisco is implementing a wireless network using transceivers on the ground that theoretically will help drivers find parking spaces in the congested city. The technology, called Streetline from the [URL="http://www.streetlinenetworks.com/site/index.php"]company of the same name[/URL], uses wireless transceivers glued on the street in front of each parking space, which form …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to [URL="http://www.bt.com"]BT[/URL] the average UK office worker sees less sun than the average coal miner. The growing trend of 'chain-desking' where workers feel that being out of the office is the same as being out of touch, is blamed for the vampire-like existence. The research was conducted on behalf …

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The End.