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What's is your S*** gonna be?

Have you already got someone lined up (Long term relationship). If not what are you gonna do about it? Do you even care?

Ha ha.

I'm probably just going to go skiing with some friends. It's not a big deal for me.

I'll be going out for a meal with my fiancée :)
Gonna try an Italian pizza place this year I think...

>> It's not a big deal for me.
But surely if it wasn't a big deal for you, Joe, would you even do anything?
Yet, I say this when I envision you being near the north of Canada in an igloo of some description... so you'd probably ski to work, so normal day at the office I suppose.

w00t my 18th birthday is the day after valentines day

i got no girl :( (not through lack of trying though....)

hmm... maybe i will get out and watch a movie on theater.

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What are the Daniweb Girls doin'?

Don't be afraid to post, I don't bite, well at least not for the first fifteen minutes.

>> It's not a big deal for me.
But surely if it wasn't a big deal for you, Joe, would you even do anything?
Yet, I say this when I envision you being near the north of Canada in an igloo of some description... so you'd probably ski to work, so normal day at the office I suppose.

That's one way of interpreting it. Another could be that we were planning on going skiing, and the 14th was available for all of us because we're all losers. I'll leave you to decide which interpretation is more accurate.

i got no girl :( (not through lack of trying though....)

Lack of 'game'? :P

What are the Daniweb Girls doin'?

Don't be afraid to post, I don't bite, well at least not for the first fifteen minutes.

Ehhh.. I think you sent all them running for the hills!

Valentine's day is a waste of money BTW..

Valentine's day is a waste of money BTW..

Not if you're a Hallmark...

w00t my 18th birthday is the day after valentines day

i got no girl :( (not through lack of trying though....)

Pick one you sort of like and send her a valentine gift or card. Then lean back and see what happens. It's worth the thought.

I have a reputation of dumping people before Val's day. So much so that my friends have a bet that I'll get a girlfriend before the 14th and dump her before the 14th. Not a serious one mind.

It's the most economic solution. Dinner. 'Present'. I might as well just give her my bank account.

I have a reputation of dumping people before Val's day. So much so that my friends have a bet that I'll get a girlfriend before the 14th and dump her before the 14th. Not a serious one mind.

It's the most economic solution. Dinner. 'Present'. I might as well just give her my bank account.

Sounds more like she is dumping you! If she is not, she should!

Heh! There is no 'she'. Plus. I was mainly kidding.
I'm lovely in real life. Honest.

Heh! There is no 'she'. Plus. I was mainly kidding.
I'm lovely in real life. Honest.

In that case, come back in! You are not in the dog house any longer.

Thanks. I've 7 days left though :D

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>Ehhh.. I think you sent all them running for the hills!

I think you're right!

Having a girl on Valentine's day is pretty cool.

I'll be dating my computer the whole making Thesis Project

Is it February already? Damn...

commented: Spammer!!! :P +12

Is it February already? Damn...

absolutely....and till six days to Valentine Day :)

Is it February already? Damn...

I like your dry sense of humour! Glad to see you moderate here!

Yeah, Valentine's Day is real nice! Friends let you now that they like you! Just a card and a pink lady at the bar will do.

Just in time for Valentine's day:
John said to Mary, "I'll bet you a Dollar that I can kiss you on the lips without touching them."
"You're crazy," said Mary. "That's impossible. Here's a Dollar that says you can't."
The two Dollars were placed on the table and John then hugged Mary and for two minutes kissed her passionately. She broke away at last, panting and disheveled, and said, "You did touch my lips!"
John pushed the money toward her and said, "So I lose."

commented: Ha Ha good one :) +23
commented: Yeah..awesome joke. +1
commented: Thanks for sharing, I' gonna use this! +13

So we should pay to kiss... ;)

So we should pay to kiss... ;)

Might be worth it, if it's the right person.

w00t my 18th birthday is the day after valentines day

i got no girl :( (not through lack of trying though....)

hello! daniweb girl here. :)
well, like you i still have no date at that day! too sad for the both of us.

anyway, advance Happy birthday!

Haha...great joke.

Just in time for Valentine's day:
John said to Mary, "I'll bet you a Dollar that I can kiss you on the lips without touching them."
"You're crazy," said Mary. "That's impossible. Here's a Dollar that says you can't."
The two Dollars were placed on the table and John then hugged Mary and for two minutes kissed her passionately. She broke away at last, panting and disheveled, and said, "You did touch my lips!"
John pushed the money toward her and said, "So I lose."

What's is your S*** gonna be?

Have you already got someone lined up (Long term relationship).


If not what are you gonna do about it? Do you even care?

Couldn't care less.

Just in time for Valentine's day:
John said to Mary, "I'll bet you a Dollar that I can kiss you on the lips without touching them."
"You're crazy," said Mary. "That's impossible. Here's a Dollar that says you can't."
The two Dollars were placed on the table and John then hugged Mary and for two minutes kissed her passionately. She broke away at last, panting and disheveled, and said, "You did touch my lips!"
John pushed the money toward her and said, "So I lose."

I had a boss who did this for real on one of the secretaries at our office once. Only he said he could wobble her tits without touching them. He nearly lost more than a pound. She was not impressed !!!

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