YES or NO? and why?

Guard Dog commented: What do you mean under "bad links"? +0
TANYA TYAGI commented: Backlink plays an important role in your website performance in search result . The number of good backlinks on your website is the indication of popu +0
YashaaGlobal commented: Yes - Think logically, Website is your Business. Content is your Product and Backlink is your Community connection. You need all 3 to be successful. +0
lucaswilliam123 commented: Yes. +0
sarbjitgrewal commented: My Answer is Yes. Backlinking is best to improve the organic search traffic on your website +0
Green view commented: Backlinking is best to improve the organic search traffic on your website. Also wanna tell you that Luxury apartments has been des +0
thedigiduck commented: definitely yes but it depends whether that backlink have quality .20 quality backlinks is better than 50 quantity backlinks. +0

Backlinks are required for any website to rank well in the search results. Also they help to improve the domain authority for any website.

Backlinks are essential for a website to rank on SERP'S. It's always good to get a contextual backlink.For instance, if we have sports website, good to get backlink from sports related pages or websites.

Back links are most importance for website rank SERP'sHigh PR link because Google neglect the page rank , google working on website Domain authority and Page authority , minimum DA is 20 above consider good back link but would effective back link create minimum 70 above DA sites.

Backlinks are always useful for ranking and traffic but before that focus on On Page SEO Implmentation.

Well according to Google's guidelines you should not opt in for such stuff, but if you still want to buy links make sure that they are relevant to your niche and have high DA and have decent trust flow.

Without backlinks you can't reach highter rank at the search engines.

high page rank backlinks most imporant for every website.

Yes, Backlinks works in order to get high PR of website in search engine results.
In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, the number of backlinks is indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page. Specially, to boost your ranking, you need to get quality links from other authority sites.

Yes, backlinks are effective techniques to generate traffic to website.

backlink is a hyperlink that links from a Web page, back to your own Web page or Web site.

Backlink is very useful. You must follow this method for increasing the traffic of a website

By using backlinks, you can improve your ranking in search engines and also increase your website's visitors.

At the risk of just parroting what everyone else said, backlinks are a crucial part of SEO, but that doesn't mean you need to pay for them or use shady techniques to acquire them. Anything other than naturally acquiring them by just having quality content that people will naturally want to link to is bad. But natural links are necessary.

Backlinks are always very useful for website traffic

Backlink is good for your site.It will get you more traffic and reach to your website. If the backlink from trusted and valuable site will get more index rank from the SERP result.

Quality control!

SAY NO to those 1000 real HQ links, find your own relevant ones. As aforementioned by someone else on here.

Back links are the links that is detected by the webcrowler. So that Quality backlinks are important for your website page to rank it in the top position of the search engine. Backlinks are also known as Inbound links. A backlink building process, we include keywords also. it will help the search engine to crawl to the website

Back link is more important for ranking and as well as traffic.

Back links are very much need to increase the website ranking in the SERP.

Yes, Backlinks are very much need to increase the traffic for the website.


Back links are very much need to increase the website ranking in the SERP....A “backlink” is one of the most used words in the world of search engine optimization (SEO).

My answer is YES.
Backlink method in SEO called offpage which is very important of each website.

Backlink is required for any website to rank high in google as many referral backlink point to your website your webite rank will be high, two type of backlink are there.

  1. DoFollow Backlink
  2. NoFollow Backlink

Most important thing about which can help you in increasing rank in google is regular posting and on page optimaztion and off page optimaztion these things togher can boost your website ranking.

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Well,Backlinks are required to rank any site well in the search results. It is a kind of offsite search engine optimization. If site is good then it help to improve the Page authority, domain authority,alexa etc.

You need to know that backlinks are always useful for ranking and traffic

Yes, backlink is king, not content.

In which case, that explains why so much of the web is pure, 100%, absolute click-candy crap then.

Delete and ban. These threads are worthless.

commented: What do you mean under "bad links"? +0
commented: Why? This question is more relevant than ever. +0
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