535 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sheba_1

Dim Values As Range Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet Set CurrentSheet = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet Set Values = Rows(5) For j = 0 To 20 For i = 1 To Values.Cells.Count - 1 Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlBetween, _ Formula1:="=Delimit2!$A$" & i, Formula2:="=Delimit2!$B$" & i Selection.FormatConditions(Selection.FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font Color = -16383844 TintAndShade = 0 End …

Member Avatar for squeak24

Hi Everyone I am trying to achieve a cell that is dependent on two different cells. Basically what I want to do is: *Item 1* If the contents of Cell U20 equals the contents of W12 or W13 the cell will equal a certain value. *Item 2*Depending on the date …

Member Avatar for Shankar.Shiv
Member Avatar for cassyjack

I have about 15,000 emails in google that were sent from a wordpress webform. I need to be able to extract data from that email and export to excel. Are there any suggestions? I have started using Parseur. But I need to be able to foward all 15,000 emails but …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hawkeye249

The following works to calculated the date for Easter any given year. I don't understand why it works ... =FLOOR.XCL("5/"&DAY(MINUTE(YEAR("1/1/2017")/38)/2+56)&"/"&YEAR("1/1/2017"),7)-34 I'm a novice - in the above, "1/1/2017" is used to provide a year. That could be done a number of ways, and is not the same way I have …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jean_8

How to restore the corrupted *.xlsx file? At me installed Office 2007. I created the file in Excel. And then saved its as usually. Everything was normal, but now the file don't want to open. error: not found.

Member Avatar for Lena_2
Member Avatar for infoitmanoj

I have 2 sheets in same Excel. First excel sheet contains the following fields No Material 10th july 11th july 1 DATUM DCP ESD Black 2 DATUM DCP ESD Blue My second worksheet contains the following fields No Date Material Stock size+Wastage 1 10th july DATUM DCP ESD Black 283.47 …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for aplee

To all database genius out there, I hope you can help me with this error I encountered when importing excel file to SQL Server 2005. This is the error: [CODE]Executing (Error) Messages Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task 1: There was an error with output column "Description" (21) on output "Excel …

Member Avatar for Sai_421
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

Hi, I really need help and this is my first time of trying to link 20 sheets into a survey chart (Chart 1). How to do that? The chart in "Chart 1" is only based on sheet 1. Excel file: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AqKGcmac7PpVz2StIkZ445NRYVat

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for daveofgv

I am using visual studio 2008 (vb.net). I have a long list of file names in column A on an excel sheet. These files are located in a directory on my network drive. I have to copy these files over to another folder. I know how to copy files in …

Member Avatar for muoixd
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I am trying to open a large excel file (.xlsx) to ad some rows of data from another excel file. However, due to the size of the destination file i am getting the memory error. I tried the below, however when i create the worksheet object it is creating …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Amaina

I have checked everywhere in Daniweb to see if this has been asked before but could not find the question. Forgive me if this is too simple an issue and it is my hope that my question is clear. I have an excel worksheet (see attached) with 4 columns. Column …

Member Avatar for Amaina
Member Avatar for tom_17

Hi, I need to write a macro that has one row of dates. Row D. I need the macro to go down row and depending on the date I need to input a number to the cell to the right of that date. Example. If date < 12/22/16 insert value …

Member Avatar for tom_17
Member Avatar for David_87

Hello. Please help me to stop an Excel error message. Every time I try to open the file, I get this error: "The file is unknown". Has anyone any experience in this and if so could you help point me in the right direction? How to repair Excel file? Any …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I prepare a table in Excel within a Using () statetement. At the end I UsedRange.Copy() to what I understand is the clipboard. Then I Selection.PasteExcelTable in a Word document. I get an COM Exception "command failed". When I activate the word document and press Ctrl+V the table gets copied. …

Member Avatar for patk570

Hey guys, I have a code on excel, that will count the critera if there is more than one box filled out. =COUNTIF(C5:D14,"<>0") But now i am converting this code to jquery and i cannot figure it out. on my page, there is a toggle button, yes/no selector for autopay, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello Group! I've developed an app that takes the data in a text file and moves it to specific columns in an Excel file. My computer has the Excel 2010 installed. So the application works fine with no issues. However we've begun to upgrade computers and software in the office …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I'm discovering that my Excel spreadsheets that are being created by a VB.net app I've written isn't completely closing them as they should be. I'm struggling to understand why and how to fix this. Here is the code for the portion of the app that creates the workbook, …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi, I have an excel sheet and the is a row filled with data the row starts from B5 everytime, what i want to do it to read the values of the cell until the row comes to an empty cell how do i do it, thanks appreciate a reply, …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for riahc3

I have the following: string oledbcmd = ""; string constr = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Excel.xls;@Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;"; oledbcmd = "Select top (1) * From [CLIENTES$] ORDER BY id desc"; OleDbCommand oconn = new OleDbCommand(oledbcmd, con); OleDbDataAdapter sda = new OleDbDataAdapter(oconn); DataTable data = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(data); It fails. What is wrong with …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for Etienne_1

Good day I am experiencing issues with Microsoft Excel 2013 32- bit running on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Whenever I start Excel or switch to it from another program the following error message pops up: "An unexpected error occured: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" To …

Member Avatar for Etienne_1
Member Avatar for ravoras

Hey Guys, So using a webform textarea I am passing some data into PHP. This data is basically 4 columns of an excel sheet and potentially unlimited rows. Now I want to be able to go through this data, select each of the four individual elements from each row, insert …

Member Avatar for skradoslav
Member Avatar for mohamed_69

Hello, guys i am having a problem with the Printing some tickets i need to print each ticket in a different page beacause the printer i'm using can only print the size you customize it to print and my program can have different variations knwint that i import an Excel …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm trying to import an EXCEL table into an SQL Server Table. Although new to SQL, I've done it several times. However for the first time I'm having to import a column that is a date. I'm not sure how the EXCEL column should be formatted so that it …

Member Avatar for David_Fisher
Member Avatar for jackchongwk

I have created an Macro-enabled Excel file using Excel 2013, and I wanna integrate it with Visual Studio 2015. I've created forms in VS 2015, and in that form, I have created several numeric textboxes. So my question is, how can I export all those values in the textboxes, to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Moon88

Total VBA novice, trying to do some simple file modifications in excel via access. I need help navigating to the bottom row in excel to do some copy/pasting. Getting an "application defined or object defined error", marked by the "#" below. Please help! Sub MRFDATAIMPORT() Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") With …

Member Avatar for jared.geli

Good day guys I need help for adding rows in datagrid where the rows to be added are equal to the number of rows copied from excel. I can copy the data but it displays only the first row from excel on the last row of datagrid but if I …

Member Avatar for richardsonka
Member Avatar for Deva Kaur

hi i am currently developing a reminder in outlook to issue or notify the user on license reminder (due date). I am using vba editor in developer using macros. does anyone can share me anything that u all know regarding this matter? i am confused on the reminder notification.. and …

Member Avatar for tommyneedshelp

Hi I have an excel macro question in VBA. I have this code. I want it to go down each cell in row C and run the same if statement instead of just depending on cell C2. I want it to continue to C3, C4, C5, all the way till …

Member Avatar for tommyneedshelp
Member Avatar for amagab

I have a PDF file full of addresses (>3000) in this format: Name Street Address City State Zip Phone Number Is there any program that will allow me to convert it into a Excel file or CSV? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Mark Pontaic
Member Avatar for GeneClaude

Hello! I've been debugging this VBA program that computes the root of an equation using Newton Raphson method and with the use of the UserForm. The user will type the equation, the initial guess and the number of iterations. I was able to search on automatically differentiating the equation unlike …


The End.