The first thing I do to start building back links that are going to get noticed by search engines and draw the spiders to my site is to social bookmark my site to some of the do-follow sites. Book marking to the “do follow” sites is important here because you want the spiders to follow through and visit your links so that your site can be included in the index.

but every site have own process after book mark to promote that mark it is too critical

i agree with u...

Yes , I would say "dofollow" bookmarking is most important

Yes , I would say "dofollow" bookmarking is most important

Yes it is true!

The social bookmarking helps the online users to collect as well as to share the desirable websites or pages within their friends circle.It happens that some pages of your web site are poorly indexed or not indexed at all. Such bookmarks will make these pages visible to search engines through a social bookmarking system.

Yes it is one of the ways to have a successful SEO Campaign.

ya this is good this is a part of seo and this is very help full for website promotion

it is true

Yes, definitely social bookmarking is one of the effective way to get traffic to your site. Sites which have high PR does help in getting more traffic.

social bookmarking is good but we can only depend on this only.

Make sure u post only those articles on Social sites that are fully geek in information and on current topics.

Yes,M agree with this Social Book marking is good way to get traffic on site.Nice way to promote your website.

True Also u can get Backlinks

Social bookmarking can add traffic to your site but of course the ratio will not be 1:1. Probably your site should be bookmarked to different social bookmarking sites for positive results of traffic. And I agree also to one of the comments here that it really depends on the social bookmarking sites with regards to its policies in site bookmarking.

Yes Social bookmarking is very good way i agree with you

Yes, Social bookmarking is one of the effective ways to get traffic. But only social bookmarking will not help you get more traffic you have to use other ways also like directory submission, blog posting and commenting, article submission and link wheel.

yes am agreed with you that its very important, fast and authentic way to get good results.

The first thing I do to start building back links that are going to get noticed by search engines and draw the spiders to my site is to social bookmark my site to some of the do-follow sites. Book marking to the “do follow” sites is important here because you want the spiders to follow through and visit your links so that your site can be included in the index.

Yes you are right, now we all know bookmarking your site takes a long time,cause there's so many social sites out there that you will spend all day just bookmarking one post. How about automation there is a site that does that, and it's free for 300 submissions a month. It's called onlywire look it up guys I use it for every blog post I do.

I agree with you. Social bookmarking is already having an effect on search engine by votes, tagging, link popularity.

I think that social bookmarking helps in generating the backlinks for a website, for traffic we generally use to social networks.

yes, it is a good way. Because it gives one way high pr backlink

Its true that social bookmarking is the best method for getting the backlinks and to drive the traffic to the site. But it is also necessary to have the unique description and relevant title when doing the submission as those are the things that works more for better result with bookmarking method.

I dont think so, But it would helps a lot to get quick index in google. And we can receive a quality back link from here, if the website have good amount of traffic and popularity.

Yes, Social bookmarking is good way to getting traffic and back-links to your website and also helps in improving ranking of a website in search engine.

Yes, obviously social bookmarking is effective way to get traffic and storing backlink our site but site should be do fallow............Thanks,

Social Media bookmarking is important follow and nofollow both. I know do follow is important but now a days google considering no follow in a different way. I believe good gives some value to nofollow links also which helps those link to rank in SERP.

Social Bookmarking sites have very high traffic and high PR.and most of used quickly index link

If the social book marking can do following ,then it is good .

Yes of course it's the best way to get traffic and helpful to increase keywords ranking also.

There are lots of social bookmarking. So the workload of submitting articles is heavy. How can I reduce the workload? Does someone give me some advice?

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