Multi-Page Search Navigation

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Have you ever tried programming one of these: Showing Page 1 of 17 Go To: 1 | 2| 3….. Well I have written a nifty class that will take care of it for you. You can even change the formatting outside of the class. Call this class right after your query and right before where you build your html results. If you upload the class and my example of use file, you will see just how it works.

LastMitch commented: Nice Work! +12
//Sorry the tabs are off. I use TextPad and some of my stuff here 
//seems to be formatted weird.


class PageNavigation {

	/* Global Variables */


	var $totalResults;		//Total results returned from query
	var $resultsPerPage;	//How many search items will be displayed per each page
	var $page;				//The current page we are showing
	var $pages;				//Total pages - determined by $totalResults and $resultsPerPage
	var $startHTML; 		//Example: "Showing Page 1 of 5: Go to Page: "
	var $appendSearch; 		//Example: "&a=1&b=2" - if you have other get vars that need to be shown besides &page=
	var $range; 			//How many numbers will be shown - plus and minus of the page we are on
	var $link_on;			//Example: "<a href='testpage.php'><b>6</b></a>" - notice bold
	var $link_off;			//Example: "<a href='testpage.php'>6</a>" - without bold
	var $back;				//Example: "<a href='1.php'>FIRST</a>" - first page
	var $forward;			//Example: "<a href='50.php'>LAST</a>" - last page

	var $product;			//The final result

	/* String Aliases */


	//  While the product is being built, there will be alias variables that we will do a search/replace for
	//  Example: "&page={page}"; where {page} might become "1"

	//	Here are the allowed aliases

	//  {page} will become $page					//global var
	//	{pages} will become $pages					//global var
	//  {num} will become $num						//local var
	//	{appendSearch} will become $appendSearch	//global var


	*                                       *
	*	Constructor                         *
	*                                       *

	function PageNavigation($totalResults, $resultsPerPage, $page, $startHTML, $appendSearch, $range, $link_on, $link_off, $back, $forward) {

		$this->totalResults = 		$totalResults;
		$this->resultsPerPage = 	$totalResults;
		$this->page = 				$page;
		$this->pages = 				ceil($totalResults / $resultsPerPage);

									// Example of $startHTML: "Showing Page {page} of {pages}: Go to Page:"
		$this->product = 			$startHTML;
		$this->appendSearch = 		$appendSearch;
		$this->range = 				$range;
		$this->link_on = 			$link_on;
		$this->link_off = 			$link_off;
		$this->back = 				$back;
		$this->forward = 			$forward;


	*                                       *
	*	Replace Alias                       *
	*                                       *

	function replace_alias() {

		//  {page} = $page					//global var
		//	{pages} = $pages				//global var
		//	{appendSearch} = $appendSearch	//global var

		$this->product = str_replace("{page}", $this->page, $this->product);
		$this->product = str_replace("{pages}", $this->pages, $this->product);
		$this->product = str_replace("{appendSearch}", $this->appendSearch, $this->product);


	*                                       *
	*	GET HTML                            *
	*                                       *

	function getHTML() {

		//array of html links for each number
		$pageLinks = array();

		//loop array of needed pages
		for ($i=0;$i<$this->pages;$i++) {

			//This is the current number we are on
			$num = $i+1;

			//Is this page within our 'range'
			$showNum = false;

			if ($this->page >= $num && $this->page - $this->range <= $num)
				$showNum = true;

			if ($this->page <= $num && $this->page + $this->range >= $num)
				$showNum = true;

			if ($showNum == true) {
				if (($num) == $this->page) {
					array_push($pageLinks, str_replace("{num}", $num, $this->link_on));
				} else {
					array_push($pageLinks, str_replace("{num}", $num, $this->link_off));


		//Determine if we need BACK link
		if (($this->page - $this->range) > 1)
			$this->product .= $this->back;

		//Turn array of html numbre-links into one string
		$this->product .= implode(" | ",$pageLinks);

		//Determine if we need FORWARD link
		if (($this->page + $this->range) < $this->pages)
			$this->product .= $this->forward;

		//Do Replacements

		//Return Final Product
		return $this->product;


*                                       *
*	END CLASS                           *
*                                       *


//**  EXAMPLE OF USE  ****



$totalResults		= 200;
$resultsPerPage		= 5;
$page				= $_GET[page];
$startHTML			= "<b>Showing Page {page} of {pages}</b>: Go to Page ";
$appendSearch		= "&a=1&b=2";
$range				= 5;
$link_on			= "<a href='test.php?page={num}{appendSearch}'><b>{num}</b></a>";
$link_off			= "<a href='test.php?page={num}{appendSearch}'>{num}</a>";
$back				= " <a href='test.php?page=1{appendSearch}'><<</a> ";
$forward			= " <a href='test.php?page={pages}{appendSearch}'>>></a> ";

$myNavigation = New PageNavigation($totalResults, $resultsPerPage, $page, $startHTML, $appendSearch, $range, $link_on, $link_off, $back, $forward);

echo $myNavigation->getHTML();

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Well I have written a nifty class that will take care of it for you. You can even change the formatting outside of the class. Call this class right after your query and right before where you build your html results. If you upload the class and my example of use file, you will see just how it works.

I really enjoy this code snippet alot because it's a pagination without the database. This is really neat!

I attached an image on how it looks like:


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