I was told this forum was global, but I will ask the question anyway. This Sunday is Superbowl Sunday, when at least in the USA and countries that have US Military bases millions of sports watchers will be glued to the TV to watch the final glorious football game of the season. The sports involved is often overhshadowed by the very good commercials.

I will be watching, cheering and drinking with my friends.

Not planning on watching. I'm kind of sports-agnostic (or maybe the proper term would be sports-apathetic) , if that makes any sense.

It's on a Sunday, and my religion does not allow me partake in such spectacles and the associated sinful behaviour.

It's on a Sunday, and my religion does not allow me partake in such spectacles and the associated sinful behaviour.

Good Lord, I feel sorry for you!

The Patriots will stomp the Giants and make Dwarfs out of them!

Not decided. I've never watched it so maybe I should... on the other hand I don't know what time it's going to be on Irish time.


ive never watched american football i prefer real football

No. I dont have FOX.

i dont really care for football all that much but i go to superbowl parties and partake in the "festivities" hehe mmm beer and pizza.....

I was told this forum was global, but I will ask the question anyway. This Sunday is Superbowl Sunday, when at least in the USA and countries that have US Military bases millions of sports watchers will be glued to the TV to watch the final glorious football game of the season. The sports involved is often overhshadowed by the very good commercials.

I will be watching, cheering and drinking with my friends.

Damn straight, man! This is the biggest event of the year! However, you are mistaken.. There is another football game.. The pro bowl :)

It's on a Sunday, and my religion does not allow me partake in such spectacles and the associated sinful behaviour.

hahaa.. well, your religion sucks

The Patriots will stomp the Giants and make Dwarfs out of them!

I agree!


ive never watched american football i prefer real football

Real football? This is REAL FOOTBALL. Soccer sucks balls.. I don't see how people can get excited about that crap.. it's so boring and stupid.. This is actually a real sport! :)

commented: Soccer: a game for girls. +12

> I was told this forum was global,

This fact still holds true. You seem to be having some weird notion of what global *actually* means.

BTW, I am with EnderX on this one.

Yes I'll be watching, but only on a delayed broadcast.

So for myself, and many others who won't be watching it live, we would collectively appreciate if people didn't post messages with the final score in the topic title (for example).

Soccer sucks balls.. I don't see how people can get excited about that crap.. it's so boring and stupid.. This is actually a real sport! :)

HA! There's nothing nearly as fun about American Football as Real Futbal. And the thing is, American Football is fun. The World Cup murders the hell out of the Superbowl. We all know. Let's just stop pretending :P

> I was told this forum was global,

This fact still holds true. You seem to be having some weird notion of what global *actually* means.

BTW, I am with EnderX on this one.

Sanjay! You best watch the Super Bowl! You don't want to disrespect American culture, now do you? :P

HA! There's nothing nearly as fun about American Football as Real Futbal. And the thing is, American Football is fun. The World Cup murders the hell out of the Superbowl. We all know. Let's just stop pretending :P

Bahhhhh... I've NEVER even seen the world cup! I don't even know what time/day/year the damn thing comes on.. In fact, I think ESPN broadcasts ping pong over the world cup! :)

> I was told this forum was global,

This fact still holds true. You seem to be having some weird notion of what global *actually* means.

BTW, I am with EnderX on this one.

Now I am getting curious too dear sos, pray tell me what does global "actually" mean?

Hey, we are almost there!!!! Just 24 hours away! Time to get excited, honed, stoned and have fun fun fun! Hell with the hangover!

I will watch it for the beer and pizza party, the halftime show, and the Budwiser commercials. I also hope to see some more or less spectacular plays! Maybe somebody runs over a ref for the fun of it.

It's true, Budwiser does make your bud wiser.

I've never liked American football -- too boring. European football (socker to us Americans) I like alot. So the answer to the poll is NO, I will not, nor have I ever, watched the Super Bowl. Instead I'll watch old Law And Order reruns, or Perry Mason if its on TV.

commented: This is for not liking real football. Watch it, and you'll like it. -2

i love those programmes

do you get the hallmark channel?
they show that sort of stuff alot there

I've never liked American football -- too boring. European football (socker to us Americans) I like alot. So the answer to the poll is NO, I will not, nor have I ever, watched the Super Bowl. Instead I'll watch old Law And Order reruns, or Perry Mason if its on TV.

I believe it's 'soccer'. And shame on you.. disgracing America like that...

i love those programmes

do you get the hallmark channel?
they show that sort of stuff alot there

Let's not hijack the thread, now...

commented: Nope -- done that and still didn't like it. -4
commented: Yeah....America rules.:P +1

It's on a Sunday, and my religion does not allow me partake in such spectacles and the associated sinful behaviour.

What religion is that? And why is it sinful? (Unless you're referring to the drinking, etc.)

Some foolish religion that is simply trying to take advantage of its members and make money off them, probably.

BTW.. everyone vote on this petition to make Super Bowl Sunday an official American holiday!


I bet he says Christianity.

I'm curious as to why you're so certain it's Christianity. If you're going to bash my religion because you don't understand it, I feel I deserve to know why.

I'm curious too.. especially considering that Christians aren't against football.. or alcohol (in the most part).

Sanjay! You best watch the Super Bowl! You don't want to disrespect American culture, now do you? :P

Now only if I could get those American channels on my idiot box... ;-)

Now I am getting curious too dear sos, pray tell me what does global "actually" mean?

Simple, we don't want people to go all "Remember, this is mostly a European and American audience". It doesn't matter which country the majority of the audience is from since we don't base our decisions on that factor. We cater/treat each and every member the same way and in the same light irrespective of the country they belong. Hence, deliberately posting things aimed to cause discomfort to a particular religion is discouraged.

This also means keeping your hate list to yourself. We have had cases of people expressing their dislike to a particular culture/person/religion and make a huge issue out of it. On some other forum we had a sucker who thought all Muslims were terrorists; he was of course banned. We have seen suckers acting all high and mighty just because they thought that being from *The Privileged Country*, they could spit out any amount of BS they wanted, which is obviously dead wrong.

In short, anything which hampers / hurts the community spirit in view of the fact that the community is formed by *members* of Daniweb and not some people from country A or country B. The decision of what exactly crosses the line is subject to the result of the discussion carried out by the entire mod community.

PS: Just to keep matters clear, any references to 'you' or 'your' don't point to ZZucker but are used to drive across a point in general.

commented: well said +23

Remember, this is mostly a European and American audience

actually, according to the "where are you guys from" poll , india, pakistan etc... is a major constituent of daniweb

GO PATS!!! Yes I will be watching the superbowl. Sad part is my brother-in-law is a Giants fan. He's gonna be sad today, lol.

PATRIOTS! Gimme a piece of history!

I reckon I'll watch some of it anyways. Turns out it's on two channels I have. Wasn't certain I could watch it before now. Who should I support? (First team mentioned wins)

isnt it on right now?

whats the score?

Nah. It's on BBC2 though. It'll be starting in about a half hour or something.

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