XSLT Digital Media UI / UX Design by syd919 xslt Hello guys, I hope everyone is well. I didnt know … format. Its not returning the format I want Heres my xslt <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl… XSLT Help Programming Software Development by Tamir09 … hpe7 hpe8 hpe9 And so far, Ive gotten the xslt form to come out somewhat similarly to that table,…I cant figure out what. Heres the code for the xslt form: [code=xml] <xsl:stylesheet version="…is actually looking like when the xml combines with the xslt form. [URL="http://www.geocities.com/battlemechtech/… Re: xslt for-each help Programming Software Development by Mike Askew … runs cleanly for me in VS2010 XSLT debugging. However, you are using XSLT like it is a programatical language which it is… style, as there was no need for the `for-each`. #XSLT <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org… something else in the Java code and not the actual XSLT. Hope that helps. Re: xslt for-each help Programming Software Development by lokesh.r.kandula … you to please throw some light on the xslt template instantiation procedure. So far, I was …the given input xml, if I write an XSLT template match='FieldPairs', the processor keeps on scanning…> </FieldMatcherResultElements> </FieldMatcherResult> XSLT: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3… XSLT Help Programming Software Development by sajohnson05 …="1.0"?> <!-- coursinfo.xml, uses three XSLT stlyesheets to create the desired view of the data ITEC…; </majors> </course> </itec>[/code] XSLT Code [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?>… Re: XSLT Help Programming Software Development by iceandrews This is actually a really complicated grouping problem. (Google: xslt 1.0 manchurian grouping ) There is no simple solution to …get what you want (especially in XSLT 1.0). Question: Is the list of Majors/Areas of… XSLT Programming Software Development by arajpurohit Hi, I am a novice in XSLT. Just started reading about it today and came across few …of the tags. Can you help in creating the XSLT for the following transformation.. [CODE] <A> <B… xslt help Programming Software Development by akamathb … have requirement to convert a xml to anaother xml using xslt: For each property != empty condition exists for property==empty take… xslt for-each help Programming Software Development by lokesh.r.kandula … the below shown input.xml into result.xml and the XSLT which I am trying with is shown at the end… working............simply throwing java.util.EmptyStackException(I am using the XSLT inside a java based application).....Can anybody help me where… Re: XSLT Help Programming Software Development by sajohnson05 … CSAT – None ISAS - Web CSAT – CS,DB,SE ISAS - None XSLT Code [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?>… Re: XSLT Programming Software Development by iceandrews …; <B> </B> </A>[/CODE] XSLT [CODE]<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns… xslt Programming Software Development by bandar_1 Hi Yall, could anyone help me to make xslt transformation of the the **following xml input** <?xml version=&… xslt help needed - urgent Programming Software Development by techza …, I have some hard coated values in the xslt which I want in the output xml. I also… need the other values from the below xslt. But I don't know hoew to seperate …I want to display the date from the below xslt , the last 2 lines in my xml has …;&#xA;&#x9;&#x9;&lt; ---- XSLT File: <?xml version="1.0" … XSLT Ignoring HTML Div Tags Programming Software Development by Tsakaki …. The problem I am having is that while the <xslt:apply-templates /> tag is withing the <div id…;/book> </bookshelf> [/CODE] [B]The 3 Column XSLT:[/B] [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding…:stylesheet>[/CODE] Is there a way to get the XSLT to acknowledge ALL divisions? Or is trying to make an… XSLT formatting from XML output from Perl? Digital Media UI / UX Design by wmsigler … of the XML file I have a link to an XSLT stylesheet. My original intentions were to output the XML file… to the div container, but have it apply the XSLT templates so it would be formatted like an HTML table…. However, it seems to be ignoring the XSLT completely, simply outputting the raw XML output returned from the… XSLT Node-set Parameter Programming Web Development by SurveyTool …2 Anyway, I want to pass these cakes into XSLT as a temporary XML document. E.g.: […Transform" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl"> …xmlContent" runat="server" TransformSource="~/XSLT/Transformer.xslt"></asp:Xml> [/CODE] But… XSLT problem Programming Software Development by prashantc13 … help me with the following problem, here is inputxml, xslt i'm using and expected output . actually i know it… is because of unique generateid not getting generated this xslt failing to generate desired output but i don't …item> </item> </item> [/CODE] XSLT: [CODE=XSLT] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO… XSLT file path Programming Software Development by Aldius Hello everyone! I just had a quick question about XSLT. I have a large xml file with many <… </DIMENSION_Id> </DIMENSION_Id> [/code] I wrote this XSLT to get all information from the parent nodes first, then… value of the current node.... Here is the XSLT that I wrote: [code=xslt] <?xml version="1.0" … XSLT - Help me get this right Programming Software Development by nip …translate my xml data to a new XML file wuth XSLT. I thought I had it, but I only …got first row. Need help to write the XSLT. I have XML data exported from access: (using… XSLT - to get my file) - <dataroot xmlns:od… Im's sute you know to writ ths XSLT correct. Thank you for the help. xslt search help Programming Software Development by Brick Wall …has three drop downs and i want to build an xslt macro that brings back search results based on values …XSL/Transform" xmlns:msxml="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:umbraco.library="urn:umbraco.library" …logic right (probably due to my lack of knowledge in xslt) but what i was thinking that the following 7 … Re: XSLT file path Programming Software Development by Aldius … is not a function and therefore won't compile the XSLT document. I am using .NET, so I don't know… possibly the framework that is the problem (as .NET uses XSLT 1.1) Also I should apologize, as my question was… loop at the top but my knowledge and experience with XSLT is rather limited and I'm not sure how to… Re: XSLT - Help me get this right Programming Software Development by nip … to have specific tags. Then I need to add a XSLT to the export to get the specified format for another… litte help would be great. Lot od information to make XSLT with HTLM but not so much how to make… XSLT to "translate" a XML-file. Sorry again for … XSLT Transformer with Saxon, problem with HTML Emitter Programming Software Development by myrto1412 …by the tree-adapter static Document document; static String xslt = "data/output.xsl"; static String… tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); StreamSource stylesource = new StreamSource(xslt); Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(stylesource); StreamSource source =… Re: XSLT header/footer for word Programming Software Development by kvprajapati I think here is the best answer - [URL="http://p2p.wrox.com/xslt/76405-xslt-header-footer-word.html"]http://p2p.wrox.com/xslt/76405-xslt-header-footer-word.html[/URL] XSLT...help required plz... Programming Software Development by krishhh Hi experts, I am new to XSLT. As im in support i need to fix a xslt issue urgently. I hope you experts… the input, there will be a <discnum> tag, XSLT has to refer the <disqty> of each <… XSLT can't select by absolute path when "root" element has xmlns specified. Programming Software Development by jeff_mallatt …, the select fails (returns an empty string). Here's the XSLT: [code=xml] <?xml version="1.0" ?>…> [/code] When I remove the xmlns= from both the XSLT and XML, it works. I can't do that in… is being sent to me -- I can only change the XSLT. Also, in reality the XML documents are more complex with… xslt building tree from flat xml structure Programming Software Development by flizbert …'m new to these forums and have been working with xslt for about a month. So far I've been able… have a relatively flat xml structure that I'm using XSLT to transform into html that looks like a tree. I… with the sub-device range='25' is a child. The xslt I'm using to find these is: [CODE] <xsl… XSLT Unit testing Programming Software Development by CodeHelp Anybody know if there is a way we can write unit tests for XSLT transformation. I have lot for XSLT files and it is becoming hard to to test them manually. I know we can have a sample XML and compare it with the output of the XSLT, but I am looking for a better way to test them. Thanks... XSLT Question Programming Software Development by ben317 … am reading from one xml sheet and creating another using XSLT. The final transformed XML has an element <Recreations>…> to create the <Recreation> elements. So my xslt looks something like this: <Recreations> <xsl:for… XSLT Problem Programming Software Development by syd919 … I want to extract data from. I am new to xslt but at the moment I can perform basic operations like… say: if (id==677) select name, Now I want the xslt equivalent.