Which part of the world are you from? I am from Asia.


I refuse to vote on this poll because you did not include my region. [Like I could've voted anyway :P]

I refuse to vote on this poll because you did not include my region. [Like I could've voted anyway :P]

Caribbean is in North America.

My world revolves around the Chicago area in the State of Illinois, U.S.A. I've lived in this area forever, and love it, However, I have traveled abroad and found it pretty cool too!

Uh, no

Uh, no

Actually, Caribbean is the sub-region of North America according to what I have learned.

According to what I've learnt, Caribbean is neither North nor South American, but dead in between. Makes sense, since none of the islands are connected to any of these continents.

perhaps you learned that is is a sub-region of the Americas, which is correct?

I'd say it is a lot closer to South America.

I'd say it is a lot closer to South America.

If you don't count the Bahamas. But you sorta have to.

:Then again you might be right. One Caribbean territory (Guyana) is part of the South America continent.

I'm from Mars. My wife is from Venus.

commented: I hope, I will not need visa to visit you on Mars +7
commented: Well said. I've read it. Its a very Good book. :) +2

Maybe there should be an 'Other' category for special people like yourself..... :D

I from Europe, UK to be precise.

Anyone from Antarctica? He he

commented: LOL! +3

No, but my secondary OS is. He's an emperor penguin.

commented: hehe +2

lol, good one.
If i could vote again i would pick Antarctica, but alas i can't.

No, but my secondary OS is. He's an emperor penguin.


I'm from Mars. My wife is from Venus.

Well said. Has anybody read that book by John Gray? Really, everyone must read it atleast once. :) Some really helpful stuff for improving/developing interpersonal relations.


Well said. Has anybody read that book by John Gray? Really, everyone must read it atleast once. :) Some really helpful stuff for improving/developing interpersonal relations.

I was hoping someone would make the connection :)

Yes, the book has earned quite a name, which it trully deserves. :)

If you drink a lot of beer then european.

If you drink a lot of beer then european.

If you drink a lot of beer then you get too fat :)

If you drink a lot of beer then you get too fat :)

If you get too fat, then you become too slow

If you get too fat, then you become too slow

I wonder which part of the world has the slowest inhabitants?

Can you define the words "slowest inhabitant"

Hey, where's Cambodia?

Can you define the words "slowest inhabitant"

By your own definition it would be the fattest inhabitants.

By your own definition it would be the fattest inhabitants.

Which is probably USA -- see the UTube link I posted for more proof of this :)

born in the USSR (Georgia to be precise), lived for lots of years in Israel, recently moved to Ireland.

Hey, where's Cambodia?

Cambodia is located in South East Asia, a nice small country with loads of great sight.

From the photos it looks like you have a lot of rich history. The first and third really made me look twice.

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