899 Topics

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Member Avatar for prpasim1

The problem: I am want to create static websites for dynamic restaurants. A restaurant enters their details and from this, I want to create a web page for each restaurant with their own unique details on thi html page. So when I run them, in them will be their name, …

Member Avatar for prpasim1
Member Avatar for manisha_5

Im doing a appointment booking site for a project And Im trying to disable radio button(s) if the sql statement returns true. Example: User selects a date from asp calendar and a timeslot is in the form of radio button I wanted that the count of radiobutton selection should be …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for J Michael

I have the following code which handles my Print Button but I'm getting my ListView contents all on 1 page only (overwriting). How can I loop through the ListView items an d print on more than one page? Excuse my "newbiness". Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Parth_3

how can i get the value ...which code write in button click event that get my id.. USE DATATABLE Public Function inst() As DataTable Dim tb2 As New DataTable Dim st As String Dim dfsty As DataSet Dim df As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Try cn.Open() st = "SELECT EmMaster_EmploId FROM(EmMaster) WHERE …

Member Avatar for Parth_3
Member Avatar for Arniel

I need to sort three numbers that are entered in 10 different textboxes and display these numbers ascending and when I press a different button display them descending. Now I think that I need to put these three numbers into an array, sort and display, but I'm not really too …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Reem50

Hello, I have small problem and can't solve it. I am trying to write javascript function inside html file and call it from click button but it does not work. I try both tags: `<script type="text/javascript">` `<script language="JavaScript">` I include it at the head tag, at first of body, at …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Rounaksuthar

My desktop computer CPU button just blink and turn off and it never turn on unless I remove the CPU main cord from back side and it always repeated

Member Avatar for priyanka543
Member Avatar for Sandy_2

I have three pages page 1 :through a submit button in page 1 ... I want to be redirected in page2 in new tab and page3 in the same tab. Is that possible? Page1 contains : using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { document.Save(memoryStream, false); memoryStream.Position = 0; Session["BinaryData"] = …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Thomas_31

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Thomas' Story</title> </head> <body style="background-color:lightblue;"> <h1 style="color:Orange; text-align:center;"><B>Thomas'Story Page</B></h1> <h1 style="color:Orange; text-align:center;"><B>Let's Make a Story Together!</B></h1> <h2 style="color:Black; text-align:center;">You fill in the blanks and we'll go from there!</h2> <hr> <h3>Now, just fill in the boxes below and when you're finished click the button for …

Member Avatar for kgweb
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello everyone, im thinking how to make car engine sound on button click... my idea is when i click the button to be the same as you click on the gas pedal the engine starts to make sound (i know its not possible that with keyboard key) BUT i think …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I'm now looking at what seems to be a nice exercise on my java book. Basically, the exercise asks me to build a virtual keyboard GUI - see screenshot - and when you press each key on your real keyboard the key you've pressed will change its background …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for xopenex

hello, Using Python 2.7, PyQt4, Qt Designer, and used pyuic4... I think thats it... windows 7? I have a GUI i created in Qt Designer. It has one button and one LCD number. I was trying to get the button to start and reset a timer, and have the elapsed …

Member Avatar for Ehtisham_1
Member Avatar for Johnny Joe

i used pcode as my primary key which has a datatype of short text Private Sub RefreshData() If Not conn.state = ConnectionState.Open Then conn.Open() End If Dim DATA1 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT pcode as [Item Code], psup as [Supplier], pcat as [Category], pdescript as [Description], pstock as [In Stock], piprice as …

Member Avatar for Miurei
Member Avatar for baabjitvk

hi everybody.. I'm implementing an interface in vb6. In that I'm creating dynamic controls like comboboxes, buttons etc. how can i identify a button click that is created dynamically. if the button is clicked, then only i can move to next stage.. i.e. i have to write code for that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for NurieDavis

Hi, so i have a bit of an issue trying to select all my ms-access data in DGV with only a button, no typing in textboxes. I have been struggling with for a few days since unfortunately this isn't very popular? I can't seem to come up with anything in …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Aditya0025

hello i m writing a program in which i try to write on the frame by mousemotionlistener and mouselistener methods till now i did the writing part and i i want to start that writing by clicking the button Ok then another frame is open in which i can write …

Member Avatar for Aditya0025
Member Avatar for patrick1981

Hi all, I have a table for users in a mysql database. table_users -id -firstname -lastname -email -password -enabled When I select and display records from the table, I want to add and enable/disable toggle button to the enabled field so that if its enabled and I click on it, …

Member Avatar for rukverc
Member Avatar for Brandon Hatch

I have no idea how to create a Gui from another Gui using python. What I have so far is simply a basic Gui which you select one of the options from a dropdown menu and create another Gui. Here's what I have so far... import sys from tkinter import …

Member Avatar for Brandon Hatch
Member Avatar for Liang_1

Dear All, I have a form use for uploading photos to my website. But I would like users to fully filled in the selection only then the "Submit" or "Upload" button will be activated. How can I do this? Below is my code: <form name=Image enctype=multipart/form-data method=POST> <table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

I need some guidance in this I have registration form in which there will be button clicking on which open a new form without refreshing a page and again clicking on same button hides form it's user will to fill that form.Here is snapshot what i actually want.I want to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I am new to this concept, In a page there are 5 select boxes and 2 radio buttons. First select box has standard ID , second select box has respective section id, after selecting rest of the three selectboxes final I have to select either first or second, if …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Nancy_5

so basically i want to connect 2 forms together. whereby in form 1 i either have a picturebox/image (picture of a shoe) and in form2 i have a datagrid (connect using access) and few other buttons of add, edit and delete, but i want to link that data grid with …

Member Avatar for Majestics

I want to prevent my router from hard reset.... My friend often press the hard reset button to tease me.... Is there any way...................

Member Avatar for peiliri
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, Thank you for your time. I know it is possible to create an exit button using javascript but this only work in ie browsers and not what i want(i found a fix for it but isnt very good), can somebody please show me a better way of closing all …

Member Avatar for qwsa
Member Avatar for jonnyboyrich

Yesterday, as I was working on my computer, it died. Just as though someone had unplugged it. I knew I had a short, so I tried a new power supply cable. When I got the new one in, I hit the power button and the power supply unit popped and …

Member Avatar for tranny
Member Avatar for iDeepak

[Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/ka0Pnnr.jpg) I have a app having multiple Xib files calling in one main Xib and its class. I have added expand and collapse view which works on particular xib expand and collapse subviews as required and reduces/Expands Height too. This works well for one xib section when all tab …

Member Avatar for Mannava

5:18:22 PM [Apache] Problem detected! 5:18:22 PM [Apache] Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4! 5:18:22 PM [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free! 5:18:22 PM [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application 5:18:22 PM [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the …

Member Avatar for dhiraj_2
Member Avatar for iPoor

Hi Guys, I wanna know how to change a label's text thats in a different form when the user presses a button in the mainform, I have heard about the Signals and Slots thing but not experienced enough to understand that, Please Help Me!

Member Avatar for iPoor
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hello. A section of what I am developing for my site requires the User to select an avatar for their account. 1)Instead of using visible radio buttons I have decided to allow the actual avatar image to act as the radio button for selection. I am receiving various results based …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to style click button further. Is it possible? Here is my current button: http://www.innovation.web.id/One/One/portfolio-filter.php red plain color. I would like to put orange border with transparent background. portfolio-filter.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Portfolio</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <style> .btn { width: 100px; background-color: red; …

Member Avatar for janetriever

The End.