276 Topics

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Member Avatar for eissen_eiram

i have this program and i'm already done with the data entry, search, display and exit menu.. my only problem is my search and delete and the search and edit...please help me. i've attached my unfinished program here: Programming Assignment: Write a program to simulate a telephone directory. The user …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello everybody. I'm trying to get the current directory, save it, changing the current dir, then coming back to the previous one. My code so far [code=asm] TITLE ep1_7 .MODEL SMALL .STACK 10h .DATA msg DB 'Current directory:',0h msg_l equ $-msg buff db 64 dup('$') ;f_handle dw 1 dup(?) .CODE …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for Graphix

How do you acces a folder beneath the current folder? The upload script is at: htdocs/mysite/management/upload.php and i want the files to be uploaded at: htdocs/mysite/images/ What should the directory be?

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for mrman208

Hello, I am making a program to make a directory in a users Library folder then create a file in it. Whenever I try to make the directory I get an error and if I continue with the program i get a segmentation fault error Here is the source Code …

Member Avatar for codeguru_2009
Member Avatar for happygeek

It launched in a flurry of controversy over privacy issues, but within weeks of going live the 118800 mobile phone online directory service has been suspended. Although the official reason for the, so far, 3 day unavailability of the website is being given as "undertaking major developments" to the beta …

Member Avatar for Virg_Anderson
Member Avatar for mairaj

what is niche directory ? whats the diffrence between niche directory and general directory ?

Member Avatar for bobchrist

The End.