Save a Picture from a Web Page (Python)

vegaseat 0 Tallied Votes 2K Views Share

This Python code shows a way to retrieve a picture from a web page and save it to a file.

# load a given picture from a web page and save it to a file
# (you have to be on the internet to do this)
# tested with Python24     vegaseat     19sep2006

import urllib2
import webbrowser
import os

# find yourself a picture on a web page you like
# (right click on the picture, look under properties and copy the address)
picture_page = ""  # test

# open the web page picture and read it into a variable
opener1 = urllib2.build_opener()
page1 =
my_picture =

# open file for binary write and save picture
# picture_page[-4:] extracts extension eg. .gif
# (most image file extensions have three letters, otherwise modify)
filename = "my_image" + picture_page[-4:]
print filename  # test
fout = open(filename, "wb")

# was it saved correctly?
# test it out ...

# or ...
# on Windows this will display the image in the default viewer
sadani 0 Newbie Poster


thanks for posting nice n easy code.
i tried it and it works fine for me

now i want to make some changes in it.

currently it can only save specified image.
what if i want to save all image present on a particular URL.


fetch all images on a particular URL and save it on disk

can anyone give me a hint or help me to do it.


RonaldDuncan 0 Newbie Poster


I had a go using the posted code, and then found a simpler way.

urllib.urlretrieve(page_url,save_url )

I did create a file for it since I was using it for the same issue as you had.
import urllib

def saveBinary(page_url,save_url):
        """saves the page to the specified path

       need to add progress report and exception handling
        >>> saveBinary( "", "D:\\cd\\Audobooks\\barrie - peter_pan_nei_giardini_di_kensington\\barrie_peter_pan_sil_003_cap02.mp3")
	print "saved" + ""
	print "getting" + page_url
        urllib.urlretrieve(page_url,save_url )
	print "saved" + page_url
#saveBinary( "", "D:\\cd\\Audobooks\\barrie - peter_pan_nei_giardini_di_kensington\\barrie_peter_pan_sil_004_cap03.mp3")


RonaldDuncan 0 Newbie Poster

full programme to download the mp3 audio books on This is my first python program so I am sure it can be massively improved. However you should be able to easily hack it to download your images :)

Bring back the authors
import urllib
import re
import GetListOfUrls
root_url = ""
root = ""
# print root
f = urllib.urlopen(root_url )
# print html
href = re.compile(r'\<a href="\S/[^"]+/index.htm"\>')
hrefs = href.findall(html)
# print hrefs
currentHrefs = hrefs[4:]
setHrefs = set(currentHrefs)
for ref in setHrefs:
        # print ref
        GetListOfUrls.getListOfUrls(root + ref)
print "end of programme"

This calls GetListOfUrls
import urllib
import string
import os
import SaveBinary
import re

def getListOfUrls(author_href):
        getQ = re.compile(r'\"[^"]+/index.htm\"')
        # print a
        author_url = a[0]
        author_url = author_url[1:-1]
        bits = string.split(author_url,"/")
        author = bits[1] 
        author_url = bits[0] + "/" + bits[1] + "/"
        root_url = "" + author_url
        root = root_url[0:-9]
        print "getting" + root_url
        f = urllib.urlopen(root_url )
## print html
        href = re.compile(r'\<a href="[^"]+\.mp3"\>')
        hrefs = href.findall(html)
## print hrefs
        save_path_root = "D:\\CD\\Audobooks\\"

#ref = hrefs[0]
        for ref in hrefs:
                # print ref
                getQuoted = re.compile(r'\"[^"]+\.mp3\"')
                # print m
                item_url = m[0]
                # print item_url
                item_url = item_url[1:-1]
                # print item_url
                parts = string.split(item_url,"/")
                # print parts

                book = parts[0]
                file = parts[-1]
                # print author, book, file
                save_path = save_path_root + author + " - " + book + "\\"
                if not os.access(save_path,os.F_OK) :

                # print root_url + item_url


And finally SaveBinary
import urllib

def saveBinary(page_url,save_url):
        """saves the page to the specified path

        >>> saveBinary( "", "D:\\cd\\Audobooks\\barrie - peter_pan_nei_giardini_di_kensington\\barrie_peter_pan_sil_003_cap02.mp3")
	print "saved" + ""
	print "getting" + page_url
        urllib.urlretrieve(page_url,save_url )
	print "saved" + page_url
#saveBinary( "", "D:\\cd\\Audobooks\\barrie - peter_pan_nei_giardini_di_kensington\\barrie_peter_pan_sil_004_cap03.mp3")

PS as you can see I am learning italian :)


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