Keyboard Controlled Pixel Drawing

anilashanbhag 1 Tallied Votes 654 Views Share

The script is used in my newest chrome app


The above script is a good to get stated with HTML5 canvas.
Much of it is named so as to be self explanatory but any doubts you are more than welcome to post it here.

var currentx = 350;
	var currenty = 350;
	var ltArrow = 37;
	var upArrow = 38;
	var rtArrow = 39;
	var dwArrow = 40;
	var size = 50;

function keyHit(evt) {
	var oCanvas = document.getElementById('oCanvas');
	var oCtx = oCanvas.getContext('2d');
	var thisKey;
	if (evt) {
		thisKey = evt.which;
	else {
		thisKey = window.event.keyCode;
		case ltArrow:
			currentx -= size;
			if(currentx<0){currentx = 0;}
			oCtx.fillRect(currentx, currenty, size, size);
		case rtArrow:
			currentx += size;
			if(currentx>800-size){currentx = 800-size;}
			oCtx.fillRect(currentx, currenty, size, size);
		case upArrow:
			currenty -= size;
			if(currenty<0){currenty = 0;}
			oCtx.fillRect(currentx, currenty, size, size);
		case dwArrow:
			currenty += size;
			oCtx.fillRect(currentx, currenty, size, size);
return False;

function resetSize(){
	var newLoc = document.getElementById("size");
	var newSize = newLoc.options[newLoc.selectedIndex].value;
	size = parseInt(newSize);

function resetColor(){
	var newLoca = document.getElementById("color");
	var newColor = newLoca.options[newLoca.selectedIndex].value;
	var oCanvas = document.getElementById('oCanvas');
	var oCtx = oCanvas.getContext('2d');
	oCtx.fillStyle = newColor;
window.onload = init;

function init(){
	var oCanvas = document.getElementById('oCanvas');
	var iWidth = oCanvas.width;
	var iHeight = oCanvas.height;
	var oCtx = oCanvas.getContext('2d');
	var iWidth = oCanvas.width;
	var iHeight = oCanvas.height;
	oCtx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,255)";
	oCtx.fillRect(currentx,currenty, 50, 50);
	document.onkeydown = keyHit;
	document.getElementById("size").selectedIndex = 4;
	document.getElementById("size").onchange = resetSize;
	document.getElementById("color").selectedIndex = 3;
	document.getElementById("color").onchange = resetColor;
	function showDownloadText() {
		document.getElementById("buttoncontainer").style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById("textdownload").style.display = "block";

	function hideDownloadText() {
		document.getElementById("buttoncontainer").style.display = "block";
		document.getElementById("textdownload").style.display = "none";

	function convertCanvas(strType) {
		if (strType == "PNG")
			var oImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas, true);
		if (strType == "BMP")
			var oImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsBMP(oCanvas, true);
		if (strType == "JPEG")
			var oImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsJPEG(oCanvas, true);

		if (!oImg) {
			alert("Sorry, this browser is not capable of saving " + strType + " files!");
			return false;
		} = "canvasimage"; =;
		oCanvas.parentNode.replaceChild(oImg, oCanvas);


	function saveCanvas(pCanvas, strType) {
		var bRes = false;
		if (strType == "PNG")
			bRes = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas);
		if (strType == "BMP")
			bRes = Canvas2Image.saveAsBMP(oCanvas);
		if (strType == "JPEG")
			bRes = Canvas2Image.saveAsJPEG(oCanvas);

		if (!bRes) {
			alert("Sorry, this browser is not capable of saving " + strType + " files!");
			return false;

	//document.getElementById("savepngbtn").onclick = function() {saveCanvas(oCanvas, "PNG");	}
	//document.getElementById("savebmpbtn").onclick = function() {saveCanvas(oCanvas, "BMP");	}
	//document.getElementById("savejpegbtn").onclick = function() {saveCanvas(oCanvas, "JPEG");}

	document.getElementById("convertpngbtn").onclick = function() {convertCanvas("PNG");}
	//document.getElementById("convertbmpbtn").onclick = function() {convertCanvas("BMP");}
	document.getElementById("convertjpegbtn").onclick = function() {convertCanvas("JPEG");}

	document.getElementById("resetbtn").onclick = function() {var oImg = document.getElementById("canvasimage");oImg.parentNode.replaceChild(oCanvas, oImg);
		hideDownloadText();	}
Luckychap 68 Posting Pro in Training

Nice job. It would be better if there is indication of current cursor position on the canvas. Something different from background color.

anilashanbhag 0 Junior Poster in Training

I did add a tracer to keep track of the current position but yes working on adding current position.

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