The moment I post in some web master forum about renting signature link, I get many responses, but in geek forums like this , I do not get any response.
What are the reasons that geeks do not feel like renting signature links ?
Your thoughts please.

Sturm commented: Because we're not money grubing scum +0

perhaps i am just an idiot but what is renting a signature all about? and what signature are you talking about? like my quote from hemingway?
why would anyone want to rent that?

Why would I rent it when I could just take it?

o i see. someone pays you for the oppurtunity to place an advertisement in your signature. perhaps you should update your writting skills. the header to this thread is a bit ambiguous.

Why would I rent it when I could just take it?

Let me give an example to make it more clear.
As you have got 1700+ posts , You can rent a link in your signature and earn $10-$20 per month per link in your signature.

commented: You are sub-human, scum, filth. Get it? -2
commented: Money can be earned, respect, no. +20

paypal or credit card ?

commented: no -2
commented: 6 bags of rice. ;-) +20

So are you suggesting that along with the large amounts of adverts already posted over DaniWeb, which are there solely to keep this site online (none of which I can actually see due to the fact that my work proxy manages to block them all), you are suggesting that individual users earn money by putting adverts in their signatures, therefore wrecking the image that DaniWeb is here to help, not to become a business?

because the vast majority of people who aren't spammers are entirely against spam, and don't want anything to do with it.
They certainly aren't going to spam forums (and email, usenet, etc.) with spam messages in their signatures.
Adding spam to their signatures would make them outcasts, and rightly so.

Anyone selling a service like what you're proposing makes itself (such people are subhuman, therefore not to be called he or she, only it) an outcast automatically.

Just to cement the issue, any chance of something added to the rules forbidding commercial advertising in signatures?
(Kind of like the Royal Parks in London, No vehicle advertising services is allowed in (including Driving Schools))

> As you have got 1700+ posts , You can rent a link in your signature
> and earn $10-$20 per month per link in your signature.
Wow, so the 20K+ posts I've got scattered between my 3 favourite forums is worth what then?

perhaps you should update your writting skills.

Perhaps you should "update" yours.

Now I wouldn't go as far as to call the guy sub-human. I mean he's exhibiting one of the most human qualities: greed.

Now I see what his avatar is all about :-/

@iamthwee, Unfortunately, you don't know the difference between stupidity and sarcasm.

Just to cement the issue, any chance of something added to the rules forbidding commercial advertising in signatures?
(Kind of like the Royal Parks in London, No vehicle advertising services is allowed in (including Driving Schools))

excellent idea, and AFAIK already in place (but sadly not strictly enforced by the supermods who are the only ones who can change sigs).

>What are the reasons that geeks do not feel like renting signature links ?
Probably because geeks tend to have more pride than that.

other than maybe spelling mistakes i dont see what i did wrong. computers remove from humans the need to consult dictionaries. unfortuanately that is not true on daniweb. anyway. that is redundend at this point. i was just pointing out that one could not readily understand what he meant. jasimp misunderstood him too. and many of you would have had i not figured out what he meant.
now to more important things.

>>spamming a forum
i dont see how advertising links in your signature counts as spam. i mean it does not harm anyone. and dani can claim a percentage of the profits and so it is a boon for her as well.

i think that makes no sense. sure some make enough money in their day job to not not need this but it still is usefull. and those whom are the best would have more signatures and earn more money so the more money you earn from signatures might be a reflection of how valuable a member you are.

>>sub-human... greed
the guy is just trying to make an honest bug. better than software piracy or hijacking or something. face it. money makes the world go round.

Just to cement the issue, any chance of something added to the rules forbidding commercial advertising in signatures?
(Kind of like the Royal Parks in London, No vehicle advertising services is allowed in (including Driving Schools))

Oh yes , looks like either you belog to the royal family or inherit few oil fields in middle east asia and hence can live without money .

Oh yes , looks like either you belog to the royal family or inherit few oil fields in middle east asia and hence can live without money .

Actually, No, Neither.

I'm on a placement year from university, earning just enough to keep solvent this year, and have a big student loan and overdraft. I will be returning to Uni next year, and have difficulty getting by on the student loan, but I cope.

I respect Daniweb's image of a not-for-profit community which consists of people giving their time freely because they enjoy it, rather than posting just to earn money.

I also am not looking to turn this thread into another ream of abuse.

because the vast majority of people who aren't spammers are entirely against spam, and don't want anything to do with it.
They certainly aren't going to spam forums (and email, usenet, etc.) with spam messages in their signatures.
Adding spam to their signatures would make them outcasts, and rightly so.

Anyone selling a service like what you're proposing makes itself (such people are subhuman, therefore not to be called he or she, only it) an outcast automatically.

Thanks for the insult, You remind me of the heroes of world war II.

You remind me of the heroes of world war II.

I am sure he likes being called a hero. I know I would like to be called heroic, a brave warrior who fought for what they believed in.

Thanks for the insult, You remind me of the heroes of world war II.

From the thrust of the comment, I'm assuming you're tapping at the boundaries of Godwin's Law. I am also presuming you are being sarcastic here, but I wish to ask you this:

How many people here and now, do you think, would agree that those doing degrading acts to others might qualify as somehow unhuman? At the very least, they would have had to desensitize themselves to the results of their actions. There's a reason the name for that action is 'dehumanizing'.

i think that makes no sense. sure some make enough money in their day job to not not need this but it still is usefull. and those whom are the best would have more signatures and earn more money so the more money you earn from signatures might be a reflection of how valuable a member you are.

It's not about money, it's about selling away your credibility. I'm probably an expert in my field, but I'm not about to use my name to sell products and services unless they're directly related to the forums I post in and I feel strongly enough about them to recommend them anyway. Putting links in my signature to the highest bidder reeks of a materialistic greed that a lot of geeks find repulsive.

commented: Well Said Sir +3
commented: Except that it's not *sir*... +20
commented: well said +1

Thanks for the insult, You remind me of the heroes of world war II.

Insult quite intended.
And thanks for comparing me with Patton, Nimitz, and Montgommery. I am humbled by their example.

Insult quite intended.
And thanks for comparing me with Patton, Nimitz, and Montgommery. I am humbled by their example.

That was a typo, I was comparing you with heores of first world war I (The heroes from germany, sorry I had to make it clear since you did not understand)
The hatred that you spread is phenomenal.

commented: You're way off base even suggesting such a comparison. -1

nah. I just put in words what every sane person here thinks about people like you.
That spreads nothing, the only one spreading hatred here are people like you.

That was a typo, I was comparing you with heores of first world war I (The heroes from germany, sorry I had to make it clear since you did not understand)
The hatred that you spread is phenomenal.

so.... you consider the germans from wwI heros? it sounds like you have a confused mind...

so.... you consider the germans from wwI heros? it sounds like you have a confused mind...

He was being sarcastic dude !

I'm sure there were heroes in Germany in WW1, just as I'm sure there were villains in Britain.

Especially in the air forces on all sides the old values of gallantry were observed. When pilots from opposing sides crashed and died they were given full military honours for their funerals for example, or contact was made to return the remains to the families even during battle.
Both the Germans and British blocks did that.

The moment I post in some web master forum about renting signature link, I get many responses, but in geek forums like this , I do not get any response.
What are the reasons that geeks do not feel like renting signature links ?
Your thoughts please.

Wow! I sneak in for a quick peek between 12 hour work-days and I find a twit posting who does not understand what makes a geek a geek. We are here for community and our .sigs are to tell others something about how we view the world. My original .sig stated "Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice." This appears to be the case here. You seem to have no clue to what community is. You try to insult people with inane comments but get the wrong war and leave out the name of the country, then you try to insult them by explaining the insult implying they are too dumb to understand your superior wit but your world view is so far skewed from any of the members of this community that no one, in the end, really cares who you are. Your only reason for posting on this forum is to get your greed on. By bringing up Germany (eventually), you are trying to somehow - well, actually, I can't figure out where you were trying to go with that line.

Why don't you go back to your post where you are trying to insult jwenting with the 'heroes' thingy, reply with quote, then do the insult the way you meant it rather than what you wrote. to help the process along here is your insult:
Thanks for the insult, You remind me of the heroes of world war II.

Ooh, ooh - I have a better idea! Let's all use that line and come up with an insult. We don't have to insult jwenting (though we all feel like it sometimes - zing!). Let's see if we can come up with a good enough insult that I can use in my .sig.

Grim"Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."Jack

and even when he attempts to explain his insult he fails to make anyone see how it's insulting :)

other than maybe spelling mistakes i dont see what i did wrong. computers remove from humans the need to consult dictionaries. unfortuanately that is not true on daniweb. anyway. that is redundend at this point. i was just pointing out that one could not readily understand what he meant. jasimp misunderstood him too. and many of you would have had i not figured out what he meant.

You seem to have a "don't give a damn" attitude.
1) Use a browser that highlights spelling errors. Mine (FireFox) flagged 3 above.
2) Sentences start with capital letters (A-Z) in English.
3) Contractions have apostrophes (won't, can't, you're)

>>spamming a forum
i dont see how advertising links in your signature counts as spam. i mean it does not harm anyone. and dani can claim a percentage of the profits and so it is a boon for her as well.

How can she claim a percentage?

I respect Daniweb's image of a not-for-profit community which consists of people giving their time freely because they enjoy it, rather than posting just to earn money.

"not-for-profit?" Somehow I don't think so. Dani has made it quite clear that this is not a non-profit site. The more traffic, the more she makes.

and even when he attempts to explain his insult he fails to make anyone see how it's insulting :)

I got it, without explanation :icon_twisted:

commented: point's 1, 2 and 3 were priceless +13
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