When you really, really appreciate a good nap.

...you see some style of clothing coming back around for the third or fourth time.

... when you start eating Activia.

... when you remember the days when a tennis match was just that, and not a match of screams, squeals and groans. I cant' believe that every time they hit the ball, they have to let go of an annoying loud sound. Sounds so stupid!

Imagine programmers doing that with every keystroke.

commented: You don't do that? +0
commented: That's brialliant. I'm certainly going to try this :) +0

You read this thread, and everypost resonates :(

you remember when pro athletes were paid to play, not for just signing on to the team. Later---

When your colleague responds with "What is a ZX Spectrum ?"

To which you respond, "Z80 mofos! :cool:"

There were no diet sodas.
Gas cost $0.195/gallon

...when rock-n-roll for really rock-n-roll. ;-)

When your mobile phone is more powerful then your first computer.

When your mobile phone is more powerful then your first computer.

Good one :D
Even my calculator is more powerful than my first computer. I must be old.


1. You have computer parts in your house older than 19.......that you bought new.

2. You have actually used an 8" floppy disk.

3. Your first modem was 300 BAUD.

4. You were a beta tester for Windows 3.1

And I qualify on all counts. Ouch.


commented: +1 for being a beta tester ;-) +0

You can remember words such as innovative being used in the same sentence as VME. Or was that a dream...

Member Avatar for diafol

... you worry about making a mistake when you're about to break wind.

You know you are really old when...

... you stop worrying about making a mistake when you're about to break wind.

... when you remember the days when a tennis match was just that, and not a match of screams, squeals and groans. I cant' believe that every time they hit the ball, they have to let go of an annoying loud sound. Sounds so stupid!

Imagine programmers doing that with every keystroke.

About 20 years ago when I was hanging out with some fencers, they were complaining about this one woman who kept going "eep" when she struck - little did I/we know it would invade all sectors of sports. It is like they saw a martial arts movie and thought the 'kiai' sounded cool.

GrimJack: I say 'Kiai' a lot. Than again that might be, because I am taking Tae Kwon Do.
Things you hear the most in Tae Kwon Do are Challiat, Chunbi, kunia, and hamasakeda.

There was even a commercial spoofing the tennis players. They did things like push the button for the cross walk with a loud grunt, lift a beer, take a drink, and put it down with a grunt, etc. The commercials weren't on very long, which makes one wonder if they brought up a lot of negative comments/discussion regarding the practice in general. Of course, when you make that much money you don't care. If it is only a distraction for your opponent, and not a necessary part of your game, players will continue to do it to gain an edge as it is doubtful that it will ever be penalized.

you pay the bus driver the discounted senior fare and are not asked for verification.

when u fart and u cant hear a thing

You were alive when Pluto was still a planet? >.>

you were alive before Pluto was even discovered.

you not only remember Radio Shack hobby electronic kits from Tandy but were annoyed when they were discontinued as it removed your cheap source of equipment. Later---

:)What you used to do all night now takes all night to do

:)What you used to do all night now takes all night to do

More like: what you used to do all night is now impossible to do at all.

Memory was referred to as "core" because iron core rings were used instead of semi-conductors.

19 too young what y'a mean IN My DAY i had grey hairs in the dozens by 19 not to mention joint pains and occasional memory loss (it was really hard to determine what was due to drink and what wasn't at times)

seriously my bodies falling apart on me and im 22 (going death, blind and dumb-memory's so bad i have lil books now that i write things like buy milk in before going to the supermarket)

lol id say mainly when you start shouting at everyone without meaning to or noticing (watch for the recoil in their faces) and when you believe you have earned the right to take out you bad days on people who dare be near you.

thoes and maybe not noticing that you read the first page of a thread and that noone will know what ur on about in 11+ pages time

You remember what it was that you did all night? popin I need to borrow your note book, AD soon as I find a pencil tell me what you remember. one word at a time I don't write as fast as I use to. Later---

when you say, "back in my day...".
Just for curiosity, whats the age group here in Daniweb? Anyone want
to tell their age? I'm 19.

When you have to piss and that means like right now!!!!
I am 54

You were alive when Pluto was still a planet? >.>

You were alive BEFORE pluto was a planet

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