xlsx file format or file extension is not valid Programming Software Development by jared.geli … shows is this: Excel cannot open the file 'Incentive Template.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid… Re: xlsx file format or file extension is not valid Programming Software Development by G_Waddell … version later than 2003? i.e. 2007 onwards to handle xlsx files? Or could something have changed the file associations? Also… Reading ".xlsx" files from web browser Programming Software Development by vkk …message "Excel found unreadable content in 'test.xlsx' Do you want to recover the contents of… How to avoid this message while opening the xlsx files. I am able to open xls files …excel" ElseIf objDBReader("UploadFileType") = "xlsx" Then Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-… Convert multiple xlsx files to csv using xlsx2csv for Python Programming Software Development by MartinPB Hi all I have a large folder containing multiple xlsx (only one sheet) files which I need to convert to … folder and saves them with the same names as the xlsx-files but as csv. I have been searching a lot… like the following: from xlsx2csv import * xlsx2csv("dir\ID_01.xlsx", open("ID_01.csv", "w+")) And… Reading XLSX Programming Software Development by Cameronsmith63 … that im using excel 2010 and saving data in .xlsx format, I have a problem doing something very simple,…0;Data Source=C:\Download Report Sheets\Schedule List\SoftwareDownload_OS732_20120306.xlsx;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES");…da.Fill(dt);[/CODE] Anyone know how to read .xlsx? Im used to reading csv files but a bit rusty… Re: VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Stuugie … extFlag = 2 End If If Right(fDir, 5) = ".xlsx" Then extFlag = 1 Else extFlag = 2 End If On…where the only dots were at 'the extension ie: CSVSAVERTESTFILE.xlsx. If there is a file with 'a name like, … Re: VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Summer_1 … extFlag = 2 End If If Right(fDir, 5) = ".xlsx" Then extFlag = 1 Else extFlag = 2 End If On…where the only dots were at 'the extension ie: CSVSAVERTESTFILE.xlsx. If there is a file with 'a name like, … Re: Reading ".xlsx" files from web browser Programming Software Development by vkk Guys, Any idea on how to get rid of this message while opening the ".xlsx" file? Thanks Connection string to read .xls & .xlsx files Programming Software Development by deva.v … connection string for both 2003 excel (*.xls) and 2007 excel (*.xlsx). I want to read both files depends upon the selection… we can use same connection string for both .XLS and *.XLSX I have to save an Excel sheet which has a macro in xls or xlsx format Programming Software Development by gurushankar Hi Guys, I have written a macro, when i try to save it is asking me to save it in different format (my excel file is in xlsx format). Is there any way i can save my excel file in xls or xlsx along with macro.. in xlsm format macro is supported.... PHP excel reader .xlsx Programming Web Development by rb1234567 Hi, I need to create a page where an admin can upload an excel worksheet in the .xlsx file format, this is then read and writen onto another php page. I'm new to PHP so I am confused by the code, I can find help on .xls but not accepting .xlsx. Thanks for any help. VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Tensigh … Excel that opens a desginated directory, finds all xls and xlsx files and then converts them to csv. I found two….Path) = "xls" Or objFso.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path) = "xlsx") Then Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(objFile.Path, ReadOnly… Re: VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Tensigh …. For some reason, the code you listed above worked on xlsx files but not xls, so I modd'd the code… (fDir <> "") If (Right(fDir, 5) = ".xlsx" Or Right(fDir, 4) = ".xls") Then and… Re: VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Tensigh … As String Dim extFlag As Long '0 = .xls & 1 = .xlsx extension types Dim fPath As String Dim sPath As String… (fDir <> "") If (Right(fDir, 5) = ".xlsx" Or Right(fDir, 4) = ".xls") Then extFlag… Read xlsx file using jxl Programming Software Development by anand01 Hi all, I have developed application to to read xls file using JExcelApi. Now the requirement has changed that I want to read xlsx files.I know that Apache POI can resolve this but need to change complete reading logic. Insted of change the read logic is there any way to read .xlsx files using JExcelApi api iteslf Thanks in advance. API For comapring two large xlsx file Programming Software Development by manalibhadula Hi guys Does anyone know any java api which can handle .xlsx file with 10lakh records? I have tried using POI XSSFReader, it is not supporting this much large file. My xlsx file size increases horizontlly as well as verticaly. How do I use XLSX file as a database my website? Programming Web Development by Mohamed_95 … builder. I have a database for my customers on an xlsx file, what i need is that when a customer enters… him then he will be directed to (link 2), this xlsx file will be updated on daily bases, which means i… Re: Upload xlsx /xls and save to DB using minimum memory? Programming Web Development by Aamit No.. bcoz most people uses xlsx /xls files. But if it reduce memory i will try Is it any conversion problem happen from xlsx /xls To CSV.? Can you give me example so i will try using csv Re: PHP cannot read pptx/docx/xlsx Programming Web Development by HasNor For example file in .xlsx in database the file type become "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" I think it is the correct file type for .xlsx But my program still cannot browse this file.. hurm.. :( Re: VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Stuugie …(fDir, 4) = ".xls" Or Right(fDir, 5) = ".xlsx" Then On Error Resume Next Set wB = Workbooks.Open… Re: VBA - How to convert xls, xlsx files in a directory to csv Programming Software Development by Tensigh … an expert on VBA) but are there any .xls or .xlsx files in the directory? The only other thing I can… Re: Import xlsx file to textbox Programming Software Development by necrovore …](http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/801032/Csharp-How-To-Read-xlsx-Excel-File-With-Lines-of) came in handy for me… ur problem right, you are getting the data from the xlsx to be displayed on textboxes in the form. For this… Can't upload docx, pptx or xlsx file.. Programming Web Development by kieky … i can upload file with Microsoft Office 2007 (docx, pptx, xlsx).. whats wrong with my code? can u help me? Please… how to downloading docx, xlsx and pptx Programming Web Development by kieky Whenever i download docx, xlsx ar pptx files from IE, IE will save them as a zip file. whats wrong? can u help me? thanks... Re: how to downloading docx, xlsx and pptx Programming Web Development by kieky this is my code to downloading file [CODE] <a href='<%# Eval ("UrlFile") %>'>Download</a>[/CODE] with my code i can download doc, xls and ppt.. but if i download docx, xlsx and pptx, IE save them as zip... Upload xlsx /xls and save to DB using minimum memory? Programming Web Development by Aamit … memory to upload more data[/B]. and [B]compatible for xlsx and xls[/B] How to solve this .Please guide me… PHP cannot read pptx/docx/xlsx Programming Web Development by HasNor … a problem with read file in format "pptx/docx/xlsx". In other format PHP can read the document properly… upload xlsx into database Programming Web Development by toredor Hi, I have a problem with the encoding of the Russian language in the transfer xlsx file into MySQL database. On the this page http://gefestholding.ru/modul/ you can see my efforts. Can anyone advise me how to set encoding? To convert using php class (SimpleXLSX.class). Thank you for your answer. Re: upload xlsx into database Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@toredor** >upload xlsx into database Since you didn' provide any code regarding how you insert your data. I assume you didn't set the entire MySQL database character-set to **UTF-8**? On your form when you submit the data make sure the encoding is **UTF-8**, by setting **Content-Type to text/html; charset=utf-8**. Re: upload xlsx into database Programming Web Development by diafol If your xlsx handling script does not have html (I'm assuming it doesn't) - then you won't be using a meta tag for the charset, so use the header() to set it.