307 News Story Topics
Remove Filter To put it mildly, it's been a bad week for cloud computing. First of all word got out that Microsoft, the keepers of the data for users of Sidekick phones [URL="http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Microsoft-T-Mobile-Sidekick-Data-Lost,8832.html"]completely hosed the data.[/URL] I mean kaput, gone, vanished. See you later, bye. If you don't have a back up, … | |
Imagine my surprise when I learned this morning that an [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-10216733-64.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5"]IBM researcher believes[/URL] that Moore's Law-- that the number of transistors on a micro processor would double nearly every two years-- could be nearing the end of its run. Amazingly Moore made this prediction in 1965 and his law has … | |
I was debating with my friend [URL="http://twitter.com/DavidAKnopf"]David A. Knopf[/URL] on Twitter recently about the iPad's target market. He was sure that iPhone and Mac owners like himself were the key targets, while I argued that it was precisely the opposite, people who didn't own these devices already. We went back … | |
In a story this week by [URL="http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,655422,00.html"]German news magazine Der Spiegel[/URL], I was surprised to learn that German book publishers are actively avoiding the eBook market, fearing it will eat into their print publishing business, instead of seeing it as an obvious new market for consumers to read their books. … | |
The EE Times [URL="http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=CK0UKKNE0NKJCQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=213402554"]reported[/URL] earlier this week that the Dell E4200 and E4300 laptops are running both Linux and Windows on the same machine. Why both you ask? The Linux OS provides a quick boot for checking email and other "light" computing duties while the Windows side allows "heavier duty" … | |
Last week's Economist (July 16-20, 2010 issue) has an [URL="http://media.economist.com/node/16539424"]interesting story[/URL] on three large internet companies in Russia, China and Africa. That these three emerging regions have growing internet powers is interesting in itself, but there was something else in the story that caught my eye. Russian Internet giant, [URL="http://www.dst-global.com/"]DST[/URL] … ![]() | |
Is the press release dead? Earlier this month, Esther Schindler [URL="http://tinyurl.com/6e5rmu"]wrote in her You’re the Boss blog [/URL]that “PR is broken. Social media might, [I]might[/I] glue some of the parts back on.” To test this supposition, I spoke to David Meerman Scott, who is the author of the bestselling book … | |
A funny thing happened this week. Google tried to become Bing by displaying full color pictures on its Home page, and was undone by a bug. The irony here is just too obvious to ignore. Bing influences Google to change its plain white page, and it comes apart because of … | |
[URL="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2332430,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03079TX1K0000584"]John Dvorak at PC Magazine,[/URL] a grand old curmudgeon who never pulls any punches created a wish list for Windows 7. It got me thinking about my own wish list, so here goes: [B]1. Don't Make Me Wait Forever at Boot Time[/B] Nothing aggravates me more than waiting for Windows … | |
[ATTACH=left]12481[/ATTACH]The New York Times [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2009/11/06/technology/tech-us-france-apple-louvre.html"]reported today[/URL] that Apple has opened its first Apple Store in Paris, underneath the Louvre no less, and just two weeks after Microsoft opened up a [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/22/microsofts-windows-cafe-opens-its-doors-in-paris/"]Windows 7 cafe[/URL] in Paris in another location. The idea of these two companies competing in a retail environment, and … | |
The whispers have been [URL="http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/08/leaks-begin-to-pile-up-concerning-legendary-apple-tablet.ars"]getting louder[/URL] lately that Apple will be be announcing the long-rumored Tablet next month at its September keynote. We have all learned that these rumors are [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3626.html"]often wrong[/URL] and Apple moves at its own pace, but the idea of an Apple Tablet with a 10 inch … | |
[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Zuckerberg"]Mark Zuckerberg[/URL] famously started Facebook in his dorm room. He's a geek who got lucky and today he is the CEO of a major corporation. Judging from his actions over the last year or so, I'm wondering if he's really suited to this job. He has little tact when speaking … | |
Last week, Google's [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html#marissa"]Marissa Mayer [/URL]and [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html#eric"]Eric Schmidt [/URL]appeared in separate interviews on the [URL="http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/10129"]Charlie Rose [/URL]show, and not surprisingly they spoke in one voice where privacy and trust were concerned. They both said that when we use online services, we give up privacy in the process. There it is … | |
I've been following the tussle between Google and Microsoft this week with a mixture of amusement and amazement. If you haven't been following along at home, Microsoft took a dip into the cloud with the release Office 2010 Online this past week. Meanwhile, Google, feeling a wee bit threatened by … | |
Apple and Microsoft have not had a lot of good press lately, but in spite of the issues both companies have faced, their quarterly reports released this week showed two companies that are still extremely profitable. [B]Microsoft Comes Through [/B] In spite of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story295211.html"]giving up on the Kin[/URL] and a … | |
When Google announced Android and Chrome, it was easy to think that they were going after Apple's core business, and when news of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story246307.html"]Google's own phone [/URL]leaked last weekend, that seemed to only reinforce the idea, but I see the two companies with very different goals. Yes, they are both … | |
Yesterday, after the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story255860.html"]iPad announcement[/URL], many folks Tweeted that it's the end of the line for the Amazon Kindle as if it were a fait accomplis. I'm not convinced that's true, but it does raise questions about the utility of the single-purpose device, and whether you want your eBook Reader … | |
Steve Ballmer dropped a bomb shell in a speech the other day at the University of Washington, letting it be known that the desktop software company was basically betting it all on the cloud. In a report on the speech [URL="http://paidcontent.org/article/419-ballmer-microsoft-betting-our-company-on-the-cloud/"]on PaidContent.org[/URL], Ballmer reportedly said the company was committing as … | |
In February, 2008 I wrote a blog post called [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2008/02/is-apple-workin.html"]Is Apple Working on an eBook Reader: Does It Matter?[/URL] Today, I would answer my own question with "Hell yes it maters." If Apple enters the eBook market, you know it would be expensive, but it would be a desirable device, … | |
[ATTACH=right]14395[/ATTACH]Microsoft [URL="http://www.mobilemag.com/2010/04/13/microsoft-kin-one-and-kin-two-specs-and-perspective/"]released a couple of phones[/URL] on Monday, Kin 1 and Kin 2, supposedly aimed at teens. Kin 1 is shaped like a hockey puck. Kin 2 looks more like a conventional smart phone (but it's not). The only thing these phones appear to have going for them is a … | |
A few weeks ago I received a Google Wave invitation from my friend [URL="http://www.knopf.com/"]David Knopf[/URL] (after publicly begging for one in my post [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story227584.html"]Hoping to Surf the Google Wave[/URL]). Since then, I've had a chance to use it and I've seen the good, the bad and the ever-present potential of … | |
Web 2.0 has always been about giving the individual the power to publish without having to beg a media company for access. From blogs to podcasts to services like YouTube ordinary (and extraordinary) citizens have been able to publish their work for the world to see. Now [URL="http://www.flixwagon.com/"]Flixwagon[/URL] lets you … | |
When I researched an article on multimedia search last year for [URL="http://www.econtentmag.com"]EContent Magazine[/URL], (The [URL="ttp://www.streamingmedia.com/article.asp?id=9879"]resulting article[/URL] was republished on Streamingmedia.com last December.) I learned in the course of my research that it's hard to search for non-text elements because they lack the contextual language of text. Seems logical enough, but … | |
Make no mistake, Apple and Google both want to be the gateway to your TV. Back in May, Google [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/announcing-google-tv-tv-meets-web-web.html"]officially announced[/URL] its TV initiative. Just yesterday came rumors in [URL="http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/02/apple-hopes-to-re-enter-the-living-room/"]this New York Times blog post[/URL] that Apple is working to revamp its failed Apple TV. Google and Apple, like many … | |
Until Motorola came out with the [URL="http://phones.verizonwireless.com/motorola/droid/"]Droid[/URL], they were the forgotten cell phone company, but it wasn't that long ago that everyone wanted one of their phones: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_RAZR"]the Razr[/URL]. This was in 2004, in the days before the iPhone when smart phones were found only in the pockets of executives … | |
Not everything Apple touches turns to gold, a case in point is the .mac service which has recently been rebranded with not terribly clever moniker: MobileMe. What Apple fails to understand from the get-go is that people expect their cloud services to be free or at least extremely cheap and … | |
At just 25, [URL="http://www.crunchbase.com/person/aaron-levie"]Aaron Levie[/URL] is a youthful CEO. His company, [URL="http://box.net/"]Box.net[/URL], is a cloud-based storage and collaboration solution. He originally conceived and developed Box in his dorm room with a friend when he was just 19 years old because he was simply looking for a way to solve a … | |
I read a blog post this morning on the Mini-Microsoft blog called [URL="http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2009/07/microsoft-has-turned-corner.html"]Microsoft Has Turned the Corner[/URL] and it got me wondering if they really have, or if it was merely wishful thinking on the part of the author. Then I saw that Microsoft had released [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/"]Office 2010 videos[/URL] and … | |
The economic news has been so bad of late, it's actually difficult to imagine that some businesses are profitable. It's easy to get sucked into the abyss of huge layoffs, high unemployment figures and generally negative fall-out from the economic meltdown, but in spite of all this, there are technology … | |
[ATTACH=right]14514[/ATTACH]So you want your company to be innovative like Google. You want to have a lab and a constant flow of ideas, but you don't know where to begin. In an entertaining speech the other day at the [URL="http://www.aiimexpo.com/"]AIIM 2010 conference [/URL]in Philadelphia, [URL="http://www.cyrusmistry.com/"]Cyrus Mistry[/URL] from Google explained some the … |
The End.