If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

1. 100 Trillion Dollars in a bank, with access via a debit card.
2. A Space Elevator.
3. Knowing all the science that will ever be known, was known, and known right now, including programming languages, math, bio, physics, etc.

1) Earn big bucks
2) Have the opportunity to unravel the screts of the Ancients or mystery
Example : Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis or even Knights of the Round table. Are they really real?
3) Wish for all diesease and illness to be cure.

1. Have the power over the whole world so that I can control it and execute everybody especially some members in here :scared: I'm kidding :D
I have many wishes (more than 3) so I can't post 3 without posting the others :D

I'll feel bad if I wrong the other wishes ;)

The point is to choose the 3 most valuable wishes to you.

They're all the most valuable wishes for me :D- each wish is more valuable than the other from a certain perspective ;)

1 have tonns of bucks
2 live forever
3 have three wishes

Can't tell ya my wishes)

1) Getting chances to travel all around the world
2) Attend all concerts of my favorite idols
3) Earn a lots of money in order to achieve 1 n 2 ;)

My first wish would be for infinite wishes.
My second wish would be for all the knowledge has, does and will exist in the universe to be capable of being stored in my memory.
My third wish would be to store all of that knowledge into my brain.
My fourth wish (have infinite wishes now) would be to have an eidetic memory.
My fifth wish would be to be unable to die.
My sixth wish would be to be able to break the laws of physics.
My seventh wish would be to have world domination.
My eighth wish would be to have pow(10,1000000) dollars in cash handed to me and preferable put in a big shed with a cement bomb proof seal around it just next to my house.
My ninth wish would be to complete this list.

My first wish would be for infinite wishes.
My second wish would be for all the knowledge has, does and will exist in the universe to be capable of being stored in my memory.
My third wish would be to store all of that knowledge into my brain.
My fourth wish (have infinite wishes now) would be to have an eidetic memory.
My fifth wish would be to be unable to die.
My sixth wish would be to be able to break the laws of physics.
My seventh wish would be to have world domination.
My eighth wish would be to have pow(10,1000000) dollars in cash handed to me and preferable put in a big shed with a cement bomb proof seal around it just next to my house.
My ninth wish would be to complete this list.

Someone is greedy:twisted: Do you know that genies only grant 3 wishes and no more wishing for more wish?

I like my life, and I don't have any "wishes", unless you consider the goals in life as a wish.
This is what happens if your wishes come true:

1) Earn big bucks
2) Have the opportunity to unravel the screts of the Ancients or mystery
Example : Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis or even Knights of the Round table. Are they really real?

You find out that they are not, and you are really disappointed :(

3) Wish for all diesease and illness to be cure.

Old people die of diseases. If there is no diseases, the Earth will get overpopulated, and it would really suck :(

1. 100 Trillion Dollars in a bank, with access via a debit card.
2. A Space Elevator.
3. Knowing all the science that will ever be known, was known, and known right now, including programming languages, math, bio, physics, etc.

With all the science and money you realize that life is meaningless, so you commit a suicide.

* Become Richest person in the World.
* Spent some days with Moon.
* Travel long journey in most expensive car.

Someone is greedy:twisted: Do you know that genies only grant 3 wishes and no more wishing for more wish?

If that is greedy then I can sum it up in one wish.
* Wish 1: whatever I want I get from now on. :)

So if I want a computer capable of 28 yotta flops of cpu then a delivery man will knock on my door and deliver it.

1 be the owner of oracle
2 be the owner of google
3 be the owner of facebook

1 be the owner of oracle
2 be the owner of google
3 be the owner of facebook

How can you be three owners? You would have to be clones.

1. Peaceful Life
2. Good Company
3. Wish no one should wish in the future!

I could sum it up in one wish:
*Every wish I make comes true from now on*

1) Married the girl I love.
2) Be closer to God
3) Be Successful.

1. Win the lottery without having to play
2. Get a good and well paid job after graduation
3. Be granted 3 more wishes

Whatever i say would become true so no need of other two wishes actually.
I will be god then

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Knowing all the science that will ever be known, was known, and known right now

Who would believe you? You would probably be put into a straight jacket and locked up in a padded cell for the rest of your life. People would say "he's crazier than a bed bug."

My three wishes:-
1) Want to have a world tour
2) Respectful life
3) Be successful in whatever field I go.

I will go for number 1. It's because if I get it, the rest will be on my hands. Even if not, who cares. Funny , not? I am laghing too !

  1. Be the first person on a planet other than earth
  2. Know how the universe started
  3. I want a nice new road bike (Pinarello Dogma 2 with Di2 Dura-ace groupset, Zipp 404 wheels and an o-symmetric crankset....if anyone is feeling generous)

wishes grated. But ...
1. You landed on mars and burned to death
2. you are instantly teleported back 5 billion years long before there people or planets, and no other way to get back home.
3. I stole one for you and now you are in possession of a hot bike, and you get 10 years prison for possession of stolen bike.

Good and Faithful frends
Stressfree life

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