461 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sloane_1

I'm a tad confused on a homework assignment. I'm supposed to write a program that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit equivalents. I got the loop to work just fine, but I'm supposed to display the results of the loop in a TextArea …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Cory_1

I'm given a code that asks us to have the user input a set of integers(they can be positive or negative). Then the code goes through the list and counts the occurence of each number. Once it reaches the end, the code displays ONLY the number with the most occurrences, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Cory_1

I am trying to work on a code for extra credit in my Programming class. The question asks for the user to input a text file, and display all the words in that file(including duplicates) in ascending order. After writing the code several different times over the course of four …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Sophia_1

Hi everyone, I wanted to display different data from the same table in 2 different tabs in php. When i select the Responsible person and click Notify in tabs-1, it will be saved and displayed in the improvement_plan table. But when i select Responsible person and click Notify in tabs-2, …

Member Avatar for Sophia_1
Member Avatar for malatamil

i have a URL like this example.com/index.php?param1=10,20,30,40,50¶m2=50,60,70,80,90,10¶m3=40,50,60,70,80 Using PHP,javascript,JSON i did this pentagon radarchart. If the values are changing then the pentegon image also will be change. and if the parameters limit is 3 only. if it is 1 parameter then the respective parameter values will display. By using the …

Member Avatar for malatamil
Member Avatar for Caled

Hi, Im trying to display all the rows from a table (im running on Postgres and NetBeans 6.5). I only get one row.. my code: the actor class [code=Java] package appsClass; import java.sql.*; /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for GeorgiosMeNTUA

I have an image (frame.bmp, uncompressed, resolution 640*480, 3bit depth, 900KB size) stored at C:\Frame.bmp. I want to load it and put it in my program as an array a[N][M], N=479, M=639. After that to modify its elements (e.g thresholding) and create a new array B[479][639]. Finally, to store it …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

I have lot of values in mysql database. I want to display all that data in excel file. How to do? without plugin is it possible? or how to do? Without any plugin, is comfortable. I am new to this concept.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jenijaaaaad

I have a form where a listbox will load a list of names (lastname, firstname) and when the user select a name and click " >> " button it will display into a textbox, but as the names display into the textbox, it will just display the lastname instead of …

Member Avatar for Gudger

can someone help me with this? "PROGRAM TO DISPLAY FACTORS OF A NUMBER" Use A1,A2,A3..as variable. Sample output Enter apositive integer: 60 Factors of 60 are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 15 20 30 60 my teacher say, that we should use stdio.h kg conio.h

Member Avatar for New Jack
Member Avatar for yaginuk

hi, new to php. i have just started a project for entering 2 postcodes (zip code) and working the distance between the 2. if i have to a url like "https://api.postcodes.io/postcodes/cf634px" and when you put that in a browser content is returned within. how would i use php to echo …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Raakesh399
Member Avatar for BustACode

I found that one can use dictionaries to hold Tkinter widget config and display parameters. This then permits one to have these dictionaries elsewhere in the code for easy modification instead of buried within the code for each widget. I particularly like to place these dictionaries toward the top of …

Member Avatar for Kiri_1

Hi Guys! I'm trying to create an addition game with an image to display as the given number (addends) EX. instead of just displaying texts like 1+1 = 2 I will be using images to display the given numbers and the answer. I have created some codes here that was …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Bubala

I have a Toshiba Satelite laptop and a few days ago a single grey line appeared across the lower portion of my screen. Yesterday, another grey line appeared across the upper portion of my screen. Does anyone know what this is?

Member Avatar for Ketan_2
Member Avatar for Sophia_1

Hi everyone, am trying to save and display the text color after select change in php and html. After selecting Selfrating1 ie "Good", the textbox T11 suppose to change to "Green" color. After submit button the text color supposed to be save in mysql and display on the form. The …

Member Avatar for Sophia_1
Member Avatar for WebMedia_1

please i need your help , there is audio playlist im working on and im try to get music from mydql database and i can get the music file to play but playlist is blank. this is my code html code: <ul id="playlist1" style="display:none;"> <li data_path="assets/mp3/music1.mp3" data-thumbpath="assets/thumbnail/img.jpg" data-downloadable="yes" > <p><span …

Member Avatar for WebMedia_1
Member Avatar for Lau_1

Hello, anyone know how to display discount code at the paypal order summary? ![paypal.PNG](/attachments/small/4/8abddac7b536dd761ea964f20f7213ce.PNG "align-left")

Member Avatar for Lau_1
Member Avatar for zamm65

Good afternoon to all i am currently working on a logistics project, where in one of the forms the user needs to select a shipment number and other information related to the shipment. the form is made up of 4 dropdowns a textbox and a gridview as follows. **The Dropdowns …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Azii

Hello All, I have a table with column_name as USERNAME where USERNAME is VARCHAR2(20) and I want to display it as **"USERNAME@email.com"**. How to write the select query for this. **QUERY**: SELECT USERNAME AS EMAIL FROM STUDENT Thank you.

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for usmanjani

void diamond(int n); // where n is the number of stars in the middle row. You can assume that n is odd. (You can change the prototype of the function diamond)

Member Avatar for usmanjani
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

I am retrieving from table based on standard and date. For first standard It, has two sections A & B. A has one subject and B has two subject. While displaying I want to display in a table like this: section | Description A | English B | French,English My …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Arjun_7

Hi friends, My name is Arjun and i am new to php .My doubt is if we uploading image or any file in online at that time if any of error is accured means i like to display check internet connection...Friends Please tell me that how to display like that.thank …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for Sandeep_13

Hi I am new in java. I am trying to get the stored date in the database and display the same in jdatepicker in frontend. But I failed. Can any one of you suggest how to do the same. Regards Sandeep

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for al2henry

I've created and maintain two sites for non profit orgs that I belong to http://www.conservancyonmayne.com & http://www.vivaldichoir.org based on Dreamweaver templates I started with many years ago. As a rank amateur I realize I've created a dog's breakfast of code that is far from "well formed" - so apologies.. The …

Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

Pls. help me on my project. I am confuse on how to display the users post from the homepage like some social network did. I have few more questions but thats what i need to resolve first. Thank you

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for flynismo

Im having problems getting this to work.. What I need to do is scan a directory, and search for all images that belong to the member. Here's the basic process: 1. A member uploads a photo 2. If accepted, the photo is automatically renamed by appending the member's name as …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fielding

I am trying to get the text (not value) of a selected item in a select box <option> and display it elsewhere on the page. I have to admit im totally new to this so im going to need an explanation on plugging in a JQuery file... Thanks!

Member Avatar for ololol
Member Avatar for Norbert_2

I found this https://github.com/inorganik/CountUp.js As my knowledge of javascript is very weak, i am asking for your help to store the counter result local, then display it on the user`s browser... var options = { useEasing : true, useGrouping : true, separator : ',', decimal : '.', prefix : '', …

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Member Avatar for Gayan Maduranga
Member Avatar for Gayan Maduranga

The End.