So as an outside observer, I'm curious about what you think of each other's nations, and whose is better.

Just some topics to get you started:


Don't think too much.

With James Bond the Brits have a leg up 'gainst the Yanks. Also, let's not forget the legendary Benny Hill.

However when it comes to wars, the Yanks have beat the Brits by a mile.

One thing I love about the Brits is they're not taking any of that EU crap. Theres a model of Independence right there. And now that we're talking about this BS North American Union, the UK is looking more and more attractive.

Expensive as hell to visit, but thats due a great deal to the weak value of the USD

The problem with the EU is that they let marginal member countries dictate the rules.

Yeah to the Brits to stand up to this!

One area (creative finance) the Yanks beat the Brits is in accumulating National Debt and then paying for it with inflation and a devalued Dollar.

The Beatles vs. Elvis is a toss.

Bush vs. Brown/Blair the Yanks are the winners.

Universal Healthcare, the Brits win.

oh yea, we kick ass at that... then we bitch about the price of oil... duh, look at the cost of oil in gold standard over the past several years and you'll see it hasnt gone up... gah, the US economic system blows

In terms of education, healthcare etc I don't think anyone can really have an educated view on this unless they lived in both nations for long enough period, say about ten years. In both cases the decision would be a 'lesser of two evils' answer -- none are perfect. You might also have had a good/bad experience in, say, a hospital which would sway your views. A wide sample would be needed. Difficult to compare.

In terms of education, healthcare etc I don't think anyone can really have an educated view on this unless they lived in both nations for long enough period, say about ten years. In both cases the decision would be a 'lesser of two evils' answer -- none are perfect. You might also have had a good/bad experience in, say, a hospital which would sway your views. A wide sample would be needed. Difficult to compare.

Scru's request, don't think too much.

But why start a comparison thread where you are not encouraged and stimulated to think!? :-/

I want you to think, just not so much :P.

Sort of like having a passionate opinion.

What about the accents? They are both annoying if you ask me, but when I get pretentious I prefer using a british accent rather than an american one. It sounds pretty much cooler.

agreed on the point of accents... I hate the way we sound (shockingly enough I prefer BBC to most American channels).

My favorite accent though would probably be Irish (could be because I watch Boondock Saints 3 times a week, but who knows)

Oh yes Irish accents are the best. At least twomers is good for something.

One thing I love about the Brits is they're not taking any of that EU crap. Theres a model of Independence right there. And now that we're talking about this BS North American Union, the UK is looking more and more attractive.

yeah, we have resisted the euro and european control of most significant affairs

Expensive as hell to visit, but thats due a great deal to the weak value of the USD

yeah i know i went to the US at the height of the problem and it was worth like 2/3 times more

our NHS rocks. (mostly) free healthcare for all, might not be the most advanced/speediest but its for all i have been to A&E (thats the ER to yanks) umpteen times in my 18 years with various (serious) injuries and they have always helped me - when your life is at risk you are damn glad for the NHS.

we also have a FAR superior social security system to the US

oh yea, we kick ass at that... then we bitch about the price of oil... duh, look at the cost of oil in gold standard over the past several years and you'll see it hasnt gone up... gah, the US economic system blows

its gone from 79p to 115p per litre since the invasion of iraq

>> At least twomers is good for something.
I have at least two other good qualities, I'll have you know! At least ... and ... and I'm not going to name them to flame your ... your ... erm ... I'm a nice guy, alright!

re-read my post above twomers, i edited it

i have been to A&E (thats the ER to yanks) umpteen times in my 18 years with various (serious) injuries and they have always helped me - when your life is at risk you are damn glad for the NHS.

How is that even making a comparison? Final price after care (if even that)?

£1.15 where you are, huh JB? It's €1.20 ish where I am. Interesting. But I'm not certain if the invasion on Iraq was the direct cause of the oil inflation. Sure, a leading factor... but certainly not the only cause. The supplies, for one, which are diminishing quickly.


cheapest in the whole uk is about 97p/litre most is about £1.30

I want you to think, just not so much :P.

Sort of like having a passionate opinion.

What about the accents? They are both annoying if you ask me, but when I get pretentious I prefer using a british accent rather than an american one. It sounds pretty much cooler.

Define 'American Accent', please.

We're large enough we've got numerous accents, not a single one that's specifically the American accent. For a small sampling of the stereotypicals:

The Bostonian native will pahk his cah before going into a building.
-These 'r's apparently migrate, as...
The Texans, supposedly, all invest in erl wells,
And, of course, a good speaker of 'Southern' will inform you that you need to light the far once it gets dock outside.

These are the particular stereotypical accents I know of, though I've been informed that the Appalachian mountains have their own as well, a relative to the pre-brogue Scots accent.

My preference, frankly, is for 'Southern', not because of the accent, but because, with the (mostly)death of Middle English, this dialect is the only version of English which remains (to my knowledge, at least) to bear the distinction between the singular and plural forms of the second person. (Although admittedly, it does this indirectly.)

The expert projection for 2010 is $150/barrel for crude oil, mostly due to the sinking value of the US Dollar and increased demand from China and India. So the Brits are sitting on something valuable with their large North Sea oil reserves.

In the US there are large amounts of people without any Healthcare. The hospitals are required to treat them. The bill is passed on to the rest of the paying public. So, in a sense there is a goofy sort of universal healthcare. You might call it conservative (pittance to the poor) healthcare.

Ha! Haha! That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!

We're large enough we've got numerous accents, not a single one

same. btw, the majority of english people sound nothing like american people think they sound. the accent you guys think off is used prettymuch only by posh people

>> Define 'American Accent', please.
"Like, oh my Gawd".

commented: muhahahaha.....howdi partner! +3

I prefer BBC to most American channels/stations because they tell you the unbiased news and not just the government line. Our public radio stations carry BBC news at night and you can also get it with short wave.

I think I read that they're killing their short wave stations ... I'll search for a link and post it.

In terms of education, healthcare etc I don't think anyone can really have an educated view on this unless they lived in both nations for long enough period, say about ten years..

A comparison of educational institutions (universities) around the works shows USA far ahead of any other nation including UK. The top 100 universities in the world contains Harvard (USA) in the #1 spot and Cambridge (UK) in #2 spot. USA has 37 universities in the top 100, while UK has 13 (if I counted correctly).

US football vs UK football -- UK wins.

>> Define 'American Accent', please.
"Like, oh my Gawd".

That's not an accent, any more than "I'll knock you up". In USA that means you are going to get someone pregnant while in UK it just means you are going to knock on someone's door.

US football vs UK football -- UK wins.

How? They're not even playing the same game.

American football is a joke... I watch Setanta, only place we can watch real sports like Gaelic Football, Australian Football, Rugby, and of course World Cup Football (soccer)

How? They're not even playing the same game.

How? in terms that UK football (socker) is more interesting to watch.

A comparison of educational institutions (universities) around the works shows USA far ahead of any other nation including UK. The top 100 universities in the world contains Harvard (USA) in the #1 spot and Cambridge (UK) in #2 spot. USA has 37 universities in the top 100, while UK has 13 (if I counted correctly).

US football vs UK football -- UK wins.

Per capita the Brits have 0.21 universities per million and the Yanks only have 0.12 universities per million inhabitants in the top 100.

Also, the Brits have a Queen and we have nothing!

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