Re: Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by emiilyyjohnson2 Thanks for sharing such valuable information with us. It was a goldmine if we dig down it deeply. Re: Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Chris Hüneke Nice read! you basically say it (link quality + user interactions) - but i'dd like to add a little somthing, if it's alright: A backlink, which actually drives traffic, is counted. A Backlink, which does not drive any traffic, not. This way Google tries to filter and disavow spammy links automatically - because most Spam sites dont have … Covid stats website Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Has anyone come across any test creative websites that graph, chart, or otherwise document trends of Covid cases in a unique or interesting way? Re: Covid stats website Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt … compare the USA response and deaths to say New Zealand. COVID-19 doesn't care about politics. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt This just in: 1. 350 hospitals workers exposed to COVID-19 but are not sent home because "the heavy volume …. 3. Medical Screeners at airports such as LAX have contracted COVID-19. "They are assuring us we are safe. If we… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt Remember when the Utah Jazz basketball team was tested for COVID-19? March 10th 2020 or thereabouts. They used up HALF of …the availble COVID-19 test kits in the state. What was that number? **58… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim … is used to treat ebola and may prove effective for Covid-19. Orphan status is usually granted for drugs developed to treat… develop remdesivir 1. One of the members of Trump's Covid-19 task force worked for Gilead for 6 years as a… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt My SO wanted a COVID-19 test. Now does not want a COVID-19 test. Is this the US standard for testing? Must be. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim Breaking news. Trump now says that having so many Covid-19 cases (and I suppose Covid-19 deaths) is a good thing because it means they are doing more testing. So... Winning? Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim … Obama especially to deal with just such a crisis as Covid-19. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim Getting tested in the US could cost up to $1300 if you go to the ER. And if you are put into isolation that may cost you thousands more. With so many Americans lacking adequate health coverage, and medical bankrupty being so high, what are the odds that many people will forego testing, making the spread of Covid-19 even more likely? Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt I think is worth the watch as it compares national responses to COVID-19. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt …-is-building-a-coronavirus-website-to-speed-up-testing-for-covid-19/ > Trump said that Google has 1,700 engineers working… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim The German newspaper Welt am Sonntag has reported that the Trump administration offered the German biopharmaceutical company, CureVac $1 billion to procure the U.S. exclusive rights to a potential COVID-19 vaccine. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by AndreRet … not accept as it was to their detriment should they, Covid-19 breaks out and as per this report, China is growing… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt Preface: Horrible but want to pass it along. > Boomer Doomer >Coronavirus (COVID-19) > >It's gonna kill all the boomers >Hey bro *shakes hand* I just gave you boomer doomer Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim … Control and Prevention. Trump's "spiritual" advisor blames Covid-19 on gays and the environmentalists. Common sense and reasoning have… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt … from office supply stores. Think old school overhead projectors. 5. COVID-19 testing is rare with results not coming back in 9… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim …, especially with all the false information they keep spouting about Covid-19? Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim If you want to see a brilliant and effective Covid-19 public service ad then check out [this video]( It gets the point across about social distancing in a way that makes immediate sense. Whoever created this deserves a Clio Award. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim GOP wants to shield companies that force their employees back to work from liability if they get Covid-19 as a result. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim … reality. These people are going to increase the spread of Covid-19. Fortunately, they appear to have minimal contact with those of… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim In a recent interview regarding Covid-19, Mike Pompeo stated both that - The “best experts” think it was “manmade". - He believes and trusts the Intelligence Community which says it was not. Does that clear things up? Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim … to the world about the danger and contagious nature of Covid-19, silenced whistleblowers, and did little to stop the spread of… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by Reverend Jim In other breaking news, Georgia governor Kemp says that it is now safe to go to restaurants or get a haircut, but the risk of spreading Covid-19 is far too great to allow an election for a state supreme court justice. Instead he'll just appoint another Republican for the next two years. Safe enough for Denny's but not safe enough for democracy. Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt … uncle in the extended family (adopted brother) has died of COVID-19. He had gone to the ER with symptoms and issues… Re: Covid-19 Virus and N95 Community Center by rproffitt …/say fake news: "99% of hosptilations and deaths by COVID-19 are now composed or the unvaccinated." Still don't… Google AdSense denying new site due to COVID-19 Digital Media Digital Marketing by Matt_35 Anyone else having a problem with Google AdSense? Google keeps denying my new site due to COVID-19. However, their email tells me to re-submit for further review. Anyone know how long this will last? Considering it is Google, I would have thought they can review websites remotely.. Re: Google AdSense denying new site due to COVID-19 Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani How do you know COVID-19 is the reason for the denial? What does the rejection letter say? Re: Covid stats website Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt 220,000 plus dead in the USA. There are naysayers and those that speak the words "comorbidity" and how our leaders are not responsible. Anyhow, this site is about the numbers: I have friends in Canada that tell me the USA is like the …