I was just really curious if this website http://www.webking.com/ is for real or is it just a joke?

There are even testimonials and stuff

The second it started playing royal fanfare music I closed the damn page :twisted:

If he is for real I'm amazed if he has gotten anything other than relatives and non-internet-literate friends as customers.

this is a good example of what NOT to do when developing a website

I was just really curious if this website http://www.webking.com/ is for real or is it just a joke?

There are even testimonials and stuff

I have to agree with the above comments of what not to do! That page looks like a throw back to the 90s; things have moved on. Though I didn't go past the first page when the picture with the crown placed on top popped up my thoughts turned to...run.

I've created and placed my fair share of bad webdesigns on the internet, however I knew they were absolute rubbish. Though why anyone should place a joke advertisement on the internet for a webdesigner is beyond me.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you come by this site?

Even the very first site I made in school wasn't as bad as this.

I actually saw it in a blog post from http://www.plutocrazy.com/blog/

some believe that it's a marketing ploy set to get more views to increase page ranking.

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It's got to be a joke. If not, it should be.

commented: yep ;P +1

"Treating Customers Royally Since 1996". The site looks like that was the same year it was designed. ;)

commented: I so totally aggree with you +1

It's got to be a joke. If not, it should be.

I hope's it a joke haha. I would understand if it were a personal website but to actually offer web/web design services...

it should be a joke.

how it can be real i think its a big jok

commented: nice one +0

Disgusting. Yuck! Was that person drunk? I've seen sites made before 1996 better than this! N0-offence - You asked, I answered

"Treating Customers Royally Since 1996". The site looks like that was the same year it was designed.

Have to agree with you XD . I apologize to you qazplm114477, I got abit carried away, I'm not assuming it was you.

:twisted::twisted::D:D:icon_lol::icon_exclaim:WTF. There is not enough space here for all the LOL's. How can a peron expect to get ANY money from a site like that. Almost looks like the pop ups "YOU ARE THE 1909874658989387 billionth WINNER TODAY! CLICK HERE"

Seems like the site is not credible enough just looking at their page.

I aggree

Have to agree with you XD . I apologize to you qazplm114477, I got abit carried away, I'm not assuming it was you.

I'd probably kill myself if I ever made a website that bad lol

True, true ... me to that is. How in the world did you find it? We're both far better than that :) What work/sites have you've made?

True, true ... me to that is. How in the world did you find it? We're both far better than that :) What work/sites have you've made?

found it in a blog post at plutocrazy.com/blog. Most of the sites I've made are simple blog sites using CMS like drupal and wordpress.

Awesome !!! What were they?

Its been looking a joke but i think people might take it serious. But its nothing more then a joke.

I was just really curious if this website http://www.webking.com/ is for real or is it just a joke?

There are even testimonials and stuff

Wholy crap batman?!@#$%^&

The guy even claims to be some kind of "product perfectionist" from birth. I suspect the gorilla that gave birth to him thought he was perfect :)

Just because it says testimonials, doesn't mean it is true. Its something you leanr overtime, you pick up this sort of stuff.

LMAO, it's like HTML 1.0, throw back to my pre-college years

Wow this thread cracks me up. It's the second time in 24 hours I saw this guys website talked about. First time was on another message board I go to for us web hosting companies. The first time I saw his site I was curious and checked out his portfolio of work and all are legit companies who god I hope did not actually pay for the design they got even though they were back in 2006 lol

The site is or at least was real back in 06 but I believe the "web king" and most of his clientele retired or no longer run there websites which again is why non of them have been updated in 5 years

However its still a good laugh to look through his website. Sort of like checking out a movie from the 70's just to laugh at the clothing and music people wore back then :-)

The web designer came from a time machine ^_^

and what's so funny here is that, this website only uses 1 external javascript file named urchin.js and does not use CSS formatting at all ^_^

Apparently the design works -- everyone is talking about it aren't they :) :)

i had fun reading the testimonials hahaha i don't know what to say... im out of words hahaha

Wow this thread cracks me up. It's the second time in 24 hours I saw this guys website talked about. First time was on another message board I go to for us web hosting companies. The first time I saw his site I was curious and checked out his portfolio of work and all are legit companies who god I hope did not actually pay for the design they got even though they were back in 2006 lol

The site is or at least was real back in 06 but I believe the "web king" and most of his clientele retired or no longer run there websites which again is why non of them have been updated in 5 years

However its still a good laugh to look through his website. Sort of like checking out a movie from the 70's just to laugh at the clothing and music people wore back then :-)

So this guy actually had cientel? No wonder their sites aren't up and running anymore. I feel sorry for him and them,he really needs help

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